National Transfer Accounts Project2017-04-222017-04-222017-01 more about the East-West Center, see <a href=""></a>The Counting Women's Work (CWW) initiative is measuring the full economic contribution of women, including paid work in the marketplace and unpaid care and housework at home. This issue of the NTA Bulletin describes the project and reports some illustrative results from Ghana, Mexico, Senegal, the United States, and Vietnam. These examples demonstrate how CWW analysis makes it possible to quantify the differences between men and women in market work and wages, the excess total work time that most women spend relative to men, the potential barrier that household responsibilities represent to women's education and career development, and the "hidden" costs of children.8 p.en-USWomen - Economic conditionsSexual division of laborSex discrimination against womenCounting women's work : measuring the gendered economy in the market and at homeReport