Justice, Daniel2013-07-192013-07-192013-07-19http://hdl.handle.net/10125/29708Daniel Justice presents on the Global Native Literary Studies panel. Global Native Literary Studies: This panel provides an opportunity to reflect on Indigenous worlds and Indigenous literary worlds. Through their fiction as well as their political, institutional, scholarly and cultural work, each of the panelists has explored the range of ways and reasons for Indigenous engagement with literary arts. Chantal Spitz’s character Tetiare (in English translation) “washes away… dirt by writing.” Albert Wendt’s character Alapati is encouraged for his ability “to story our lives history and refusal to become nothing.” Daniel Justice’s character Tobhi recalls Strivix counseling a Dragonfly who claims “I don’t know how to be a Dragonfly” with the suggestion “All ye got to do it tell yer people’s story, and ye’ll figure it out.” What questions, aspirations and political ‘lines in the sand’ have underpinned ‘Global Native Literary Studies’? What lessons have been learned in Indigenous and Pacific worlds about writing, regionalism and ‘the global’? What strengths and dimensions of Indigenous Studies and Pacific Studies could contribute to scholars and students grappling with the notion of ‘World Literature’? What Samoan, Tahitian and Cherokee concepts could contribute to scholars and students grappling with the notion of ‘World Literature’? Rather than proposing how or why Indigenous and Pacific texts might be included in a concept of (and classes about) ‘World Literature’ on the basis of the fact these too are ‘part of the world,’ the panelists will be invited to suggest how ‘World Literature,’ Pacific and Indigenous Literary worlds might mutually engage. Moderator: Alice Te Punga Somerville Panelists: Chantal Spitz, Daniel Justice, Albert WendtCC0 1.0 UniversalDaniel Justiceconnection of indigeneity to the worldIdle No MoreCanadaindigenous women in Canadapeaceful activismNgugi wa Thiong'oNgũgĩ wa Thiong'oEnglish intrusion into the Cherokee mountainsAppalachiabeing at the center of the worldCherokeeWorld Literaturethe world in World Literatureculture as a costumeAlice Te Punga Somerville"It's a small world" version of World Literaturethe importance of humilityunderstanding and humilitythe more we learn, the less we knowlanguage of mastery as the language of domination and controlknowledge as possession and exploitationthe danger of understanding without humilityembracing mysteryGitche ManitouCristina Bacchilegahonoring mysteries of human experienceuntranslatabilityteaching Indigenous Studiesunderstanding with humilityglobalizationglobalization and commodificationgiving up mastery for modestyEnglish-speaking CherokeeCherokee NationUniversity of British ColumbiaFirst Nations Studies ProgramMusqueam peopleUniversity of British Columbiaimperialism and sense of belongingbelonging and privilegebelonging and responsibilityKimo Keaulanaintimacy in teachingscollaboration as a necessity, not an optionall things are not meant for all peopleliving in a place versus belonging to itthe importance of treading lightlythe politics of the centerthe center of the worldhow seeking sameness makes us blind to what makes us humanGlobal Native Literary Studies--Panelist Daniel Justice PresentsVideo