Yao, Tao-chung2012-08-072012-08-072008Yao T. 2008. (AP Chinese and computer tests). 数字化汉语教学: 进展与深化: 14-17.http://hdl.handle.net/10125/23465As computers become more and more popular, Chinese language instruction has also entered the computer era. Various software for teaching Chinese have appeared on the market. Some Chinese language teachers in the United States also have designed computer programs for teaching Chinese. In 2003, the College Board announced the establishment of the AP Chinese program that includes the AP course and exam. Many schools started to offer AP Chinese courses in 2006. The first AP Chinese exam was administered in May 2007. The first AP Chinese test was an iBT (Internet-based test). Both the testing and the scoring were done on the Internet. The AP Chinese test opened a new era for computer testing. However, it also revealed some problems related to iBT. In this paper, I shall first briefly introduce the development of computer tests in the United States and then introduce the development of the AP Chinese test.4 pageszhAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesAP中文与电脑测试AP Chinese and computer testsArticle