Love, KenPaull, Robert E.2016-06-022016-06-022011-06Love K, Paull RE. 2011. Soursop. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 6 p. (Fruit, Nut, and Beverage Crops Series; F_N-22). paper describes the soursop fruit, its origin, cultivars, environment, propagation, culture and management, pests and diseases in Hawai‘i, harvesting and yield, postharvest considerations, packaging, pricing, and marketing, nutritive value, recipes, cost of production, and information resources.6 pagesen-UStropical fruitannona muricataannonaceaeguayabanoguanabanacorossol epineuxsirsakgraviolaprickly custard applethurian thtkhaekrian-nammang cau xiemanona de puntitasanona de broquelmundladurian belandadurian makiSoursopOther