2016-02-182016-02-182014-10-24http://hdl.handle.net/10125/38972Genre: Fable. Title: Dheké no'o Sololika (Gecko and Sparrow), told by Nggéno, middleaged woman and resident of kampong Lei, daughter of Johannis Ware, a senior storyteller. Recorded morning 24 October 2014 in front of Magdalena Lué's house in kampong Lei. With SD (recording), Magdalena Lue (Lena, wife of the deceased priest-leader (lakimosa) Paso, and Agatha (kotone, ‘the curly’). Some other family members were around as well, nearby overhearing. I chose to record stereo directly from the H4N because we were sitting outside (not suitable for the AT2020 mic), and which Lena Lue prefers, and to more adequately capture more of the situation, laughter for instance. Three fables were recorded during the session. Gecko and Sparrow want to build their houses. Gecko fails, Sparrow shows off. The expression came about, “You are stupid as a gecko making sounds inside the bamboo” (of somebody unable to build his house or similar). /SDdigital wav file recorded at 48 khz/24 bit0:01:27pleSD1-069SoundpleSara Lu'a