Brusca, Gary J.2008-05-082008-05-081978-07Brusca GJ. 1978. Contributions to the knowledge of hyperiid amphipods of the family Scinidae from near Hawaii, with a description of a new species, Scina hawaiensis. Pac Sci 32(3): 281-292.0030-8870 report includes a key and description of nine species of the family Scinidae collected with midwater trawls from off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii. One new species, Scina hawaiensis, is described. Thirty-five additional species from the same samples are discussed by Brusca (1973). Notes are included on vertical distribution and migrations, and the known geographic distributions of the species are reported.en-USContributions to the Knowledge of Hyperiid Amphipods of the Family Scinidae from near Hawaii, with a Description of a New Species, Scina hawaiensisArticle