Andersson, AnnikaHatakka, MathiasLarsson, HannuHedström, Karin2020-12-242020-12-242021-01-05978-0-9981331-4-0 broad launch of public e-services ensures equal and homogenous treatment of citizens, citizen diversity is often set aside. By means of a literature study we describe how research has addressed diversity in the field of eGovernment. we analyzed the papers according to the following codes: group; application domain; unit of analysis; and technology in use or design. Results showed that the most common application domain was e-services with access and use as the most common units of analysis. The most frequently researched groups are based on classical socio-demographic variables such as economy, education and age. Also, the majority of papers discussed services in use. We conclude by suggesting that future research focuses underrepresented user groups; adds further granularity to the classical sociodemographic variables; identifies groups within groups; targets policies and policy implementation; and changes focus from use to development. We also call for conceptual clarity of the concept ‘diversity’.10 pagesEnglishAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAddressing Diversity in Digitalizationdigital dividediversitye-governmente-servicesliterature studyCitizen Diversity in e-Government Research: Moving the Field Forward10.24251/HICSS.2021.586