Gawne, Lauren2018-04-142018-04-142018-04Gawne, Lauren. 2018. A Guide to the Syuba (Kagate) Language Documentation Corpus. Language Documentation & Conservation 12. 204-234.1934-5275 article provides an overview of the collection “Kagate (Syuba)”, archived with both the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) and the Endangered Language Archive (ELAR). It provides an overview of the materials that have been archived, as well as details of the workflow, conventions used, and structure of the collection. It also provides context for the content of the collection, including an overview of the language context, and some of the motivations behind the documentation project. This article thus provides an entry point to the collection. The future plans for the collection – from the perspectives of both the researcher and Syuba speakers – are also outlined, but with the overwhelming majority of items in the collection available to others, it is hoped that this article will encourage use of the materials by other researchers.31 pagesen-USCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalArchivesNepalTibeto-BurmanOpen AccessCollectionsA Guide to the Syuba (Kagate) Language Documentation CorpusArticle