Miyasaka, Susan C.Hamasaki, Randall T.de la Pena, Ramon S.2009-09-162009-09-162002-07Miyasaka SC, Hamasaki RT, de la Pena RS. 2002. Nutrient deficiences and excesses in taro. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 14 p. (Soil and Crop Management; SCM-4).http://hdl.handle.net/10125/12456The publication provides a key to taro nutrient disorders, identifies the leaf to sample for nutrient analysis, gives nutrient concentrations associated with deficiency, sufficiency, and toxicity, and illustrates symptoms of nutrient deficiencies and toxicities in taro leaves and roots.14 pagesen-USColocasia esculentataronutrient deficienciessoil toxicityHawaiiNutrient Deficiences and Excesses in TaroArticle