2016-02-182016-02-182015-01-28http://hdl.handle.net/10125/39014Genre: Myth/folk tale (incest taboo). Title: Noni Kare. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his home in the early afternoon 28 Jan 2015 in Hobo, located above Maluriwu, by Stefan Danerek using an AT2022 mic. This tale is Noni no'o Kare (Noni and Kare), a myth about the incest taboo. Incest brings disaster. Kare sleeps with his sister Noni after he walked home from the 'togo pou' new boat ceremonial dance. His wife, also Noni, was still at the dancing. Natural disaster and death follows. Present were also Ebbe (Pidu), Din (nahkoda), Lucia Nona, Pajo Popo. Three tales were recorded after another, in one recording. This one is not completely transcribed yet. Portrait in SD1-109.digital wav file recorded at 48 khz/24 biteaf file0:04:46pleSD1-111SoundpleSara Lu'a