2024-02-092024-02-092024https://hdl.handle.net/10125/107725<p>Introduction: Learning gross anatomy is an integral part of medical education, and having a solid foundation of anatomical knowledge is essential for clinical practice. However, anatomy continues to be a source of stress for many medical students, especially first years (MS1s). An initial survey was sent out to an MS1 class to gather interest for peer-led anatomy review sessions, and the results showed sizeable interest. Peer teaching was chosen because it benefits both the learner and the student tutors. It has been shown to create a safe and comfortable environment for students to learn and discuss, and also improves knowledge retention, leadership, and confidence in student tutors.1,2,3 This project explores how peer teaching can be utilized in the anatomy curriculum.<p/> <p>Objectives:<br> The main objectives of this project were as follows:<br> 1) Analyze the effectiveness of peer-led anatomy review sessions in reducing stress levels in students.<br> 2) Assess the effectiveness of peer-led anatomy review sessions in helping to better prepare students for their anatomy exams.<br> 3) Determine the need for peer-led anatomy review sessions.<br> 4) Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching anatomy in helping to better prepare students for USMLE Step 1 or USMLE Step 2 exams.<br> 5) Estimate stress level of student tutors when preparing for review sessions.<p/> <p>Innovation: Peer-led review sessions were held on a weekly basis in the gross anatomy lab. Each session was led by either a second, third or fourth year medical student. Group sizes were kept small to facilitate better learning, and approximately 8-10 MS1s attended each session. Tutors were provided relevant lecture material and a list of structures to cover (“fair game topics list”) prior to their sessions. The format of the sessions varied and ranged from a guided review to a question-and-answer format. An online sign up sheet was sent out to the MS1 class weekly, and spots were filled on a first-come first-serve basis. At the end of each unit, a survey was sent out to the entire MS1 class to evaluate the effects of the anatomy review sessions in reducing stress levels and helping to prepare for exams. A survey was also sent out to 18 student tutors to evaluate how teaching review sessions affected them.<p/> <p>Evaluation of Innovation: A total of 66 responses were collected among the students who attended an anatomy review session over three different units. Of these responses, 92% (n=61) agreed they felt stressed at the beginning of each unit, 89% (n=59) agreed they felt less stressed after attending a review session, and 94% (n=62) agreed they felt the review session helped better prepare them for the final practical exam. All responders (n=66) agreed that the peer-led review sessions are valuable and should be continued. A total of 13 responses were collected from the student tutors. Of these responses, 11 students believed that teaching helped better prepare them for the USMLE 1/USMLE 2 exam, and 2 students felt stressed while preparing for the review session. All student tutors agreed they would be an anatomy tutor again.<p/> <p>Discussion: Overall, the peer-led anatomy review sessions were met with favorable feedback. The sessions effectively reduced the students’ stress levels about anatomy, and helped them better prepare for their final practical exam. Student tutors also benefited from these sessions, and many agreed it helped better prepare them for their respective licensing exams. All students who attended a review session agreed that peer-led anatomy review sessions should be continued, which highlights a potential opportunity within the medical education curriculum.<p/> <p>Target Audience: Medical educators, medical schools, medical students<p/> <p>References:<br> Tanveer MA, Mildestvedt T, Skjærseth IG, et al. Peer Teaching in Undergraduate Medical Education: What are the Learning Outputs for the Student-Teachers? A Systematic Review. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2023;14:723-739. Published 2023 Jul 11. doi:10.2147/AMEP.S401766<br> Ten Cate O, Durning S. Peer teaching in medical education: Twelve reasons to move from theory to practice. Medical Teacher. 2007;29(6):591-599. doi:10.1080/01421590701606799<br> Tullis JG, Goldstone RL. Why does peer instruction benefit student learning?. Cogn Res Princ Implic. 2020;5(1):15. Published 2020 Apr 9. doi:10.1186/s41235-020-00218-5<p/>http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/Effectiveness of Peer Led Anatomy Review Sessions in Reducing Stress Among First Year Medical Students