Kanehiro, Everett2009-12-172009-12-172009-12-17http://hdl.handle.net/10125/14514This paper was written in satisfaction of a course requirement for LIS 672 (Technology for Libraries and Information Center) during the Fall 2009 semester at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.This paper provides an overview of federated searching. It includes a basic definition, system selection criteria, a comparison of two federated search products (WebFeat and LibraryFind), and impressions from a user test of LibraryFind at the Oregon State University libraries by the author.13 pagesCopyright is held by author. Request permission for use.federated searchingmetasearch enginessearch enginesdatabase searchingmultiple database searchingsimultaneous database searchinglibrary research toolselectronic research toolsresearch toolsfederated search enginesInformation retrieval--Computer programsElectronic information resource searchingFederated searchingDatabase searchingSpecial Topic: Federated SearchingTerm Paper