Crane, CoriFingerhuth, MatthiasHuenlich, David2020-12-142020-12-142017-01-01Crane, C., Fingerhuth, M., Huenlich, D. (2017). "What makes this so complicated?" On the value of disorienting dilemmas in language instruction. The American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators and Directors of Foreign Languages Programs (AAUSC), 227-252. contribution considers how challenging moments arising in social pedagogies can serve as powerful learning opportunities for learners and teachers. Drawing on transformative learning theory (Johnson, 2015; Mezirow, 1994, 1997), which sees “disorienting dilemmas” as catalysts for reflection and changes in viewpoint, the study chronicles the experiences of four participants (coordinator, pedagogical designer, teacher, and student) involved in a “Reacting to the Past” game (Carnes, 2014) on German–Comanche relationships in 1847 Texas, a game that was planned for—but ultimately not carried out in—a collegiate intermediate German course. Although the game was successfully played in previous semesters, in fall 2015, a formal complaint was issued shortly before it was to be performed in class. The game was cancelled; in its place teachers discussed the content material with students and problematized the activity itself. This chapter describes how the four participant groups responded to this crisis moment and discussed the multifaceted, interconnected learning opportunities that “disorienting dilemmas” in social pedagogies can result in."What makes this so complicated?" On the value of disorienting dilemmas in language instructionArticle