National Foreign Language Resource Center2020-05-112020-05-112020-04-24 Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning MOOC (massive open online course) is a ready-to-use Moodle course. This course aims to offer course participants basic information about project-based language learning (PBLL), which refers to a scheme of curricular design for learning world languages based on established principles and practices of high-quality project-based learning as described by pblworks (Buck Institute for Education).The Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning MOOC aims to offer course participants basic information about project-based language learning (PBLL), which refers to a scheme of curricular design for learning world languages based on established principles and practices of high-quality project-based learning as described by pblworks (Buck Institute for Education). The learning outcomes targeted in this course are: -identify essential features of high quality project-based learning (PBL) project designs -identify key concerns of project-based language learning PBLL compared to PBL in other disciplines -describe sources for project ideas -identify the three dimensions of “authenticity” in projects -craft an effective “driving question” (challenging question or problem) -generate multiple project ideas and test them using the Product Square, aligning product, audience, partners, and purpose -anticipate "Need-To-Knows" for a project's content, skills, and management The content in this exported Moodle course is licensed to you by the author, the National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawai‘i, under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. This means that you are free to reuse this material as-is, or to edit it to create a derivative product, as long as (1) you include accurate and appropriate attributions (as seen below) on pages of this or any derivative product; (2) you use this product or offer any derivative product only for noncommercial purposes, i.e., you are not permitted to profit from this product; and (3) you grant the same license and usage rights to any users of any product derived from this one. In order to use this material, you will: 1. Ask your Moodle administrator to create a course space for the MOOC; 2. Use Moodle's Import function in the course space to draw this content into your course (see gear icon on main course page, use "Restore"); 3. Edit course content and course settings to suit your needs (this might include adding or deleting material). As an example, if you do not anticipate your participants being able to take part in online discussions, you may wish to delete or hide the discussion forums in the course; 4. Enroll learners and run the MOOC.en-USThe Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning MOOC by National Foreign Language Resource Center is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.Language and languagesProject method in teachingLanguage and educationProject method in teachingThe Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning MOOCEnvisioning Project-Based Language LearningLearning Object