Schwiertz, Gabriele2012-07-052012-07-052012-08Schwiertz, Gabriele. 2012. Online presentation and accessibility of endangered languages data: The General Portal to the DoBeS Archive. In Frank Seifart, Geoffrey Haig, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, Dagmar Jung, Anna Margetts, and Paul Trilsbeek (eds). 2012. Potentials of Language Documentation: Methods, Analyses, and Utilization Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.978-0-9856211-0-0 depositories containing language documentation corpora are generally well structured, well maintained, and include large collections of many under-researched languages. However, they are not yet conceived of as resources that can be easily consulted on scientific or non-scientific questions pertaining to one of those languages. A general portal to the DoBeS archive has been created to facilitate access to the data, to attract more users to the archive, and to lower the threshold for users outside the linguistic community to access the data. The structure and the main features of this portal will be presented in this paper.Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike LicenseOnline presentation and accessibility of endangered languages data: The General Portal to the DoBeS Archive