Ning, Cynthia2009-05-182009-05-182008 Originally, since all of the ancestors of the Society were immigrants to Hawaii, the purposes for forming the organization were as follows: to help members adjust to their new environment; provide assistance as needed; arrange and perform the annual memorial “Bai San” (baishan) services; and maintain familial and community links with those remaining in Hou Chung Village (Haoyong). Today, the Society’s objectives include the original purposes, plus the added objectives of maintaining fellowship among members, and preserving the culture of the ancestral village.1 pagesen-USYimYanBai SanChinese -- Hawaii -- DirectoriesChinese Americans -- hawaii --Societies, etc. -- DirectoriesChina -- Study & teaching -- Hawaii -- DirectoriesYim’s Society, 2008嚴氏宗親會Other