Alexopoulos, CharalamposCharalabidis, YannisAndroutsopoulou, AggelikiLoutsaris, Michalis AvgerinosLachana, Zoi2019-01-032019-01-032019-01-08978-0-9981331-2-6, Blockchain Technologies (BCT) could be characterized as one of the most promising trends. We are currently witnessing a plethora of implementations basically in the economic sector with the creation of cryptocurrencies. The majority of researchers and practitioners argues that many benefits could be derived from the use of this innovative technology with the most significant one being the improved sense of trust to BCT applications. At the same time governments pursue amplified trust from their citizens and BCT is gaining momentum since it addresses this of utmost importance problem based on its unique characteristics. More and more governments realize the advances of this technology and participate in pilot applications in different vertical governmental sectors. Even though there are several implementations in the Government sector, there is no comprehensive study towards the analysis of the major characteristics of these developments. This paper moves towards the fulfilment of this gap conducting a thorough analysis of e-Government pilot applications of BCT in a European level. Furthermore, this study discusses the key benefits and main barriers coming from the application of this technology in different domains with BCT experts.10 pagesengAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalTowards Government 3.0: Disruptive ICTs, Advanced Policy Informatics/Analytics and Government as a PlatformDigital GovernmentBlockchain Technology, Distributed Ledger Technology, Barriers and Benefits, General Data Protection Regulation, e-Government ApplicationsBenefits and Obstacles of Blockchain Applications in e-GovernmentConference Paper10.24251/HICSS.2019.408