Place-based WAC/WID Hui2015-12-022015-12-022015-04-102015Mostafanezhad, Mary. 'Instructor interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Geography, clip 8 of 10.' Interview with Jim Henry. Scholarspace. Sep. 2015. Web. item includes a segment of an instructor interview in a Writing Intensive course in Geography at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The interview was conducted in 2015, and in this clip the interviewee is responding to the question 'If relevant, can you compare student writing performances with place-based/inflected courses that are NOT WI?'Brief excerpt from interview: [In World Regional Geography] we basically go through all the regions of the world. To some extent it is place-based when we go through the Australia-Oceania region. And students also have to do current events and that kind of thing. And we also watch a documentary on Nainoa Thompson and navigation and that kind of thing. What I do with that course is... make North America first and then Australia-Oceania because I feel like it's better for students to have that kind of place-based understanding of culture, politics, and all those things from a perspective that they can engage with a little bit easier and then go and look at, for example, Southeast Asia [or] sub-Saharan Africa, because they're able to sort of relate it back.Duration: 00:01:52Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Statesplace-based writingwriting across the curriculumwriting in the disciplinesWriting Intensive coursesscholarship of teaching and learningwriting pedagogygeneral education requirementssense of placekind of learningeducational context100-level coursenot Writing Intensiveworld regional geographyregions of the worldaustralia-oceania regioncurrent eventsdocumentarynainoa thompsonnavigationnorth americaplace-based understandingculturepoliticsstudent engagementInstructor interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Geography, clip 8 of 10Interview