Villanueva, Jeanette2016-05-172016-05-172016-04-19Villanueva, J. (April 19, 2016) Flipped Classroom: An Action Research. PowerPoint was presented at the 21st Annual Technology, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference. students in the classroom can be challenging, especially for Special Education students in an inclusion classroom. Due to the gap between a special education student’s independence level and current grade level, it is difficult for special education students to retain motivation throughout instruction. In efforts to determine how student motivation can be sustained, a website including instructional videos was created to be implemented in a flipped classroom instructional method. The purpose of this action research study is to evaluate the effect of a flipped classroom model in an elementary inclusion math class to increase student motivation for 6th grade students. Becoming familiar with student’s strengths, needs and interests throughout this process was a big factor to help increase student motivation towards their learning. It was also important to listen to and consider participants feedback based on their experiences after each implementation so that necessary changes could be made to improve instruction in the next round.6 pagesen-USCopyright is held by author. Request permission for use.Special EducationInclusion ClassroomFlipped ClassroomFlipped Inclusion Classroom: An Action ResearchTerm Project