Nishina, Melvin S.DFerreira, Stephen J.Manshardt, Richard M.Cavaletto, Catherine G.Llantero, EmersonMochida, LorenPerry, Delan2009-09-112009-09-111998-04Nishina MS, Ferreira SJ, Manshardt RM, Cavaletto CG, Llantero E, Mochida L, Perry D. 1998. Production requirements of the transgenic papayas 'UH Rainbow' and 'UH SunUp'. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 4 p. (New Plants for Hawaii; NPH-2). publication is designed to accompany the video that must be viewed as part of the licensing process for anyone wishing to purchase seed of transgenic papaya cultivars. It describes the transformed University of Hawai‘i cultivars, their cultivation and marketing concerns, and addresses questions about food safety.4 pagesen-USCarica papayatransgenic plantsHawaiiProduction Requirements of the Transgenic Papayas 'UH Rainbow' and 'UH SunUp'Article