Tillinghast, Beth2012-05-032012-05-032012-05-02http://hdl.handle.net/10125/22509Learn how the University of Hawaii is organizing their digital library and increasing its visibility, by incorporating the newest features of the WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway into their workflow. Beth Tillinghast, UHM Institutional Repository manager, will discuss current issues and approaches in enhancing workflow and visibility for various collections in the repositories. Martha Chantiny, Head of Desktop Network Services in the UHM Library, will share the current status of University of Hawaii at Manoa Library image collections, which are posted to the web using the OAI harvestable Streetprint Digital Library. Daniel Ishimitsu, Information Technology Specialist for UHM Library, will talk about the thumbnail mapping project that he worked on to allow DSpace managers to map thumbnails for repository materials for display in OAIsteren-USAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesInstitutional repositoriesOAI/PMH harvestingOCLC Digital Collection GatewayDigital librariesMetadataEnhancing Workflow and Visibility for Collections in the UHM Institutional Repository: Improving Discovery and Use of Your Digital Repository Materials – OCLC Digital Collection Gateway Webinar PresentationPresentation