Cox, Doak C.2010-10-212010-10-211980-04Cox DC. 1980. Stream-flow effects of proposed diversion Hanawi Stream, Nahiku, East Maui. Honolulu (HI): Environmental Center, University of Hawaii. is probable but not quite certain that immediately below the proposed point of diversion of 10 million gallons per day from Hanawi Stream, the stream will be entirely dry, except for pools, at some times when the diversion is made in dry weather. It is just possible that the total contributions to the inflow of the plunge pool from which the diversion will be made including the hitherto unsuspected spring in the pool, will supply slightly more than the diverted flow. Even if this is not the case, but the hitherto unsuspected spring exists and has a substantial flow, the periods when there will be no flow immediately below the pool will be very rare and brief. Even if the spring in question does not exist or has insignificant flow, it appears that there will be no flow immediately makai of the pool only about 0.4 percent of the time. Seaward from a point 160 feet makai of the pool there will be flow in the stream at all times, although the dry-weather flow will be only a small fraction of the natural dry-weather flow. Broad limits can be set to the rates of residual dry-weather flow after diversion, but the actual rates within those limits cannot be determined because there have been no determinations of some of the springflow contributions to the stream. Correlations with antecedent rainfall have been made for the Big Spring that makes the major contribution to Hanawi stream flow and for two other springs for which there are flow records, and synthetic flow records for these three springs are presented. Critical uncertainties and methods of analysis when and if they are reduced are discussed. An alternative to the proposed diversion of Hanawi Stream water is identified and factors pertinent to determining the merits of its adoption in place of the proposed diversion are discussed.41 [46] p.Water diversion -- Hawaii -- Maui.Stream measurements -- Hawaii -- Maui.Hanawi Stream (Hawaii)Stream-Flow Effects of Proposed Diversion Hanawi Stream, Nahiku, East MauiReport