Bayez, Julio Jr.2013-04-272013-04-272013-04-16Bayez, J. (2013, April 16). An Intermediate School Transition to Electronic Portfolios. PowerPoint presented at the 18th Annual Technology, Colleges, and Community Worldwide Online Conference. portfolios have been adopted at many schools as a subjective form of assessment. Students showcase and reflect upon their learning throughout the year. They then present these portfolios to their parents during a student led conference once a year. Currently, a paperbased portfolio is a requirement at an intermediate school on Maui; however, this means of data collection has become outdated in this digital age. The purpose of this instructional design module was to assist 7th grade students in creating an electronic portfolio using Weebly, an online website creator, at an intermediate public school on Maui. The module was delivered through a website created using Weebly and included instructional videos that were made using Camtasia, a screencasting program. The results indicated that the instructional module was effective in creating an electronic portfolio, but further research is necessary to determine the effectiveness of an electronic portfolio over its paper-based counterpart.7en-USPlease see the Creative Commons license for this item.Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Stateselectronic, portfolio, intermediate, middle, schoolAn Intermediate School Transition to Electronic PortfoliosMaster's Project