Oberheu, Donald2016-05-042016-05-042016-04-19Oberheu, D. (2016, April 19). Using Peer Evaluation Through Social Media Tools to Motivate and Improve Learner Performance. PowerPoint presented at the 21st Annual Technology, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference.http://hdl.handle.net/10125/40603Digital photography is both a science and an art. The creation of a quality photograph requires knowledge, thoughtful consideration, and attention to details. As a Digital Art lecturer at a large community college in Hawaii, the researcher noticed that many digital photography students lacked the required level of engagement and motivation necessary to succeed as digital photographers. Constructionist learning theory holds that active collaborative social learning is more effective than traditional objectivist methods. Flickr is a Web 2.0 social networking photo sharing site that easily facilitates active collaborative social learning. Using Flickr and peer feedback, the researcher conducted an action research study to determine the efficacy of using peer evaluation through social media to motivate and improve learner performance. The results of the study did not show any marked improvements in either learner motivation or performance. Moreover, the data was inconclusive as to whether peer evaluation through social media facilitates active collaborative social learning and is an effective tool in visual art education.110 pagesen-USCopyright is held by the author. Request permission for use.Flickr, peer evaluation, art education, motivation, feedback, social mediaUsing Peer Evaluation Through Social Media Tools to Motivate and Improve Learner PerformanceMaster's Project