New vocab on flex? Yes! From class 3/31 Particular people call Sisilia “yaca” means “namesake”? People don’t call her by her name because it’s connected to chiefs, they call her yaca / na levu Address forms/evocative forms vs. referential forms? Plan 1. Begin transcribing conversation (ELAN 5.8) 2. Kinship term stuff a. Try working from Gary’s kinship diagram here QuB 3. Continue with wh-questions a. From last time i. O amamu e lai ‘obo vuaxa segasega ‘Your father is hunting pigs’ ii. O cei o amamu e lai ‘oboxa? ‘What is your father hunting?’ iii. *O cei o amamu e lai ‘obo? iv. Try to tease apart that ‘oboxa vs. ‘obo distinction b. Continuing i. ‘You bought the man’s book’ ii. Bua: iii. ‘Whose book did you buy? iv. Bua: v. 3P: ‘She bought the man’s book’ vi. Bua: vii. ‘Whose book did she buy?’ viii. Bua: Subject-wh ix. ‘She washed the man’s car’ x. Bua: xi. ‘Who washed the man’s car?’ xii. Bua: (expected) O cei xiii. ‘He lives in Vanua Levu.’ xiv. Bua: xv. ‘Where does he live?’ xvi. Bua: Check for acceptability of multiple wh-word constructions xvii. ‘Who ate what?’ xviii. ‘Who went where?’ Check for floated quantifier xix. ‘Will they read this book?’ xx. Will they all read this book?’ xxi. ‘Which book will they read?’ xxii. ‘Which book will they all read?’ 4. Spatial language -- this could be done by working with Sisilia to draw a map of her village and then asking about how to go between various places, e.g., from a house to the beach, from one house to the other, from the garden to the house, etc. 5. Time expression 6. Numerals (cardinal, ordinal, fractions, counting, etc.) 7. Deictics 8. Notes New wav file (0:05 Sisilia) ia xena ma’ai The first.. -Sar says “laxo” before this recording (to mean “go” or “start”) but Sisilia says there’s a better phrase → (xemu)druxa exevu is correct -She did say that “laxo” would be fine to start/begin a game/competition however (0:09 Seru) Io Yes; right (0:10 Sisilia) Dro’ou… (0:14 Sisilia) Dro’ou a xena a lewe va ‘ixo Four of them (referring to the pictures) Lewe = group Va = four (0:18 Sisilia) ‘Agane e ‘ara ‘ixo e tuga ava ni bia (avanibia - easier on the eyes, better as one word) The man is holding a bottle of beer ‘Agane = man ‘Ara = hold Tuga = one Ava = bottle Bia = beer Ava ni bia can be written as avanibia (lexicalization?) Likely similar to waininiu (coconut water) (0:26 Sisilia) Xai o druxa a vei tau bexa They’re probably friends Veitau = friends Bexa = maybe (0:34 Seru) Gona o xina That one (0:34 Sisilia) O druxa vei ‘alanoa ‘ixo io gona nabava They are telling a story in number 4 (the fourth picture) Nabava = the fourth Naba = number? +va (four) (0:42 Seru) Oi o xea gona nabava Oh, that one is number 4 Oi = oh, okay (realization?) ; Sisilia says slight surprise (0:42 Sisilia) Io Right (0:44 Seru) Oi me ma’ai ni ‘aba o xea gona Oh, so that one (that picture) should be the first - complement clause introducer? (Dixon ch24) - could this be a pragmatic usage of “me”? ‘Aba = picture Ma’ai = first Me = PURP (“should” interpretation) (0:47 Sisilia) Io Right (0:48 Sisilia) O xea gona se cava a omu nanuma What do you think of that particular one? Se cava = what Omu = your (contrast with oxu = mine) Nanuma = thoughts (0:52 Sisilia) Sai o gona ‘alanoa a xena laxolaxo That is the story tale Laxolaxo = refers to how the story is told/unfolds (0:57 Seru) Io e dau Yes, it is. Au diva ‘ixo ni bale’a ni bera ni exevu ‘ixo ai ‘aba naba ono I see that.. Because before the start of the 6th picture.. Diva = to see (Seru’s dialect; Sisilia would use tiva) Ono = six