CJS01-004.wav SENTENCE NUMBER: 1 aku aku 1sg.nom 1sg SENTENCE NUMBER: 2 ikau ikaʊ 2sg.nom 2sg SENTENCE NUMBER: 3 kamek kameʔ 1pl.excl 1pl.excl SENTENCE NUMBER: 4 mereka məreka 3pl 3pl Note: gives Indonesian word here but later remembers Desa word SENTENCE NUMBER: 5 ini ini this this Note: ives Indonesian word here but later remembers Desa word SENTENCE NUMBER: 6 iyetn ijetn that that SENTENCE NUMBER: 7 yetn jetn that that SENTENCE NUMBER: 8 sopai sopaɪ who who SENTENCE NUMBER: 9 opai opaɪ what what SENTENCE NUMBER: 10 koni k-oni in/to-which where SENTENCE NUMBER: 11 bila bila when when SENTENCE NUMBER: 12 cemoni tʃəmoni how how SENTENCE NUMBER: 13 kenopai kənopaɪ why why SENTENCE NUMBER: 14 ndak indaʔ verb.neg neg SENTENCE NUMBER: 15 indak indaʔ verb.neg neg SENTENCE NUMBER: 16 semua səmua all all SENTENCE NUMBER: 17 benyak beɲaʔ many many SENTENCE NUMBER: 18 beberopai bə-bəropaɪ unerg-how many a few SENTENCE NUMBER: 19 sekit sekit a few a little SENTENCE NUMBER: 20 sutei sute one one SENTENCE NUMBER: 21 dua dua two two SENTENCE NUMBER: 22 tiga tiga three three SENTENCE NUMBER: 23 mpat lima enam tujuh delapan sembilan sepuluh mpat limaʔ ənam tudʒuh dəlapan sembilan sə-puluh four five six seven eight nine one-ten four five six seven eight nine ten SENTENCE NUMBER: 24 bosa bosa big big SENTENCE NUMBER: 25 kocik kotʃiʔ small small SENTENCE NUMBER: 26 panjang pandʒaŋ long long SENTENCE NUMBER: 27 pendek pendeʔ short short SENTENCE NUMBER: 28 lebar lebar wide wide SENTENCE NUMBER: 29 tobel tobəl thick thick SENTENCE NUMBER: 30 borat borat heavy heavy SENTENCE NUMBER: 31 sempit sempit narrow narrow SENTENCE NUMBER: 32 tipis tipis thin thin SENTENCE NUMBER: 33 betinak bətinaʔ woman woman SENTENCE NUMBER: 34 lelaki ləlaki man man SENTENCE NUMBER: 35 onak onaʔ child child SENTENCE NUMBER: 36 urakng urakŋ person person SENTENCE NUMBER: 37 umak umaʔ mother mother SENTENCE NUMBER: 38 opak opaʔ father father SENTENCE NUMBER: 39 binatang binataŋ animal animal SENTENCE NUMBER: 40 ikatn ikatn fish fish SENTENCE NUMBER: 41 burung buruŋ bird bird Note: gives Indonesian word here but later remembers Desa word SENTENCE NUMBER: 42 aso aso dog dog SENTENCE NUMBER: 43 kutu kutu louse louse SENTENCE NUMBER: 44 pohon pohon tree tree Note: gives Indonesian word here but later remembers Desa word SENTENCE NUMBER: 45 utatn utatn forest forest SENTENCE NUMBER: 46 buah buah fruit fruit SENTENCE NUMBER: 47 bunga buŋa flower flower SENTENCE NUMBER: 48 kulit kulit skin skin SENTENCE NUMBER: 49 derah derah blood blood SENTENCE NUMBER: 50 tulakng tulakŋ bone bone SENTENCE NUMBER: 51 tolo tolo egg egg SENTENCE NUMBER: 52 tanduk tanduk horn horn SENTENCE NUMBER: 53 ikok ikoʔ tail tail SENTENCE NUMBER: 54 bulu bulu feather feather SENTENCE NUMBER: 55 rambut rambut hair hair SENTENCE NUMBER: 56 kepala kəpala head head SENTENCE NUMBER: 57 terlingah tərliŋah ear ear SENTENCE NUMBER: 58 mata mata eye eye SENTENCE NUMBER: 59 hidung hiduŋ nose nose SENTENCE NUMBER: 60 mulut mulut mouth mouth SENTENCE NUMBER: 61 gigi gigi tooth tooth SENTENCE NUMBER: 62 lidah lidah tongue tongue SENTENCE NUMBER: 63 kaki kaki foot,leg foot/leg SENTENCE NUMBER: 64 jeri dʒeri hand,arm hand/arm SENTENCE NUMBER: 65 porut porut stomach stomach SENTENCE NUMBER: 66 jentong dʒentoŋ heart heart SENTENCE NUMBER: 67 ati ati liver liver SENTENCE NUMBER: 68 ati ati liver liver SENTENCE NUMBER: 69 minum minum drink drink SENTENCE NUMBER: 70 makatn makatn food eat SENTENCE NUMBER: 71 gigit gigit bite bite SENTENCE NUMBER: 72 ketawa kətawa laugh laugh SENTENCE NUMBER: 73 ngeliet ŋə-liət actor-see see SENTENCE NUMBER: 74 ngeliet ŋə-liət actor-see see SENTENCE NUMBER: 75 ninga n-diŋa actor-hear hear SENTENCE NUMBER: 76 tau tau know know SENTENCE NUMBER: 77 tidok tidoʔ sleep sleep SENTENCE NUMBER: 78 idup idup live live SENTENCE NUMBER: 79 mati mati die die SENTENCE NUMBER: 80 berenang bərənaŋ swim swim Note: gives Indonesian word here but later gives Desa word SENTENCE NUMBER: 81 bejelan bə-dʒelan unerg-road walk SENTENCE NUMBER: 82 detang detaŋ come come SENTENCE NUMBER: 83 dudok dudoʔ sit (down) sit SENTENCE NUMBER: 84 morek m-boreʔ actor-give give SENTENCE NUMBER: 85 bicara bitʃara speak speak SENTENCE NUMBER: 86 matahari matahari sun sun SENTENCE NUMBER: 87 bulan bulan moon moon SENTENCE NUMBER: 88 bintang bintaŋ star star SENTENCE NUMBER: 89 aik aɪʔ water water SENTENCE NUMBER: 90 ujetn udʒətn rain rain SENTENCE NUMBER: 91 sungai suŋaɪ river river SENTENCE NUMBER: 92 denau denaʊ lake lake SENTENCE NUMBER: 93 laut laut sea sea SENTENCE NUMBER: 94 betu betu stone stone SENTENCE NUMBER: 95 paser paser sand sand SENTENCE NUMBER: 96 bumi bumi earth earth SENTENCE NUMBER: 97 awan awan cloud cloud SENTENCE NUMBER: 98 langit laŋit sky sky SENTENCE NUMBER: 99 angin aŋin wind/storm wind SENTENCE NUMBER: 100 bukit bukit mountain mountain SENTENCE NUMBER: 101 merah merah red red SENTENCE NUMBER: 102 ijau ijaʊ green green SENTENCE NUMBER: 103 kuning kuniŋ yellow yellow SENTENCE NUMBER: 104 putih putih white white SENTENCE NUMBER: 105 hitam hitam black black Note: gives Indonesian word here but later gives Desa SENTENCE NUMBER: 106 malam malam night night SENTENCE NUMBER: 107 hari hari day day Note: gives Indonesian word here but later gives Desa SENTENCE NUMBER: 108 panas panas hot hot SENTENCE NUMBER: 109 dingin diŋin cold cold SENTENCE NUMBER: 110 beru beru new new SENTENCE NUMBER: 111 tua tua old old SENTENCE NUMBER: 112 muda muda young young SENTENCE NUMBER: 113 bek beʔ good good SENTENCE NUMBER: 114 burok burok bad bad SENTENCE NUMBER: 115 bulat bulat round round SENTENCE NUMBER: 116 bujor budʒor straight straight SENTENCE NUMBER: 117 halus halus smooth smooth SENTENCE NUMBER: 118 kulu k-ulu in/to-upriver upstream SENTENCE NUMBER: 119 kulu k-ulu in/to-upriver upstream SENTENCE NUMBER: 120 kilek kəileʔ in/todownstream downstream SENTENCE NUMBER: 121 auk aʊʔ yes yes SENTENCE NUMBER: 122 indak indaʔ verb.neg no SENTENCE NUMBER: 123 nema nema name name SENTENCE NUMBER: 124 saudara saudara sibling sibling SENTENCE NUMBER: 125 manok manoʔ chicken chicken SENTENCE NUMBER: 126 bebi bebi pig pig SENTENCE NUMBER: 127 kemeja kəmedʒa shirt shirt SENTENCE NUMBER: 128 rumah rumah house house SENTENCE NUMBER: 129 kampokng kampokŋ village village