allyson ota 0:00 Aloha. My name is Allyson Ota, and I'm a student in the Learning Design and Technology Program at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa. I'm also a librarian at Kapiʻolani Community College, and the title of my master's project was Arming Students Against Misinformation. I created an elearning entitled An Introduction to Information Literacy, at the request of the director of the Radiologic Technology Program at Kapiolani Community College in order to help prepare her students in RAD 230 capstone research paper project, as they completed their two year A.S. degree in the program. It was also important to help her students navigate the massive amounts of information and misinformation found online. allyson ota 0:49 For personalization, students were asked to sign in with a username, and they were greeted with that username throughout the site. They also were able to choose whether or not to customize their experience by going through the site in light or dark mode. All navigation is performed at the bottom of the site to force a very direct flow. They completed a demographic survey. And then they continued on to an icebreaker in Padlet followed by an introduction video welcoming them to the course. And every module had a pretest. So this is the pretest. For module one. There were some open ended questions that asked them to analyze the authority on an article found online. We had a lot of video to demonstrate, as well as explanatory text seemed here. There was a total of 12 videos throughout the elearning and six were curated and six were created. Video: Above the Noise 1:50 Hey. Hey, Did you know RuPaul claims that Trump touched them inappropriately in the 90s or that Obama signed an executive order banning the Pledge of Allegiance and schools nationwide. Okay, we all know that that was some Grade A top shelf premium. Fake News, allyson ota 2:12 Infographics were also used to help visualize information. And each module ended with a summative slideshow where you could play audio if you wished. Google Slides: spoken 2:27 Information Literacy, according to the American Library Association, to be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed, and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information allyson ota 2:45 of course, the post test and then we go into module two. And this is where I want to show you you could take a break and resume, click the link and pretend you're coming back a day later, you'll sign in again. And you'll notice a new link now it remembers your progress as long as you don't clear your cache. And let's go through in dark mode this time. Video: male speaker 3:11 If you want to succeed at your assignments or research, you should only use quality information, whether it's found in books, journal articles, or websites. allyson ota 3:24 More infographics more videos. Video: allyson 3:26 The CRAAP test is just one method that helps us evaluate information found online. As you've seen, it provides a handy checklist for us to use when evaluating resources online allyson ota 3:47 The instruction was very scaffolded. This is an example of a ThingLink article exploration, you could hover over hot spots on this problematic article. And you could go full screen if you wanted to see it larger. And you could also click on some of these and it would give you more information allyson ota 4:12 and there was a Padlet embedded test in module two, which examines social media posts, websites and articles found online embedded in the Padlet. And students gave their opinion on whether or not they thought it was real or fake. And why. Module Three, featured four different tutorial databases and a couple of presentations about health sciences resources. Finally, the last post test was completed at an exit survey. The cool thing about using Google Forms for all the surveys and quizzes were that it remember their progress and it was already familiar to them. allyson ota 4:56 And they were done! allyson ota 4:57 Mahalo, A Hui Hou! Transcribed by