

Me and my language

Name:  Liu, Qi
Contact: liuqi
Preferred language name(s): Shanghainese
Alternative names:  Hu dialect
Language classification:  Wu Chinese
Geographical areas where spoken: Shanghai, China
Approximate number of speakers: 10 million
Other languages spoken in the community: Pudong, Jiading, Fengxian, Chongming
Official language(s) in your country: Mandarin Chinese
Other language(s) in your country: Cantonese, Hakka, Gan, Min, Tibetan
Does your language have a widely accepted writing system?   No
If yes, what materials are written?

Language Background
My vitality assessment


Inter-generational transmission:
Most adults and a few children are speakers.
Absolute number of speakers:

Speaker number trends:
A majority of community members speak the language; the numbers of speakers is gradually diminishing.
Domains of use of the language:
Used in social domains with other languages; most value their language but some are indifferent; education and literacy programs are rare in the community; government has no policy regarding minority languages, though some outside institutions support the languages.
What have other sources said about your language?

Reported # of speakers Vitality Assessment  14 million

Language Documentation Training Center