2022-06-25-Session-Tang Xuzhen Jane SENTENCE NUMBER: 1 ve' John veʔ john uncle p. name Uncle John. SENTENCE NUMBER: 2 ina' ke' inaʔ =keʔ mother =1s.gen My mother. SENTENCE NUMBER: 3 ina' ne inaʔ =nɨ mother =3s.gen His mother. Her mother. SENTENCE NUMBER: 4 ame' pade' ameʔ paɗeʔ 1pl.excl sibling Cousins. SENTENCE NUMBER: 5 tinen ke' tinən =keʔ mother =1s.gen My mother. SENTENCE NUMBER: 6 tinen ne tinən =nɨ mother =3s.gen His mother. Her mother. SENTENCE NUMBER: 7 tuken ye na' ame' we tukən yɨ naʔ ameʔ wɨ older sibling 3s give 1du.excl he is the older one between the two of us SENTENCE NUMBER: 8 ye uken ke' yɨ ukən =keʔ 3s older sibling =1s.gen he is my older sibling SENTENCE NUMBER: 9 ae' ya' tuken na' kuwe aeʔ yaʔ tukən naʔ kuwɨ who rel older sibling give 2dl who is older between you two? SENTENCE NUMBER: 10 ye uken la'e yɨ ukən laʔɨ 3s older sibling anymore he is older SENTENCE NUMBER: 11 ye tuken la'e yɨ tukən laʔɨ 3s older sibling anymore he is older SENTENCE NUMBER: 12 ade' laki aɗeʔ laki younger sibling man younger brother SENTENCE NUMBER: 13 ade' ledo aɗeʔ ləɗo younger sibling woman younger sister SENTENCE NUMBER: 14 ade' ke' aɗeʔ =keʔ younger sibling =1s.gen my younger sibling SENTENCE NUMBER: 15 uken ke' ukən =keʔ older sibling =1s.gen my older sibling SENTENCE NUMBER: 16 ina' ke' kelo' kuman kanen inaʔ =keʔ kəloʔ kuman kanən mother =1s.gen want eat cooked rice mom, I want to have rice SENTENCE NUMBER: 17 uko ke' uko =keʔ grandparent =1s.gen my grandparent SENTENCE NUMBER: 18 anak ke' anak =keʔ child =1s.gen my child SENTENCE NUMBER: 19 mummy bio' bioʔ mother big oldest auntie SENTENCE NUMBER: 20 majo' ima' tu lepah m-aʄoʔ imaʔ tu ləpah adj-long rain this already it’s been raining for a long time SENTENCE NUMBER: 21 majo' lan ko' tai m-aʄoʔ lan =koʔ tay adj-long truly =2s.gen go you’ve been away for quite a long time SENTENCE NUMBER: 22 majo' lan ima' tu m-aʄoʔ lan imaʔ tu adj-long truly rain this it’s been raining for a really long time SENTENCE NUMBER: 23 sungai la'ot suŋay laʔot water (downhill) toward the river The water flows downriver