WRRCTR No. 66 The Response to Tidal Fluctuations of a Leaky Aquifer System

dc.contributor.authorWilliams, John A.
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Ta-Chiang
dc.description.abstractA system of two isotropic and homogeneous infinite aquifers, which are separated by an aquitard and subject to tidal fluctuations along their coastal boundary, has been analyzed and a mathematical model has been developed for the response of this system to tidal changes. The mathematical model consists of equations for the amplitude and phase of the response of both aquifers to a periodic tide. A computer program using the IBM 360 has been written for the evaluation of these equations. Both the mathematical model and the program have been verified by an electric analog model constructed for that purpose. The mathematical model was evaluated for an aquifer system where both aquifers have the same transmissibility (and therefore the same leakage factor) but where the storage of the upper aquifer was 100 times that of the lower aquifer. Tidal periods of 0.5, 1, and 14 days were used. The results indicate that deviations from a response corresponding to the no-leakage case could be from 50 to 100 percent or more for both the amplitude and the phase angle of either aquifer. Also, such deviations were produced by a relatively moderate amount of leakage, i.e., 1/B2 > 0.154 x 10-4 ft-2
dc.description.sponsorshipOWRR Project No. A-020-HI, Grant Agreement No. 14-31-0001-3211 The programs and activities described herein were supported in part by funds provided by the United States Department of the Interior as authorized under the Water Resources Act of 1964, Public Law 88-379.
dc.format.extentvi + 41 pages
dc.identifier.citationWilliams JA, Liu T. 1973. The response to tidal fluctuations of a leaky aquifer system. Honolulu (HI): Water Resources Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa. WRRC technical report, 66.
dc.publisherWater Resources Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWRRC Technical Reports
dc.subject.lcshAquifers -- Hawaii -- Testing.
dc.subject.lcshHydraulic models.
dc.titleWRRCTR No. 66 The Response to Tidal Fluctuations of a Leaky Aquifer System


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