Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration

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    Virtual Leadership Matters: Capturing its Role in Facilitating Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Learning Environment
    ( 2021-01-05) Ko, Ilsang ; Wei, Xiaolong
    Many educational institutions and organizations have attempted to encourage knowledge sharing by implementing virtual learning communities. During the Coronavirus pandemic, how to utilize virtual communication technologies to effectively facilitate knowledge sharing among geographically dispersed learners (specifically in education institutions) has become an extremely urgent issue. Our study investigated 88 undergraduate students (nested in 10 groups) from a University in Southwest China. The research results reveal that self-presence and virtual member trust are the primary determinants in facilitating knowledge sharing (explicit vs tacit) in a virtual learning environment. Additionally, considering the challenges of forming effective collaborations in VLE (e.g., a great number of participants, environmental uncertainty, and one-way oriented communication), virtual leadership for improving the coordination of joint activities was developed. Virtual leadership improves the climate of a virtual learning environment by strengthening the relationships between self-presence/virtual member trust and knowledge sharing. Finally, the positive inter-relationship of explicit/tacit knowledge sharing and team performance is confirmed in our research.
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    Requirements for Usage Control based Exchange of Sensitive Data in Automotive Supply Chains
    ( 2021-01-05) Opriel, Sebastian ; Möller, Frederik ; Burkhardt, Ute ; Otto, Boris
    Current inter-organizational data exchange is restricted to essential information that serves to fulfill contractual commitments. Restricting the exchange of data in these terms, leads to non-consideration of potential improvements in operational processes. One objective of this article is to expose the variety of reasons that prevent these data from being exchanged. The focus is paid to data that are exchangeable from a technical and legal point of view, but whose exchange is not desirable from a company's perspective for reasons like potential data misuse or competition disadvantages. Based on our findings we derive a set of requirements for a software prototype, which is properly equipped to enable the exchange of sensitive data, paving the way of fostering transparency in automotive supply chains. For this purpose, we draw from a deep single-case study in the German automotive industry dealing with the exchange of demand and capacity information.
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    Are Online Parasites Really Different from Lurkers?
    ( 2021-01-05) Bu, Shaoyang ; Lou, Liguo ; Koh, Joon
    With the development of digital technology, the internet environment has dramatically changed the way people share information, which has been changed by different types of sources, making it convenient to obtain information. The lurking phenomenon in the network is becoming increasingly common, and previous studies have been conducted on lurkers on the internet with shifting focus from active users to passive users. Under these circumstances, this tries to conceptualize a new type of passive users, titled as “online parasites” who focus on obtaining information by utilizing the internet or their host to achieve their other purposes. The aim is to deeply understand these users and clearly distinguish them from other types of users such as lurkers.
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    Acceptance of Speech-to-Text Technology: Exploring Language Proficiency and Psychological Safety in Global Virtual Teams
    ( 2021-01-05) Fleischmann, Carolin ; Cardon, Peter ; Aritz, Jolanta
    Natural Language Processing, such as speech-to-text technology, is increasingly implemented in collaboration software that is used by global virtual teams (GVT). GVT collaboration has become ubiquitous and has additionally accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main issues of global virtual teams are technology difficulties, language and time zone differences, and lower levels of psychological safety. Advances in collaboration technology aim at improving collaboration for GVT. But we know little about the acceptance of these technologies. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore how Millennial and Gen Z members of GVT accept speech-to-text technology; namely, automated captions in virtual conferences and automated meetings transcripts. Particularly, we are comparing antecedents of acceptance across levels of language proficiency and psychological safety. We surveyed 530 users of speech-to-text technology in GVT both before and after they used the technology. The pre-survey was administered before the COVID-19 pandemic hit; when participants completed the post-survey all were under some degree of lockdown. Results suggest that use of the technology reduces anxiety and effort, but decreases performance expectation and hedonic motivation. Non-native speakers rate the technology more positively. The impact of psychological safety is limited to self-efficacy and anxiety.
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