Knowledge Flow, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange

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    Understanding Collective Reflection in Crowdsourcing for Innovation: A Semantic Network Approach
    (2021-01-05) Sun, Yao; Majchrzak , Ann; Malhotra , Arvind
    Empowered by the wisdom of crowds, innovation nowadays is increasingly relying on diverse individuals’ knowledge collaboration. Research on crowdsourcing and open innovation has demonstrated that through deliberate understanding and reflective thinking, members of the online crowd collectively manage their knowledge to generate innovative ideas. However, the semantic patterns of how online crowd’s collective reflection ultimately leads up to innovation remains unclear. Employing semantic network approach, this study analyzed a total of 1,116 posts contributed by online crowds responding to two organization-sponsored crowdsourcing open innovation challenges. Findings show that the semantic patterns of online crowds’ knowledge collaboration evolve from one phase to another in accordance with crowd members’ collective reflection on their diverse knowledge. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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    Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Homeland Security - The Roles of Trust, Technology, and Expectations
    (2021-01-05) Paul, Souren; Maynard-Noel, Evette
    This study focused on the knowledge sharing of employees at homeland security. In this study we developed and tested a theoretical model on the factors that influence employees’ attitude, intention, and behavior to share knowledge. We relied on the theory of reasoned action and media synchronicity theory to build our theoretical model. We found support for most of our hypotheses in this study which are consistent with prior studies on knowledge sharing. In particular, we found that trust had a positive relationship with the attitude to share knowledge. Another important finding is the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in knowledge sharing in homeland security. We found that ICT to support processing of information strengthened individual employees’ intention to share knowledge while the technology to support transmission of information facilitated knowledge sharing behavior.
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    How To Transfer Tacit Knowledge for Living Lab Practice Consideration on Tacit Knowledge Representations
    (2021-01-05) Yasuoka, Mika
    Despite strong attention and wide ranges of practice, living labs have hardly scaled up for a decade as expected. For living labs as one of the innovative methods for social challenges in cities with high complexity and uncertainty, one of the critical challenges is in knowledge transfer of its practice. Practical tacit knowledge for living lab is often embedded within process, organization and operation, and hardly externalized. The inexperienced practitioners face a lot of uncertainty in implementation of living lab without clues where to tackle. Aiming at promoting the living lab practice widely, this paper investigates tacit knowledge externalization with three different representations. The analysis and comparison of external representations indicate a strong compatibility pattern between representation styles and practitioners’ maturity level on the relevant field. In the living lab practice, how to convey tacti knowledge should be considered carefully, depending on practitioners’ maturity level.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Knowledge Flow, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange
    (2021-01-05) Nissen, Mark; Cooper, Lynne; Yasuoka, Mika