Data associated with the following publication: Moderate land use changes plant functional composition without loss of functional diversity in India's Western Ghats. Ecological Applications. Authors: Lisa Mandle & Tamara Ticktin University of Hawaii at Manoa, Botany Department and Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Program Questions about the data should be directed to: Lisa Mandle at 1. PLOT CHARACTERISTICS File: Mandle_plot_data_2015-02-22.csv Data description: Comma-separated values text file containing environmental characteristics associated with each 20 x 20 m study plot. COLUMN HEADINGS AND VALUES: 1) plot identification code 2) site: site code Plot characteristics 3) harvest: presence or absence of biomass extraction (commercial NTFP harvest and fuelwood collection) 4) livestock: presence or absence of livestock 5) LUI: land use intensity code from 1 (low use, no current commerical use) to 3 (moderate use, with biomass harvest and livestock grazing) 6) fire.2010: years since fire in 2010 7) fire.2011: years since fire in 2011 8) canopy.openness: percent canopy openness 9) grass.cover: percent grass cover 10) elevation: elevation (m) 11) PC1: PCA (BIOCLIM variables + elevation) axis score 1 12) PC2: PCA (BIOCLIM variables + elevation) axis score 2 BIOCLIM variables from Hijmans et al. (2005) 13) bio1: Annual mean temp (°C*10) 14) bio2: Mean diurnal range (°C*10) (mean of monthly (max temp-min temp)) 15) bio3: Isothermality (bio2/bio7)*100 16) bio4: Temperature seasonality (std dev *100) 17) bio5: Max temp of warmest month (°C*10) 18) bio6: Min temp of coldest month (°C*10) 19) bio7: Temp annual range (°C*10) (bio5-bio6) 20) bio8: Men temp of wettest quarter (°C*10) 21) bio9: Mean temp of driest quarter (°C*10) 22) bio10: Mean temp of warmest quarter (°C*10) 23) bio11: Mean temp of coldest quarter (°C*10) 24) bio12: Annual precip (mm) 25) bio13: Precip of wettest month (mm) 26) bio14: Precip of driest month (mm) 27) bio15: Precip seasonality (coeffecient of variation) 28) bio16: Precip of wettest quarter (mm) 29) bio17: Precip of driest quarter (mm) 30) bio18: Precip of warmest quarter (mm) 31) bio19: Precip of coldest quarter (mm) 2. SPECIES AND FUNCTIONAL TRAITS File: Mandle_species_traits_2015-02-22.csv Data description: Comma-separated values text file containing functional trait values associated with plant species (or morphospecies) identified in study plots. Functional trait values were compiled from regional floras, trait databases, literature searches and the expert assessment of botanist R. Ganesan from the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment. Grasses and sedges were lumped, due to a lack of identifying reproductive structures and similarity in functional traits. Missing or non-applicable values are indicated with "NA". COLUMN HEADINGS AND VALUES: Taxonomic information 1) species.code: Species code 2) family: Family 3) genus: Genus 4) species: Species 5) authority: Species authority Functional traits by species (or morphospecies) 6) growth.form: Growth form from Cornelissen et al. (2003): climber, dwarf shrub, erect-leafy, hemiparasite, palmoid, short basal, shrub, tree, tussock 7) life.form: Raunkiaer life form: chamaephyte, geophyte, hemicryptophyte, phanerophyte, therophyte 8) leaf.phenology: Leaf phenology: evergreen, semi-evergreen, deciduous" 9) plant.height: Maximum plant height (m) 10) wood.density: Wood density (g/cm^3) 11) legume: Legume (nutrient uptake strategy) 12) resprout: Resprouting ability 13) clonality: Clonality 14) armed: Physical defenses (e.g., spines, thorns) 15) seed.mass.1000: Seed mass (g/1000 seeds) 16) pol.bee: Bee pollinated 17) Fly pollinated 18) pol.bfly: Butterfly pollinated 19) pol.moth: Moth pollinated 20) pol.thr:Thrip pollinated 21) pol.bird: Bird pollinated 22) pol.mamm:Mammal pollinated 23) pol.beetle: Beetle pollinated 24) pol.wind: Wind pollinated 25) disp.wind: Wind dispersed 26) disp.anin: Endozoochory (animal dispersed, internally) 27) disp.anex: Exozoochory (animal dispersed, externally) 28) disp.water: Water dispersed 29) disp.pass: Passive dispersal 30) disp.ball: Ballistic dispersal 3. OVERSTORY COMPOSITION File: Mandle_overstory_basal_area_site_2015-02-22.csv Data description: Comma-separated values text file of overstory species composition containing the basal area per overstory species per plot in 2010. Column labels (n=34) are species codes (matching species.code from Mandle_species_traits_2015-02-22.csv). Row labels (n=14) are plot codes ( from Mandle_plot_data_2015-02-22.csv). Values are total basal area (cm^2) per species per plot. 4. SAPLING COMPOSITION File: Mandle_sapling_count_site_2015-02-22.csv Data description: Comma-separated values text file of sapling species composition containing the number of sapling individuals per species per plot in 2011. Column labels (n=30) are species codes (matching species.code from Mandle_species_traits_2015-02-22.csv). Row labels (n=14) are plot codes ( from Mandle_plot_data_2015-02-22.csv). Values are the number of sapling individuals per species per plot. 5. UNDERSTORY COMPOSITION File: Mandle_understory_percent_cover_site_2015-02-22.csv Data description: Comma-separated values text file of sapling species composition containing the mean percent cover per species per plot in 2010. Column labels (n=98) are species codes (matching species.code from Mandle_species_traits_2015-02-22.csv). Row labels (n=14) are plot codes ( from Mandle_plot_data_2015-02-22.csv). Values are the mean percent cover per species per plot, based on eight 1 x 1 m subplots. REFERENCES: Cornelissen, J. H. C., S. Lavorel, E. Garnier, S. Díaz, N. Buchmann, D. E. Gurvich, P. B. Reich, H. T. Steege, H. D. Morgan, M. G. a. V. D. Heijden, J. G. Pausas, and H. Poorter. 2003. A handbook of protocols for standardised and easy measurement of plant functional traits worldwide. Australian Journal of Botany 51:335-380. Hijmans, R.J., S.E. Cameron, J.L. Parra, P.G. Jones and A. Jarvis, 2005. Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas. International Journal of Climatology 25: 1965-1978.