BUA3-016 2020.01.26 Field notes Relative clauses All positions can be relativezed, but with different strategies (support for a core/non-core distnction?) subject – gap Object – gap IO – pronoun OP – pronoun Location – pronoun E liliwa a wai drodro “The water that is flowing is cold” (subject relative) [no resumptive pronoun] ʻo xea a ʻamaʻa rixa ʻixo e na yaloyalo “He is the man that is running in the video” (subject relative) [no resumptive pronoun] Au xania a migiʻi e vasakara ʻo inaku “I ate the food that my mother cooked” (Object Realtive) [no resumptive pronoun] *ʻO Henry e soliʻa a niu mai vei Greg ʻO Henry (a ʻamaʻa) e soli vei xea a niu mai vei Greg “Henry is the person that Greg gave the coconut to” (Indirecet Object relative) [resumptive pronoun] “Henry was given the coconut from Greg (but not a passive)” (Resumptive pronoun!) E oʻi au a ʻamaʻa e soliʻa vei au a niu ʻo Greg “I am the person (that) Greg gave the coconut to” (Indirecet Object relative) [resumptive pronoun] e xamusu ai sele au vayaga axina meʻu seleʻa xarote “I broke the knife that I cut carrots with” (object of a preposition Relative) [resumptive pronoun] Meʻu = me + au Au sa lesu ʻalu xina vanu au sucu xina “I returned to the place where I was born” (location realtive) [resumptive pronoun] E liliwa a wai “the water is cold” A wai drodro e liliwa “The flowing water is cold” A wai ni vaivo e liliwa “The faucet water is cold” Vaivo – faucet/tap (from pipe) E liliwa a wai mai na vaivo “The water from the tap is cold” E xaiau a pi “the bee stung/bit me” Xa – bite/sting Xaiau – bit me E sa vuxa ʻixo a pi xaiu “the flying bee bit me” A gone lailai e ʻagi ʻixo e vatara ʻixo a vinivo tamutamu “The crying lady is wearing a red dress” Vinivo – dress Tamutamu – red Vatara – to wear A luluvu xei xea marama e caxavi e vaʻangici xea (xea refers to the sadness) “the sadness of the lady makes her cries” Marama – lady Luluvu – sadness Xea – Here -ci “because of” (a la Geraghty pg. 269) Transitivity Test to see if transitive suffix changes based on PERSON or NUMBER of the object (use pronominal objects, also try pronominally possessed objects). Also play around with SPECIFICITY. Ni sa oʻi ni tana a gone me moce sa kai xisivi xea ʻo ʻinana “After putting the child to bed, his mother kissed him (the child)” *Ni sa oʻi ni tani a gone me moce. Ni sa oʻi ni tani droʻo a gone me moce sa kai xisivi droʻo ʻo ʻinadroʻo ʻAfter putting the children to bed, mother kissed them (the children)ʻ Xisi – to kiss *Sa xisiʻi xea ʻo ʻinana *Sa xisici xea ʻo ʻinana Tana – to put Ni kua au vasakara a baigani me xeiʻo vaʻaranavi (already cooked) Ni kua au vasakaʻa a baigani me xeiʻo vaʻaranavi (you havenʻt done it, are in the process, OR ARE ABOUT TO – inceptive?) “Today I cooked some eggplants for dinner.” #n (Geraghty points out the -r- thematic consonant is associated with verbs of excretion, Pg.267-8). Au voli baigani mai (kai) au sa vasakara ʻodroʻou *“I bought some eggplants and then cooked them” “I bought the eggplant and THEY are going to cook it Ka – Passive-like, additional emphasis on the eggplant (Sisilia) Conjunction, links VPs (Schutz) Na – FUT Kai – and/SEQ Au voli baigani mai (ka) au na kai vasakara (*ʻodroʻou) *Au voli baigani mai ka au na kai vasakaʻa “I bought some eggplants and am going to cook them”