ADS5-010 SENTENCE NUMBER: 1 bakol anen legak bakol anən ləgak basket that.dist fall The basket fell. (asked for full but was misheard as fall) (ADS5-010, E, 00:01:24.251--00:01:30.776) SENTENCE NUMBER: 2 akuy pelegak bakol anen akuy pə-ləgak bakol anən 1s caus-fall basket that.dist I made the basket fall. (asked for full but was misheard as fall) (ADS5-010, E, 00:04:33.326--00:04:51.638) SENTENCE NUMBER: 3 bakol anen penu baha bakol anən pənu baha basket that.dist full uncooked.rice The basket is full of rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:07:57.476--00:08:04.751) SENTENCE NUMBER: 4 gunu anen penu baha gunu anən pənu baha unknown that.dist full uncooked.rice The ?? is full of rice. (ADS5-010, V, 00:08:40.389--00:08:44.864) SENTENCE NUMBER: 5 ak pepenu bakol anih dahin baha ak pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha 1s.short caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice I filled the basket with rice. (ADS5-010, E, 00:09:56.764--00:10:04.626) SENTENCE NUMBER: 6 bakol anen penu dahin baha bakol anən pənu dahin baha basket that.dist full with uncooked.rice The basket is full of rice. The basket is filled with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:11:14.564--00:11:21.152) SENTENCE NUMBER: 7 *ak pepenu bakol anih baha ak pə-pənu bakol anih baha 1s.short caus-full basket this uncooked.rice (need to use dahin) (ADS5-010, J, 00:11:25.527--00:11:39.159) SENTENCE NUMBER: 8 akuy pepenu bakol anih dahin baha akuy pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha 1s caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice I filled the basket with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:12:05.827--00:12:12.989) SENTENCE NUMBER: 9 bakol anih akuy pepenu dahin baha bakol anih akuy pə-pənu dahin baha basket this 1s caus-full with uncooked.rice This basket I filled with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:13:39.389--00:13:47.027) SENTENCE NUMBER: 10 bakol anih ak pepenu dahin baha bakol anih ak pə-pənu dahin baha basket this 1s.short caus-full with uncooked.rice I filled the basket with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:13:55.114--00:14:01.227) SENTENCE NUMBER: 11 ?bakol anih akuy pepenu dahin baha bakol anih akuy pə-pənu dahin baha basket this 1s caus-full with uncooked.rice I filled the basket wtih this rice. (El does not prefer the use of akuy here, although it is understandable) (ADS5-010, J, 00:14:07.739--00:14:15.577) SENTENCE NUMBER: 12 ak pepenu bakol anih dahin baha ak pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha 1s.short caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice I filled the basket wtih rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:16:02.564--00:16:07.889) SENTENCE NUMBER: 13 akuy pepenu bakol anih dahin baha akuy pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha 1s caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice I filled the basket with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:16:10.089--00:16:16.002) SENTENCE NUMBER: 14 au nah ika' pepenu bakol anen dahin baha au nah ikaʔ pə-pənu bakol anən dahin baha already unknown particle 2s caus-full basket that.dist with uncooked.rice Did you already fill the basket with rice? (ADS5-010, E, 00:18:17.802--00:18:34.427) SENTENCE NUMBER: 15 au nah ika' pepenu bakol anih dahin baha au nah ikaʔ pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha already unknown particle 2s caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice Did you already fill the basket with rice? (ADS5-010, J, 00:18:47.027--00:18:51.140) SENTENCE NUMBER: 16 au nah ka' pepenu bakol anih dahin baha au nah kaʔ pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha already unknown particle 2s.gen caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice Did you already fill the basket with the rice? (ADS5-010, J, 00:18:59.502--00:19:11.290) SENTENCE NUMBER: 17 *au nah im pepenu bakol anih dahin baha au nah im pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha already unknown particle 2s.pass caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice (cannot use im here) (ADS5-010, J, 00:19:19.502--00:19:29.665) SENTENCE NUMBER: 18 au kuy pepenu bakol anih dahin baha au kuy pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha already 1s.gen caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice I already filled the basket with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:20:18.715--00:20:25.002) SENTENCE NUMBER: 19 *kuy au pepenu bakol anih dahin baha kuy au pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha 1s.gen already caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice (no initial kuy) (ADS5-010, J, 00:20:33.940--00:20:40.377) SENTENCE NUMBER: 20 au ak pepenu bakol anih dahin baha au ak pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha already 1s.short caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice I already filled the basket with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:20:45.927--00:20:59.690) SENTENCE NUMBER: 21 *ak au pepenu bakol anih dahin baha ak au pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha 1s.short already caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice (cannot separate ak from verb) SENTENCE NUMBER: 22 *jan au kuy pepenu bakol anih dahin baha jan au kuy pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha neg already 1s.gen caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice (seems that El does not liek jan and au here) (ADS5-010, J, 00:21:14.390--00:21:25.365) SENTENCE NUMBER: 23 *jan kuy au pepenu bakol anih dahin baha jan kuy au pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha neg 1s.gen already caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice (seems that El does not liek jan and au here) (ADS5-010, J, 00:22:15.390--00:22:23.290) SENTENCE NUMBER: 24 akuy jan payan pepenu bakol anen dahin baha akuy jan payan pə-pənu bakol anən dahin baha 1s neg yet caus-full basket that.dist with uncooked.rice I have not yet filled the basket with rice. (ADS5-010, E, 00:22:35.740--00:22:46.690) SENTENCE NUMBER: 25 *akuy jan au pepenu bakol anih dahin baha akuy jan au pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha 1s neg already caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice (payan and au: not interchangeable) (ADS5-010, J, 00:23:31.978--00:23:41.703) SENTENCE NUMBER: 26 jan kuy payan pepenu bakol anih dahin baha jan kuy payan pə-pənu bakol anih dahin baha neg 1s.gen yet caus-full basket this with uncooked.rice I have not yet filled the basket with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:24:14.215--00:24:21.115) SENTENCE NUMBER: 27 jan payan kuy pepenu bakol dahin baha jan payan kuy pə-pənu bakol dahin baha neg yet 1s.gen caus-full basket with uncooked.rice I have not yet filled the basket with rice. (without anih) (ADS5-010, J, 00:24:54.378--00:25:00.715) SENTENCE NUMBER: 28 *jan ak payan kuy pepenu bakol dahin baha jan ak payan kuy pə-pənu bakol dahin baha neg 1s.short yet 1s.gen caus-full basket with uncooked.rice None (ADS5-010, J, 00:25:13.390--00:25:25.553) SENTENCE NUMBER: 29 *jan payan ak pepenu bakol dahin baha jan payan ak pə-pənu bakol dahin baha neg yet 1s.short caus-full basket with uncooked.rice None (ADS5-010, J, 00:25:33.403--00:25:40.390) SENTENCE NUMBER: 30 *ak jan payan pepenu bakol dahin baha ak jan payan pə-pənu bakol dahin baha 1s.short neg yet caus-full basket with uncooked.rice None (ADS5-010, J, 00:25:59.553--00:26:05.928) SENTENCE NUMBER: 31 bakol anih jan payan akuy pepenu dahin baha bakol anih jan payan akuy pə-pənu dahin baha basket this neg yet 1s caus-full with uncooked.rice The basket I have not yet filled (it) with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:26:53.240--00:27:03.053) SENTENCE NUMBER: 32 bakol anih jan payan ak pepenu dahin baha bakol anih jan payan ak pə-pənu dahin baha basket this neg yet 1s.short caus-full with uncooked.rice The basket I have not yet fileld (it) with rice. (ADS5-010, J, 00:27:37.416--00:27:44.278) SENTENCE NUMBER: 33 *bakol anih jan ak payan pepenu dahin baha bakol anih jan ak payan pə-pənu dahin baha basket this neg 1s.short yet caus-full with uncooked.rice None (ADS5-010, J, 00:28:04.916--00:28:11.716) SENTENCE NUMBER: 34 *bakol anih jan akuy payan pepenu dahin baha bakol anih jan akuy payan pə-pənu dahin baha basket this neg 1s yet caus-full with uncooked.rice None (ADS5-010, J, 00:28:21.928--00:28:29.091) SENTENCE NUMBER: 35 *bakol anih akuy jan payan pepenu dahin baha bakol anih akuy jan payan pə-pənu dahin baha basket this 1s neg yet caus-full with uncooked.rice None (ADS5-010, J, 00:28:54.091--00:29:03.053) SENTENCE NUMBER: 36 *bakol anih ak jan payan pepenu dahin baha bakol anih ak jan payan pə-pənu dahin baha basket this 1s.short neg yet caus-full with uncooked.rice None (ADS5-010, J, 00:29:11.116--00:29:18.378) SENTENCE NUMBER: 37 wit anen au ma'ang wit anən au maʔaŋ dish that.dist already clean The dish(es) are clean. (ADS5-010, E, 00:30:54.991--00:30:59.316) SENTENCE NUMBER: 38 akuy ma'ang akuy maʔaŋ 1s clean I am clean I'm clean. SENTENCE NUMBER: 39 masep masəp dirty dirty (ADS5-010, E, 00:31:40.753--00:31:53.178) SENTENCE NUMBER: 40 wit anih au masep wit anih au masəp dish this already dirty The dishes are already dirty. (ADS5-010, J, 00:31:57.091--00:32:09.266) SENTENCE NUMBER: 41 iha' alem mayo wit ihaʔ aləm mayo wit 3s inside wash dish She washes the dishes. (ADS5-010, E, 00:32:16.266--00:32:26.704) SENTENCE NUMBER: 42 iha' alem mayo daven ihaʔ aləm mayo davən 3s inside wash clothing She washes clothes. (ADS5-010, E, 00:32:55.354--00:33:07.804) SENTENCE NUMBER: 43 ha hunge iha' mayo daven ha huŋe ihaʔ mayo davən at river 3s wash clothing She washes clothes in the river. (ADS5-010, J, 00:33:41.904--00:33:57.579) SENTENCE NUMBER: 44 iha' mayo daven halem hunge ihaʔ mayo davən h-aləm huŋe 3s wash clothing at-inside river She washed her clothes (while phisically in the river). (ADS5-010, E, 00:34:29.591--00:34:36.766) SENTENCE NUMBER: 45 iha' du ha hunge ihaʔ du ha huŋe 3s bathe at river She bathes in the river. SENTENCE NUMBER: 46 akuy jan payan du akuy jan payan du 1s neg yet bathe I haven't bathed yet. (ADS5-010, E, 00:36:52.254--00:36:54.866) SENTENCE NUMBER: 47 au ka' du au kaʔ du already 2s.gen bathe Have you showered yet? (ADS5-010, E, 00:37:21.391--00:37:28.341) SENTENCE NUMBER: 48 jan payan jan payan neg yet Not Yet SENTENCE NUMBER: 49 au au already already. (Yes, I've already done that.) (ADS5-010, E, 00:37:57.967--00:37:58.967) SENTENCE NUMBER: 50 *jan payan du jan payan du neg yet bathe None (ADS5-010, J, 00:38:21.617--00:38:27.267) SENTENCE NUMBER: 51 la'e laʔe tiered tired (ADS5-010, E, 00:38:57.254--00:38:58.667) SENTENCE NUMBER: 52 akuy la'e akuy laʔe 1s tiered I'm tired. (ADS5-010, J, 00:39:09.517--00:39:11.992) SENTENCE NUMBER: 53 akuy meren la'e akuy mərən laʔe 1s very tiered I'm very tired. (ADS5-010, E, 00:39:29.467--00:39:31.967) SENTENCE NUMBER: 54 akuy la'e meren akuy laʔe mərən 1s tiered very I'm very tired (ADS5-010, J, 00:39:40.529--00:39:44.342) SENTENCE NUMBER: 55 *meren la'e akuy ? mərən laʔe akuy very tiered 1s (Not sure if this is ungrammatical or just that kuy is preferred) (ADS5-010, 00:39:59.017--00:40:04.254) SENTENCE NUMBER: 56 meren la'e kuy mərən laʔe kuy very tiered 1s.gen Are you tired? SENTENCE NUMBER: 57 tepurung nah kuy la'e təpuruŋ nah kuy laʔe run unknown particle 1s.gen tiered Running makes me tired. (ADS5-010, E, 00:41:22.229--00:41:27.829) SENTENCE NUMBER: 58 *tepurung nah la'e kuy təpuruŋ nah laʔe kuy run unknown particle tiered 1s.gen None (ADS5-010, J, 00:41:53.429--00:41:58.804) SENTENCE NUMBER: 59 au kuy bara akuy la'e au kuy bara akuy laʔe already 1s.gen say 1s tiered I already said I was tired. (ADS5-010, E, 00:42:32.554--00:42:36.854) SENTENCE NUMBER: 60 au kuy bara iha' akuy la'e au kuy bara ihaʔ akuy laʔe already 1s.gen say 3s 1s tiered I told him that I was tired. (ADS5-010, E, 00:44:02.917--00:44:15.930) SENTENCE NUMBER: 61 au kuy bara iha' kuy la'e au kuy bara ihaʔ kuy laʔe already 1s.gen say 3s 1s.gen tiered I already told him that I am tired. SENTENCE NUMBER: 62 akuy alem ilo haduy akuy aləm ilo haduy 1s inside search job I'm looking for a job. (ADS5-010, E, 00:45:04.267--00:45:16.262) SENTENCE NUMBER: 63 akuy alem ilo ket kuman akuy aləm ilo kət kuman 1s inside search thing eat I'm looking for food. SENTENCE NUMBER: 64 akuy alem ilo iha' akuy aləm ilo ihaʔ 1s inside search 3s I am looking for him. (ADS5-010, E, 00:47:41.030--00:47:54.230) SENTENCE NUMBER: 65 *akuy alem ilo ha' ? akuy aləm ilo haʔ 1s inside search 3s (reduced form in object position bad) (ADS5-010, J, 00:47:54.230--00:47:57.930) SENTENCE NUMBER: 66 iha' ilo akuy ihaʔ ilo akuy 3s search 1s He is looking for me. (ADS5-010, E, 00:48:27.742--00:48:38.192) SENTENCE NUMBER: 67 *iha' ilo kuy ? ihaʔ ilo kuy 3s search 1s.gen None SENTENCE NUMBER: 68 *iha' ilo na kuy ? ihaʔ ilo na kuy 3s search make 1s.gen None (ADS5-010, J, 00:48:52.492--00:48:55.092) SENTENCE NUMBER: 69 te im uli uma te im uli uma go 2s.pass return.home house Go home! (ADS5-010, E, 00:50:07.405--00:50:15.505) SENTENCE NUMBER: 70 akuy te uli uma akuy te uli uma 1s go return.home house I'm going home. (ADS5-010, E, 00:50:40.905--00:50:52.105) SENTENCE NUMBER: 71 hinak ha' uma hinaʔ-k haʔ uma mother-1s.gen2 3s house My mother is at home. (ADS5-010, E, 00:51:08.205--00:51:15.205) SENTENCE NUMBER: 72 hinak jan ha' uma hinaʔ-k jan haʔ uma mother-1s.gen2 neg 3s house My mother is not at home. (ADS5-010, E, 00:51:27.905--00:51:34.005) SENTENCE NUMBER: 73 hinak japan ateng ha' uma hinaʔ-k janpayan atəŋ haʔ uma mother-1s.gen2 negyet arrive 3s house My mother has not yet arrived home. (ADS5-010, E, 00:51:48.105--00:52:05.505) SENTENCE NUMBER: 74 hinak te ha' uma akuy jan ha' uma hinaʔ-k te haʔ uma akuy jan haʔ uma mother-1s.gen2 go 3s house 1s neg 3s house My mother is home, I am not home. (ADS5-010, E, 00:52:42.705--00:52:50.380) SENTENCE NUMBER: 75 akuy jan ha' uma hinak au ha' uma ? akuy jan haʔ uma hinaʔ-k au haʔ uma 1s neg 3s house mother-1s.gen2 already 3s house I'm not at home, (but) my mother is. (ADS5-010, J, 00:53:47.930--00:53:53.730) SENTENCE NUMBER: 76 hinak melo' ha' uma hinaʔ-k məloʔ haʔ uma mother-1s.gen2 sit 3s house My mother stayed at home yesterday. (ADS5-010, E, 00:54:19.481--00:54:31.968) SENTENCE NUMBER: 77 akuy melo' akuy məloʔ 1s sit I'm sitting. (ADS5-010, J, 00:54:53.118--00:54:58.118) SENTENCE NUMBER: 78 akuy seng te uli uma akuy səŋ te uli uma 1s UNKNOWN go return.home house I want to go home. (ADS5-010, E, 00:55:36.068--00:55:51.168) SENTENCE NUMBER: 79 hinam ha' uma hinaʔ-m haʔ uma mother-2s.gen2 3s house Your mum is at home. (ADS5-010, E, 00:56:43.931--00:56:49.693) SENTENCE NUMBER: 80 *hinan ha' uma hinaʔ-n haʔ uma mother-3sg.gen2 3s house (it must be hinan na') (ADS5-010, J, 00:57:04.756--00:57:07.968) SENTENCE NUMBER: 81 hinan tam hinaʔ-n tam mother-3sg.gen2 1pl.incl.gen our mother. (ADS5-010, E, 00:58:09.256--00:58:13.543)