ADS4-012 SENTENCE NUMBER: 1 bekeduh bə-kəduh intr-run to run (ADS4-012, E, 00:00:08.600--00:00:09.988) SENTENCE NUMBER: 2 iah bekeduh diang terun iə̯h bə-kəduh diə̯ŋ tərun 1pl.excl intr-run inside jungle We run in the forest. (ADS4-012, E, 00:00:26.800--00:00:28.950) SENTENCE NUMBER: 3 iah bekeduh meron terun iə̯h bə-kəduh məron tərun 1pl.excl intr-run unknown jungle (Not orally translated.) (ADS4-012, E, 00:00:55.600--00:00:58.338) SENTENCE NUMBER: 4 ruah terun ruah tərun exit jungle to get out of the forest (ADS4-012, E, 00:01:02.600--00:01:03.413) SENTENCE NUMBER: 5 iah bekeduh ke diang terun ke meno' iah ruah iə̯h bə-kəduh kə diə̯ŋ tərun kə mbohanoʔ iə̯h ruah 1pl.excl intr-run dat inside jungle dat 1pl.excl exit We ran through the forest and out of it. (ADS4-012, E, 00:01:11.238--00:01:15.875) SENTENCE NUMBER: 6 iah bekeduh diang terun ayuah kesuang iah iə̯h bə-kəduh diə̯ŋ tərun ayuə̯h kəsuə̯ŋ iə̯h 1pl.excl intr-run inside jungle with dog 1pl.excl We ran in the forest with our dog. (ADS4-012, E, 00:02:12.838--00:02:17.838) SENTENCE NUMBER: 7 iah bekeduh ayuah kesuang iah diang terun iə̯h bə-kəduh ayuə̯h kəsuə̯ŋ iə̯h diə̯ŋ tərun 1pl.excl intr-run with dog 1pl.excl inside jungle We ran in the forest wtih our dog. (ADS4-012, J, 00:02:58.575--00:03:04.675) SENTENCE NUMBER: 8 ayuah kesuang iah bekeduh diang terun ayuə̯h kəsuə̯ŋ iə̯h bə-kəduh diə̯ŋ tərun with dog 1pl.excl intr-run inside jungle We ran in the forest with our dog. (Answering the question: Who are you running with?) (ADS4-012, J, 00:03:50.763--00:03:52.525) SENTENCE NUMBER: 9 beranak bər-anak intr-child None (ADS4-012, 00:04:34.188--00:04:35.488) SENTENCE NUMBER: 10 gi' pira' duag beranak ndu ano' giʔ piraʔ duə̯g bər-anak ndu anoʔ have baby be.hit intr-child day A baby was born the other day. (ADS4-012, E, 00:05:05.050--00:05:12.700) SENTENCE NUMBER: 11 dengan ku' betia' dəŋan kuʔ bətiə̯ʔ friend 1s pregnant My friend is pregnant. (ADS4-012, E, 00:05:48.025--00:05:51.388) SENTENCE NUMBER: 12 dengan ku' meran beranak dəŋan kuʔ məran bər-anak friend 1s just intr-child My friend recently gave birth. (ADS4-012, E, 00:06:08.975--00:06:10.813) SENTENCE NUMBER: 13 dengan ku' beranak nak dari dəŋan kuʔ bər-anak nak dari friend 1s intr-child child male My friend gave birth to a boy. (ADS4-012, E, 00:06:43.063--00:06:46.413) SENTENCE NUMBER: 14 dengan ku' beranak pira' dari dəŋan kuʔ bər-anak piraʔ dari friend 1s intr-child baby male My friend gave birth to a boy. (a good sentence, but the word pria' is not used much anymore) (ADS4-012, J, 00:07:07.863--00:07:10.508) SENTENCE NUMBER: 15 dengan ku' beranak pira' dəŋan kuʔ bər-anak piraʔ friend 1s intr-child baby My friend gave birth to a baby. (ADS4-012, J, 00:07:33.962--00:07:38.675) SENTENCE NUMBER: 16 beturuah bə-turuə̯h intr-egg to lay an egg (ADS4-012, E, 00:08:50.450--00:08:51.737) SENTENCE NUMBER: 17 siap i' beturuah siap iʔ bə-turuə̯h chicken 3s.gen intr-egg His chicken laid eggs. (ADS4-012, E, 00:09:33.200--00:09:35.750) SENTENCE NUMBER: 18 senang tin sənaŋ tin happy liver happy (ADS4-012, E, 00:09:55.225--00:09:56.975) SENTENCE NUMBER: 19 ku' senang tin kuʔ sənaŋ tin 1s happy liver I am happy. (ADS4-012, J, 00:11:00.900--00:11:05.300) SENTENCE NUMBER: 20 ku' paring senang tin ayuah dengan ku' kuʔ pariŋ sənaŋ tin ayuə̯h dəŋan kuʔ 1s most happy liver with friend 1s I am most happy when I'm with my friends. (ADS4-012, E, 00:11:26.825--00:11:30.125) SENTENCE NUMBER: 21 dengan ku' da' ku' senang tin dəŋan kuʔ daʔ kuʔ sənaŋ tin friend 1s instruct 1s happy liver My friends make me happy. (ADS4-012, E, 00:11:57.425--00:12:02.925) SENTENCE NUMBER: 22 susah tin susah tin negative.emotion liver unhappy, anxious, worried (ADS4-012, E, 00:12:30.237--00:12:31.112) SENTENCE NUMBER: 23 mendam tin məndam tin painful liver Sad, broken hearted, in emotional pain or distress. (ADS4-012, V, 00:12:44.537--00:12:45.575) SENTENCE NUMBER: 24 medut tin mədut tin cold liver Calm tempered; level headed (ADS4-012, V, 00:12:55.362--00:12:56.425) SENTENCE NUMBER: 25 ras tin ras tin hot liver hot headed; tempermental (ADS4-012, V, 00:13:01.225--00:13:02.075) SENTENCE NUMBER: 26 skorah da' ku' susah tin skorah daʔ kuʔ susah tin school instruct 1s negative.emotion liver School makes me anxious. (ADS4-012, E, 00:13:59.650--00:14:04.062) SENTENCE NUMBER: 27 u da' ku' mendam tin u daʔ kuʔ məndam tin 2s instruct 1s painful liver You hurt me. You made me sad. You disappointed me. (ADS4-012, V, 00:16:14.237--00:16:19.724) SENTENCE NUMBER: 28 senang tin gaya i' sənaŋ tin gaya iʔ happy liver appearance 3s.gen You look happy. (Likened to: "Someone seems happy!") (ADS4-012, E, 00:18:43.399--00:18:47.662) SENTENCE NUMBER: 29 mai no' ? may noʔ 2s.gen.polite that Why's that? (followup to sentence 28, asking why you seem so happy) (ADS4-012, E, 00:20:18.424--00:20:19.174) SENTENCE NUMBER: 30 bengos bəŋos stale stale (ADS4-012, E, 00:21:26.337--00:21:26.937) SENTENCE NUMBER: 31 medam mədam rotten Rotten (ADS4-012, E, 00:21:30.224--00:21:35.924) SENTENCE NUMBER: 32 dian ano' mboh medam diə̯n anoʔ mboh mədam durian already rotten That durian is rotten. (ADS4-012, E, 00:22:34.861--00:22:37.311) SENTENCE NUMBER: 33 dian ano' medam wai raju diə̯n anoʔ mədam way raju durian rotten very fast That durian rotted really fast. (ADS4-012, E, 00:23:13.261--00:23:17.736) SENTENCE NUMBER: 34 tebi' ano' bengos təbiʔ anoʔ bəŋos rice stale That rice is stale. (ADS4-012, E, 00:24:26.424--00:24:28.736) SENTENCE NUMBER: 35 tebi' ano' mboh yo' bengos təbiʔ anoʔ mboh yoʔ bəŋos rice almost stale That rice is getting stale. (Literally: That rice is almost stale.) (ADS4-012, 00:25:05.811--00:25:08.511) SENTENCE NUMBER: 36 pere'o pərəʔo quiet quiet, still. (ADS4-012, E, 00:26:50.499--00:26:59.874) SENTENCE NUMBER: 37 dari ano' per'o dop i' dari anoʔ pərʔo dop iʔ male quiet self 3s.gen That man is still/quiet. (ADS4-012, E, 00:27:22.011--00:27:23.436) SENTENCE NUMBER: 38 dari ano' per'o dop i' yoh doh raju tiwas dari anoʔ pərʔo dop iʔ yoh doh raju tiwas male quiet self 3s.gen 3s neg fast angry That man is calm; he is not quick to anger. (ADS4-012, V, 00:29:23.124--00:29:31.699) SENTENCE NUMBER: 39 per'o dop mu' per'o dop mu' pərʔo dop muʔ pərʔo dop muʔ quiet self 2s.gen quiet self 2s.gen Be still, be still. Be quiet, be quiet. (quiet yourself) (ADS4-012, E, 00:30:35.336--00:30:36.398) SENTENCE NUMBER: 40 bedoh bədoh dry dry (ADS4-012, E, 00:31:16.548--00:31:17.598) SENTENCE NUMBER: 41 pesok pəsok wither dry, shrivelled (ADS4-012, E, 00:31:42.061--00:31:42.736) SENTENCE NUMBER: 42 sengi ano' mboh bedoh səŋi anoʔ mboh bədoh river already dry That river is dry. (ADS4-012, E, 00:32:12.711--00:32:16.323) SENTENCE NUMBER: 43 sengi ano' so' duoh sewa' jahit makin ndu makin bedoh səŋi anoʔ soʔ duoh səwaʔ jahit makin ndu makin bədoh river from two year unknown increase day increase dry The river got drier and drier over the last two years. (ADS4-012, E, 00:34:02.211--00:34:07.911) SENTENCE NUMBER: 44 jepuah ku' mboh bedoh jəpuə̯h kuʔ mboh bədoh shirt 1s already dry My shirt is dry. (ADS4-012, E, 00:35:44.061--00:35:45.998) SENTENCE NUMBER: 45 jepuah ku' bedoh jəpuə̯h kuʔ bədoh shirt 1s dry My shirt is dry. (ADS4-012, J, 00:36:07.191--00:36:08.781) SENTENCE NUMBER: 46 jepuah ku' bedoh raju jəpuə̯h kuʔ bədoh raju shirt 1s dry fast My clothes dried quickly. (ADS4-012, E, 00:36:26.296--00:36:29.416) SENTENCE NUMBER: 47 jepuah ku' raju bedoh jəpuə̯h kuʔ raju bədoh shirt 1s fast dry My clothes dried quickly. (ADS4-012, E, 00:36:32.596--00:36:34.076) SENTENCE NUMBER: 48 jepuah ku' bedoh raju da' sera' jəpuə̯h kuʔ bədoh raju daʔ səraʔ shirt 1s dry fast instruct sun The sun dried my clothes really quickly. (ADS4-012, E, 00:37:09.948--00:37:12.848) SENTENCE NUMBER: 49 ingpen ku' mboh bedoh iŋpen kuʔ mboh bədoh pen 1s already dry My pen is dried up. (ADS4-012, E, 00:38:05.960--00:38:07.410) SENTENCE NUMBER: 50 ingpen ku' bedoh iŋpen kuʔ bədoh pen 1s dry My pen is dried up. (ADS4-012, E, 00:38:14.298--00:38:15.073) SENTENCE NUMBER: 51 berubi bə-rubi intr-play to play (ADS4-012, E, 00:38:49.348--00:38:50.110) SENTENCE NUMBER: 52 kiyuh rubi kiyuh rubi thing play toy (ADS4-012, V, 00:39:09.348--00:39:11.235) SENTENCE NUMBER: 53 nak ku' berubi di sepa' nak kuʔ bə-rubi di səpaʔ child 1s intr-play loc outside My child is playing outside. (ADS4-012, E, 00:39:31.173--00:39:33.873) SENTENCE NUMBER: 54 nak ku' berubi kiyuh rubi moto nak kuʔ bə-rubi kiyuh rubi moto child 1s intr-play thing play car My child is playing with a toy car. (ADS4-012, E, 00:40:17.273--00:40:20.560) SENTENCE NUMBER: 55 peramin pəramin 1. to play house, 2. to build a house (ADS4-012, E, 00:41:14.198--00:41:14.948) SENTENCE NUMBER: 56 yoh peramin di pasar yoh pəramin di pasar 3s loc town He builds a home in the city. (ADS4-012, E, 00:42:47.110--00:42:48.760) SENTENCE NUMBER: 57 ngara no' peramin ŋara noʔ pəramin 3pl that They're playing house. (ADS4-012, E, 00:44:09.410--00:44:11.823) SENTENCE NUMBER: 58 senda' rubi səndaʔ rubi knife play toy knife (ADS4-012, E, 00:44:51.885--00:44:53.197) SENTENCE NUMBER: 59 se'ian səʔiə̯n cry to cry (ADS4-012, E, 00:45:56.847--00:45:58.297) SENTENCE NUMBER: 60 bua' nak ku' se'ian buə̯ʔ nak kuʔ səʔiə̯n all child 1s cry All my children are crying. (ADS4-012, E, 00:46:22.922--00:46:26.472) SENTENCE NUMBER: 61 pe'in ku' mboh bua' pəʔin kuʔ mboh buə̯ʔ water 1s already finished My drink is finished. (ADS4-012, V, 00:46:38.310--00:46:39.147) SENTENCE NUMBER: 62 kerja ku' mboh bua' kərja kuʔ mboh buə̯ʔ work 1s already all My work is finished. (ADS4-012, V, 00:46:41.710--00:46:42.560) SENTENCE NUMBER: 63 u da' nak ku' se'ian u daʔ nak kuʔ səʔiə̯n 2s instruct child 1s cry You made my children cry. (ADS4-012, E, 00:47:03.985--00:47:05.672) SENTENCE NUMBER: 64 u da' ku' se'ian u daʔ kuʔ səʔiə̯n 2s instruct 1s cry You made me cry. (ADS4-012, E, 00:47:20.885--00:47:24.110) SENTENCE NUMBER: 65 u an da' ku' se'ian ka u an daʔ kuʔ səʔiə̯n ka 2s want instruct 1s cry question Do you want to make me cry? (ADS4-012, E, 00:47:43.972--00:47:45.722) SENTENCE NUMBER: 66 yoh se'o jepoh di aron i' yoh səʔo jəpoh di aron iʔ 3s kill snake loc home 3s.gen She killed the snake in her house. (ADS4-012, E, 00:49:29.535--00:49:34.135) SENTENCE NUMBER: 67 jepoh duag se'o jəpoh duə̯g səʔo snake be.hit kill The snake was killed. (ADS4-012, E, 00:50:11.497--00:50:13.447) SENTENCE NUMBER: 68 ku' terse'o jepoh kuʔ tər-səʔo jəpoh 1s accidental-kill snake I accidentally killed the snake. (ADS4-012, E, 00:51:24.647--00:51:25.985) SENTENCE NUMBER: 69 gi' daya' terse'o jepoh giʔ dayaʔ tər-səʔo jəpoh have person accidental-kill snake Someone accidentally killed the snake. (ADS4-012, E, 00:51:26.522--00:51:27.697) SENTENCE NUMBER: 70 kaka' ku' terse'o jepoh kakaʔ kuʔ tər-səʔo jəpoh elder.sibling 1s accidental-kill snake My sister accidentally killed the snake. (ADS4-012, E, 00:52:39.072--00:52:41.622) SENTENCE NUMBER: 71 semba səmba uncle; aunt older uncle, older auntie (ADS4-012, V, 00:53:31.684--00:53:32.747) SENTENCE NUMBER: 72 tua' tuaʔ uncle; aunt younger uncle, younger auntie (ADS4-012, V, 00:53:36.097--00:53:36.972) SENTENCE NUMBER: 73 nga ŋa for 2pl, also used as a polite form of address for a person of unknown age (ADS4-012, V, 00:55:08.959--00:55:09.659)