Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav SENTENCE NUMBER: 1 akuy basa' bup anih akuy basaʔ bup anih 1s read book this I read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:00:56.613--00:01:02.563) SENTENCE NUMBER: 2 akuy basa' bup anih dahelem deh akuy basaʔ bup anih dahələm deh 1s read book this yesterday prt I read this book yesterday. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:01:54.188--00:01:58.988) SENTENCE NUMBER: 3 akuy basa' dahelem deh bup anih akuy basaʔ dahələm deh bup anih 1s read yesterday prt book this I read this book yesterday. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:02:29.313--00:02:36.650) SENTENCE NUMBER: 4 dahelem deh akuy basa' bup anih dahələm deh akuy basaʔ bup anih yesterday prt 1s read book this Yesterday I read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:02:50.025--00:02:57.875) SENTENCE NUMBER: 5 akuy dahelem deh basa' bup anih akuy dahələm deh basaʔ bup anih 1s yesterday prt read book this I yesterday read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:03:05.013--00:03:10.313) SENTENCE NUMBER: 6 dahelem deh akuy au basa' bup anih dahələm deh akuy au basaʔ bup anih yesterday prt 1s already read book this Yesterday I already read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:03:28.525--00:03:43.075) SENTENCE NUMBER: 7 akuy dahelem deh au basa' bup anih akuy dahələm deh au basaʔ bup anih 1s yesterday prt already read book this I yesterday already read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:04:12.575--00:04:23.975) SENTENCE NUMBER: 8 *akuy au dahelem deh basa' bup anih akuy au dahələm deh basaʔ bup anih 1s already yesterday prt read book this *I already yesterday read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:04:28.475--00:04:33.975) SENTENCE NUMBER: 9 akuy au basa' dahelem deh bup anih akuy au basaʔ dahələm deh bup anih 1s already read yesterday prt book this I already read yesterday this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:04:50.738--00:04:56.688) SENTENCE NUMBER: 10 akuy au basa' bup anih dahelem deh akuy au basaʔ bup anih dahələm deh 1s already read book this yesterday prt I already read this book yesterday. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:05:05.688--00:05:10.788) SENTENCE NUMBER: 11 au akuy basa' bup anih au akuy basaʔ bup anih already 1s read book this I already read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:05:56.750--00:05:58.700) SENTENCE NUMBER: 12 au akuy basa' bup anih au akuy basaʔ bup anih already 1s read book this I already read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:06:23.350--00:06:26.050) SENTENCE NUMBER: 13 au kuy basa' bup anih au kuy basaʔ bup anih already 1s.gen read book this I already read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:06:28.850--00:06:33.250) SENTENCE NUMBER: 14 au akuy basa' bup anih au akuy basaʔ bup anih already 1s read book this I already read this book. (attempted to get a judgement on the use of aku, but was corrected to akuy) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, V, 00:07:16.575--00:07:20.475) SENTENCE NUMBER: 15 *au aku basa' au basaʔ already read (again, an attempt to get a judgement on aku is corrected) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, 00:07:34.225--00:07:36.025) SENTENCE NUMBER: 16 au akuy basa' au akuy basaʔ already 1s read I already read (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, V, 00:07:36.025--00:07:38.225) SENTENCE NUMBER: 17 *aku (Not a Kayan word) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:08:42.650--00:08:45.350) SENTENCE NUMBER: 18 dahelem deh au akuy basa' bup anih dahələm deh au akuy basaʔ bup anih yesterday prt already 1s read book this Yesterday already I read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:09:22.587--00:09:27.575) SENTENCE NUMBER: 19 au dahelem deh akuy basa' bup anih au dahələm deh akuy basaʔ bup anih already yesterday prt 1s read book this Already yesterday I read this book. (acceptability depends on the presence of a pause after 'au'. As spoken, without a pause, it is not acceptable) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:09:29.575--00:09:38.175) SENTENCE NUMBER: 20 au dahelem deh akuy basa' bup anih au dahələm deh akuy basaʔ bup anih already yesterday prt 1s read book this Already, yesterday I ready this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:09:55.375--00:10:05.325) SENTENCE NUMBER: 21 au ka' basa' bup anih au kaʔ basaʔ bup anih already 2s.gen read book this did you read this book? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:10:40.212--00:10:45.850) SENTENCE NUMBER: 22 au ka' basa' bup anih au kaʔ basaʔ bup anih already 2s.gen read book this did you read this book? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:10:48.675--00:10:52.412) SENTENCE NUMBER: 23 au ika' basa' bup anih au ikaʔ basaʔ bup anih already 2s read book this Did you read this book? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:11:24.262--00:11:29.462) SENTENCE NUMBER: 24 au dahelem deh akuy basa' bup anih au dahələm deh akuy basaʔ bup anih already yesterday prt 1s read book this Yes (already), yesterday I read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:12:18.837--00:12:29.200) SENTENCE NUMBER: 25 au akuy dahelem deh basa' bup anih au akuy dahələm deh basaʔ bup anih already 1s yesterday prt read book this Yes (already), I yesterday read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:12:48.675--00:12:56.600) SENTENCE NUMBER: 26 au akuy dahelem deh basa' bup anih au akuy dahələm deh basaʔ bup anih already 1s yesterday prt read book this Yes (already), I yesterday read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:13:22.900--00:13:24.937) SENTENCE NUMBER: 27 dahelem deh au kuy basa' bup anih dahələm deh au kuy basaʔ bup anih yesterday prt already 1s.gen read book this Yesterday I already read this book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:14:32.212--00:14:39.162) SENTENCE NUMBER: 28 dahelem deh au ku basa' bup anih dahələm deh au basaʔ bup anih yesterday prt already read book this Yesterday, I alrady read this book (note that the acceptability of ku here may not be indicative of the presence of ku in the language) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:14:40.762--00:14:43.562) SENTENCE NUMBER: 29 dahelem deh au akuy basa' bup anih dahələm deh au akuy basaʔ bup anih yesterday prt already 1s read book this Yesterday I alrady read this book. (as a response to a question) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:15:07.525--00:15:31.975) SENTENCE NUMBER: 30 au dahelem deh akuy basa' bup anih au dahələm deh akuy basaʔ bup anih already yesterday prt 1s read book this Yes (already), yesterday I alrady read this book. (As a response to a question) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:16:04.675--00:16:14.975) SENTENCE NUMBER: 31 au akuy dahelem deh basa' bup anih au akuy dahələm deh basaʔ bup anih already 1s yesterday prt read book this None (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, 00:16:46.500--00:17:04.850) SENTENCE NUMBER: 32 au akuy dahelem deh basa' bup anih au akuy dahələm deh basaʔ bup anih already 1s yesterday prt read book this Yes (already), I read this book yesterday. (as the response to a question. The question should be specifically 'have you already read this book') (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:17:04.850--00:17:07.950) SENTENCE NUMBER: 33 akuy basa' bup akuy basaʔ bup 1s read book I read a book. (as a response to the question 'what did you do yesterday?) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, V, 00:17:36.950--00:17:40.262) SENTENCE NUMBER: 34 au akuy dahelem deh basa' bup anih au akuy dahələm deh basaʔ bup anih already 1s yesterday prt read book this I already read this book yesterday (it is odd as a response to the question 'what did you do yesterday. 'au' is not needed) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:17:42.612--00:17:57.512) SENTENCE NUMBER: 35 akuy basa' bup anih dahelem deh akuy basaʔ bup anih dahələm deh 1s read book this yesterday prt I read this book yesterday. (as a response to 'what did you do yesterday') (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:18:11.312--00:18:18.337) SENTENCE NUMBER: 36 dahelem deh au akuy basa' bup anih dahələm deh au akuy basaʔ bup anih yesterday prt already 1s read book this Yesterday I already read this book. (again, odd to use 'au' in a response to 'what did you do yesterday) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:18:54.512--00:18:57.049) SENTENCE NUMBER: 37 dahelem deh akuy basa' bup anih dahələm deh akuy basaʔ bup anih yesterday prt 1s read book this Yesterday I read this book. (a better response to 'what did you do yesterday') (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, V, 00:18:57.049--00:19:02.599) SENTENCE NUMBER: 38 akuy nyineng ika' dahelem deh akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ dahələm deh 1s see 2s yesterday prt I saw you yesterday (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:21:09.887--00:21:21.037) SENTENCE NUMBER: 39 *akuy nyineng dahelem deh ika' akuy ɲinəŋ dahələm deh ikaʔ 1s see yesterday prt 2s *I saw yesterday you (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:22:21.037--00:22:28.287) SENTENCE NUMBER: 40 akuy dahelem deh nyineng ika' akuy dahələm deh ɲinəŋ ikaʔ 1s yesterday prt see 2s I yesterday saw you. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:22:35.687--00:22:40.787) SENTENCE NUMBER: 41 dahelem deh akuy nyineng ika' dahələm deh akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ yesterday prt 1s see 2s Yesterday I saw you. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:22:46.987--00:22:50.137) SENTENCE NUMBER: 42 *dahelem deh nyineng akuy ika' dahələm deh ɲinəŋ akuy ikaʔ yesterday prt see 1s 2s *Yesterday saw I you (intended meaning 'yesterday I saw you') (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:23:02.012--00:23:07.449) SENTENCE NUMBER: 43 *dahelem deh nyineng ika' akuy dahələm deh ɲinəŋ ikaʔ akuy yesterday prt see 2s 1s Yesterday saw you I (intended meaning 'yesterday I saw you') (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:23:13.574--00:23:17.724) SENTENCE NUMBER: 44 *nyineng akuy ika' ɲinəŋ akuy ikaʔ see 1s 2s *Saw I you (VSO) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:23:28.524--00:23:33.174) SENTENCE NUMBER: 45 *nyineng ika' akuy ? ɲinəŋ ikaʔ akuy see 2s 1s *Saw you I (VOS) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:23:35.174--00:23:42.337) SENTENCE NUMBER: 46 akuy nyineng nyipa' dahelem deh akuy ɲinəŋ ɲipaʔ dahələm deh 1s see snake yesterday prt I saw a snake yesterday (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:24:20.924--00:24:28.424) SENTENCE NUMBER: 47 *akuy nyineng dahelem deh nyipa' akuy ɲinəŋ dahələm deh ɲipaʔ 1s see yesterday prt snake *I saw yesterday a snake (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:25:52.674--00:26:00.199) SENTENCE NUMBER: 48 akuy nyineng nyipa' akuy ɲinəŋ ɲipaʔ 1s see snake I saw a snake! (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:26:32.174--00:26:39.324) SENTENCE NUMBER: 49 nyipa' anen nyineng akuy ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ akuy snake that.dist see 1s The snake saw me. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:27:23.761--00:27:31.161) SENTENCE NUMBER: 50 nyipa' anen jan nyineng akuy ɲipaʔ anən jan ɲinəŋ akuy snake that.dist neg see 1s the snake did not see me. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:32:28.799--00:32:35.861) SENTENCE NUMBER: 51 nyipa' anen jan akuy nyineng ɲipaʔ anən jan akuy ɲinəŋ snake that.dist neg 1s see That snake, I did not see (intended interpretation is that snake did not see me, but with this ordering akuy is the subject and the snake is a fronted object) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:32:53.961--00:33:04.211) SENTENCE NUMBER: 52 nyipa' anen jan akuy nyineng ɲipaʔ anən jan akuy ɲinəŋ snake that.dist neg 1s see That snake, I did not see (intended interpretation is that snake did not see me, but with this ordering akuy is the subject and the snake is a fronted object) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:33:04.211--00:33:06.986) SENTENCE NUMBER: 53 jan nyipa' anen nyineng akuy jan ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ akuy neg snake that.dist see 1s The snake does not see me. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:34:11.549--00:34:16.149) SENTENCE NUMBER: 54 *akuy jan nyipa' anen nyineng akuy jan ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ 1s neg snake that.dist see *I dont that snake see (SOV) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:34:53.911--00:35:00.761) SENTENCE NUMBER: 55 *jan akuy nyipa' anen nyineng jan akuy ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ neg 1s snake that.dist see *I dont see that snake (SOV with neg in sentence initial position) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:35:27.436--00:35:30.936) SENTENCE NUMBER: 56 *jan nyipa' anen akuy nyineng jan ɲipaʔ anən akuy ɲinəŋ neg snake that.dist 1s see *I don't see that snake (OSV with neg in initial position) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:35:50.736--00:35:56.836) SENTENCE NUMBER: 57 te' te' nyipa' anen nyineng akuy teʔ teʔ ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ akuy exist exist snake that.dist see 1s did that snake see me? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:36:36.736--00:36:42.036) SENTENCE NUMBER: 58 nyipa' anen te' nyineng akuy ɲipaʔ anən teʔ ɲinəŋ akuy snake that.dist exist see 1s Did that snake see me? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:37:18.436--00:37:26.536) SENTENCE NUMBER: 59 nyipa' anen te' nyineng akuy ? ɲipaʔ anən teʔ ɲinəŋ akuy snake that.dist exist see 1s Did that snake see me? SENTENCE NUMBER: 60 *nyipa' anen nyineng akuy te' ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ akuy teʔ snake that.dist see 1s exist *did that snake see me (SVO with existential marker at the end) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:37:49.798--00:37:54.948) SENTENCE NUMBER: 61 nyipa' anen nyineng te' akuy ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ teʔ akuy snake that.dist see exist 1s Did that snake see me (SVO with existential marker after the verb, before the object) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, 00:38:13.473--00:38:16.973) SENTENCE NUMBER: 62 te' nyipa' anen nyineng akuy teʔ ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ akuy exist snake that.dist see 1s Does the snake see me? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:38:37.673--00:38:40.873) SENTENCE NUMBER: 63 ee' nyipa' anen nyineng akuy eeʔ ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ akuy yes snake that.dist see 1s yes, the snake sees me. (responding to 'did the snake see me?) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:39:09.061--00:39:12.661) SENTENCE NUMBER: 64 ee' nyipa' anen nyineng akuy eeʔ ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ akuy yes snake that.dist see 1s yes, the snake sees me. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:39:12.661--00:39:20.511) SENTENCE NUMBER: 65 jan jinun nyipa' anen nyineng ika' jan jinun ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ ikaʔ neg neg.exist snake that.dist see 2s no, the snake did not see you. (responding to the question 'did the snake see me?) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:39:58.948--00:40:03.048) SENTENCE NUMBER: 66 jinun nyipa' jinun ɲipaʔ neg.exist snake There is no snake. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:41:00.623--00:41:03.086) SENTENCE NUMBER: 67 te' nyipa' hinen teʔ ɲipaʔ h-inən exist snake at-there.dist there is a snake there. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:42:04.473--00:42:06.048) SENTENCE NUMBER: 68 te' kelunan hinih teʔ kəlunan h-inih exist person at-here Is there a person here? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:42:25.973--00:42:27.673) SENTENCE NUMBER: 69 te' kelunan ha uma teʔ kəlunan ha uma exist person at house is there a person home? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:42:27.673--00:42:29.873) SENTENCE NUMBER: 70 te' kelunan ha uma teʔ kəlunan ha uma exist person at house Is there a person home? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:42:32.473--00:42:40.373) SENTENCE NUMBER: 71 te' nyipa' ha itih teʔ ɲipaʔ ha itih exist snake at there.med There is a snake there. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:44:11.223--00:44:16.173) SENTENCE NUMBER: 72 te' nyipa' ha itih ? teʔ ɲipaʔ ha itih exist snake at there.med is there a snake there? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:44:51.635--00:44:53.485) SENTENCE NUMBER: 73 jinun nyipa' ha itih jinun ɲipaʔ ha itih neg.exist snake at there.med there is no snake there. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:45:17.060--00:45:22.960) SENTENCE NUMBER: 74 jinun te' nyipa' ha itih jinun teʔ ɲipaʔ ha itih neg.exist exist snake at there.med There is no snake there. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:45:29.660--00:45:34.360) SENTENCE NUMBER: 75 *te' jinun nyipa' ha itih teʔ jinun ɲipaʔ ha itih exist neg.exist snake at there.med *the snake did not see me (existential cannot precede negative existential) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:45:41.335--00:45:45.710) SENTENCE NUMBER: 76 jinun nyipa' ha itih jinun ɲipaʔ ha itih neg.exist snake at there.med There is not a snake there. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, V, 00:45:45.710--00:45:48.710) SENTENCE NUMBER: 77 *te' jinun nyipa' ha itih teʔ jinun ɲipaʔ ha itih exist neg.exist snake at there.med *there is not a snake there (the neg.exist can precede the exist, still meaning is not there, but the exist cannot precede the neg.exist) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, 00:45:48.710--00:45:50.848) SENTENCE NUMBER: 78 te' nyipa' anen nyineng akuy teʔ ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ akuy exist snake that.dist see 1s Does that snake see me? (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:46:25.248--00:46:34.573) SENTENCE NUMBER: 79 jan jinun nyipa' anen nyineng ika' jan jinun ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ ikaʔ neg neg.exist snake that.dist see 2s No, the snake did not see you. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:46:45.085--00:46:59.685) SENTENCE NUMBER: 80 jan nyipa' anen jan nyineng ika' jan ɲipaʔ anən jan ɲinəŋ ikaʔ neg snake that.dist neg see 2s no, the snake did not see you. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:47:19.323--00:47:22.323) SENTENCE NUMBER: 81 jan jan nyipa' anen nyineng ika' jan jan ɲipaʔ anən ɲinəŋ ikaʔ neg neg snake that.dist see 2s No, the snake did not see you. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:47:50.598--00:47:55.748) SENTENCE NUMBER: 82 jinun akuy nyineng ika' jinun akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ neg.exist 1s see 2s I didn't see you (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:49:09.923--00:49:15.123) SENTENCE NUMBER: 83 akuy jinun nyineng ika' akuy jinun ɲinəŋ ikaʔ 1s neg.exist see 2s I didn't see you (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:49:24.223--00:49:31.823) SENTENCE NUMBER: 84 jan akuy nyineng ika' jan akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ neg 1s see 2s I did not see you (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:49:45.710--00:49:47.385) SENTENCE NUMBER: 85 akuy jan nyineng ika' akuy jan ɲinəŋ ikaʔ 1s neg see 2s I did not see you (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:49:58.635--00:50:00.335) SENTENCE NUMBER: 86 akuy jinun nyineng ika' dahelem deh akuy jinun ɲinəŋ ikaʔ dahələm deh 1s neg.exist see 2s yesterday prt I did not see you yesterday. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:50:32.073--00:50:38.785) SENTENCE NUMBER: 87 akuy jan nyineng ika' dahelem deh akuy jan ɲinəŋ ikaʔ dahələm deh 1s neg see 2s yesterday prt I did not see you yesterday. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:50:45.198--00:50:50.848) SENTENCE NUMBER: 88 *jinun akuy nyineng ika' jima jinun akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ jima neg.exist 1s see 2s tomorrow *I do not see you tomorrow. (the negative existential is incompatible with future) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:51:12.548--00:51:15.448) SENTENCE NUMBER: 89 jan akuy nyineng ika' jima jan akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ jima neg 1s see 2s tomorrow I will not see you tomorrow. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:51:33.073--00:51:40.360) SENTENCE NUMBER: 90 akuy jinun nyineng ika' dahelem deh akuy jinun ɲinəŋ ikaʔ dahələm deh 1s neg.exist see 2s yesterday prt I didn't see you yesterday. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:52:55.723--00:52:57.685) SENTENCE NUMBER: 91 akuy jinun te' nyineng ika' dahelem deh akuy jinun teʔ ɲinəŋ ikaʔ dahələm deh 1s neg.exist exist see 2s yesterday prt I didn't see you yesterday. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:53:09.873--00:53:12.973) SENTENCE NUMBER: 92 akuy te' nyineng ika' dahelem deh akuy teʔ ɲinəŋ ikaʔ dahələm deh 1s exist see 2s yesterday prt I have seen you (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, 00:53:38.923--00:53:44.573) SENTENCE NUMBER: 93 akuy te' nyineng ika' dahelem deh akuy teʔ ɲinəŋ ikaʔ dahələm deh 1s exist see 2s yesterday prt I have seen you yesterday. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:53:44.573--00:53:46.497) SENTENCE NUMBER: 94 *akuy te' nyineng ika' jima akuy teʔ ɲinəŋ ikaʔ jima 1s exist see 2s tomorrow *I have seen you tomorrow (the existential is also incompatible with future.) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, 00:54:16.135--00:54:20.935) SENTENCE NUMBER: 95 akuy ne nyineng ika' jima akuy ne ɲinəŋ ikaʔ jima 1s will? see 2s tomorrow I will see you tomorrow. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 00:55:23.472--00:55:27.372) SENTENCE NUMBER: 96 ne akuy nyineng ika' jima ne akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ jima will? 1s see 2s tomorrow I will see you tomorrow. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:55:51.822--00:55:58.822) SENTENCE NUMBER: 97 *akuy ne nyineng jima ika' akuy ne ɲinəŋ jima ikaʔ 1s will? see tomorrow 2s *I will see you tomorrow (I will see tomorrow you) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:56:12.222--00:56:20.072) SENTENCE NUMBER: 98 ne jima nyineng ika' ne jima ɲinəŋ ikaʔ will? tomorrow see 2s I will see you tomorrow (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:56:26.572--00:56:33.272) SENTENCE NUMBER: 99 akuy ne jima nyineng ika' akuy ne jima ɲinəŋ ikaʔ 1s will? tomorrow see 2s I will see you tomorrow. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:56:34.335--00:56:36.672) SENTENCE NUMBER: 100 akuy jima ne nyineng ika' akuy jima ne ɲinəŋ ikaʔ 1s tomorrow will? see 2s I will see you tomorrow (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:56:36.672--00:56:43.822) SENTENCE NUMBER: 101 jima akuy ne nyineng ika' jima akuy ne ɲinəŋ ikaʔ tomorrow 1s will? see 2s I will see you tomorrow (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:56:47.922--00:56:52.222) SENTENCE NUMBER: 102 jima ne akuy nyineng ika' jima ne akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ tomorrow will? 1s see 2s I will see you tomorrow. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:57:26.522--00:57:29.822) SENTENCE NUMBER: 103 jima ne akuy nyineng ika' jima ne akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ tomorrow will? 1s see 2s I will see you tomorrow. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:57:34.885--00:57:40.085) SENTENCE NUMBER: 104 jima jima ne kuy nyineng ika' jima jima ne kuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ tomorrow tomorrow will? 1s.gen see 2s Tomorrow, Tomorrow I will see you (with gen form of subject pronoun) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, j, 00:58:05.235--00:58:09.835) SENTENCE NUMBER: 105 *ne jima akuy nyineng ika' ne jima akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ will? tomorrow 1s see 2s *I will see you tomorrow (will tomorrow I see you) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:58:24.235--00:58:31.785) SENTENCE NUMBER: 106 ne akuy jima nyineng ika' ne akuy jima ɲinəŋ ikaʔ will? 1s tomorrow see 2s I will see you tomorrow. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:58:43.985--00:58:45.585) SENTENCE NUMBER: 107 *ne akuy nyineng jima ika' ne akuy ɲinəŋ jima ikaʔ will? 1s see tomorrow 2s *I will see you tomorrow (will I see tomorrow you) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:58:52.172--00:58:57.022) SENTENCE NUMBER: 108 ne akuy nyineng ika' jima ne akuy ɲinəŋ ikaʔ jima will? 1s see 2s tomorrow I will see you tomorrow. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 00:59:09.422--00:59:10.835) SENTENCE NUMBER: 109 akuy te' bup akuy teʔ bup 1s exist book I have a book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 01:00:31.372--01:00:33.922) SENTENCE NUMBER: 110 akuy hipun bup akuy hipun bup 1s have book I have a book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 01:00:34.660--01:00:38.222) SENTENCE NUMBER: 111 akuy jinun te' bup anen akuy jinun teʔ bup anən 1s neg.exist exist book that.dist I don't have a book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 01:01:10.735--01:01:15.135) SENTENCE NUMBER: 112 akuy jinun te' bup akuy jinun teʔ bup 1s neg.exist exist book I don't have a book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, E, 01:01:15.135--01:01:23.697) SENTENCE NUMBER: 113 *akuy jan te' bup akuy jan teʔ bup 1s neg exist book *I don't have a book. (the regular negator is best used with the verb to have. Should not use with the existential) (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, J, 01:01:27.135--01:01:29.647) SENTENCE NUMBER: 114 akuy jan hipun bup akuy jan hipun bup 1s neg have book I don't have a book. (Kayan-Uma-Nyaving-2022-11-03_Source.wav, V, 01:01:29.647--01:01:32.685)