Voice elicitation Voice paradigm AV udin bau paoq Udin picks mango ie inem aiq He drinks water Udin (ie) inem aiq (no) Udin drinks water PV siq-n bau paoq no He picks the mango siq-n bau paoq no siq Udin. Udin picks the mango. siq-n inem aiq (no) siq Udin Udin drinks the water. DETRANS.A ie nginem He drinks (water). Udin (ie) nginem. Udin drinks water. siq-ne nginem He drank using this. *He drinks. Note: gives instrumental reading ne refers to the drinker DETRANS.P aiq te-inem The water was drank. siq-ne te-inem Using this to drink the water Note: the ne refers to the water! Binding AV ie inem aiq He drinks water Udin (ie) inem aiq (no) Udin drinks water A bind P Udin inem aiq-ne Udin drinks his water. kapong hug ie kapong kakaq-ne She hugs her brother Both readigns available Wati kapong kakaq-ne Wati hugs her brother P binds A kakaq-ne kapong ie. Her brother hugs her. (both readings available) kakaq-ne kapong Wati Her brother hugs Wati Both readings marginally available More natural: Not wati's brother (both readings available, but more natural if ne does not co-index with Wati) PV siq-n inem aiq (no) siq Udin Udin drinks the water. kapong hug siq-n kapong kakaq-ne siq-Wati Wati hugs her brother Both readings available More natural: bro belongs to Wati siq-n kapong Wati siq kakaq-ne Her brother hugs Wati Both readigns available More natural: wati's brother DETRANS.A ie nginem He drinks (water). Udin (ie) nginem. Udin drinks water. DETRANS.P aiq te-inem The water was drank. START MORPHOLOGY