About Me and My Language

Minimal Pairs

Bird Story

Translation: morphology

Translation: syntax

Word List

Writing System

My Language Use


Listen to examples:

English Pingelapese
1 head moang
2 hair pisaenmoang
3 ear siae
4 nose ngoas
5 tongue laeu
6 tooth ngi
7 eye mas
8 mouth au
9 beard roahroa
10 chin elis
11 shoulder apaerae
12 upper arm pae
13 hand nahpae
14 thumb kikilap
15 neck woar
16 breasts dihdi
17 rib sihpaengaepaeng
18 belly kapaehd
19 guts kanaengaen kapaehd
20 heart mongiong
21 liver ehs
22 navel pwusae
23 kidney mwedihlik
24 body hair win
25 penis wil
26 testicles Koleh
27 vulva kilin pie
28 back pohdok
29 right (hand) lepih kohs
30 left (hand) lepih sehden
31 lungs waedaekae
32 excrement pwise
33 vein oaraema
34 thigh daeng, kepe
35 knee pwukiae
36 leg nae
37 ankle kumusin nae
38 heel kaepih nae
39 foot pwaelaek
40 blood ihsa
41 bone si
42 skin kil
43 sore (n) maedaek
44 fat (n) kihrihs
45 sweat pwudoa
46 tears pilaen mas
47 father pahpa
48 mother nohno
49 child seri
50 man woal
51 woman li
52 husband poaud (wol)
53 wife poaud (lih)
54 name aed
55 person aeraemas
56 uncle (paternal) ankel
57 uncle (maternal) ankel
58 house ihmw
59 door waehnihmw
60 story daeudaeu
61 pig pwihk, koasoa
62 tusk ngi pwoar
63 dog kidi
64 louse weiso
65 fly (n) loang
66 snake sinaeik (but no snake in FSM)
67 egg ihsoar
68 bird maen pihr
69 animal maen
70 mosquito amwise
71 fish mwoamw
72 rat kisesik
73 shark pakoa
74 whale roas
75 butterfly baderflai
76 wing pae
77 ant koakeles
78 dolphin roas
79 grasshopper pedah
80 scorpion skoarpiaen (but no scorpion in FSM)
81 starfish sdahpis
82 tail ik
83 turtle wei
84 spider web saeninkoal
85 feather win
86 meat mihd (sali, too!)
87 food mwaengae
88 yam kaehp
89 taro mwaeiang
90 sugarcane seu
91 tree suhkae
92 leaf sae
93 coconut ni
94 banana wis
95 breadfruit mei
96 flower rohs
97 fruit wahsuhkae
98 grass kirahs
99 root kalaeu
100 woods wel  (I meant the forest)
101 sun saeu
102 moon soanpwong
103 star usu
104 cloud depwek
105 water pil
106 rain kaesaeu
107 river pihlap
108 sand pik
109 stone saekai
110 salt sohl
111 mountain doal
112 fire sirop
113 smoke kaelahs
114 ashes paehs
115 road al
116 wind aeng
117 lightning lioal
118 rainbow simwinamwin
119 earth sampa
120 earthquake raehraehin sampa
121 hole whael
122 thunder paerar
123 fog    
124 lake pwarer
125 sea sed
126 seed wahsuhkae
127 sky leng
128 stick suhkae
129 firewood siwi
130 mud pwel mesak (mesak=watery-soft)
131 wave ihlok
132 foam pwiraer
133 canoe war
134 paddle padil
135 anchor angka
136 snail dendenmosi
137 dust pwelepar
138 rope sel
139 bow do not know
140 arrow do not know
141 knife naip
142 axe silae
143 digging stick suhkae
144 hook koau
145 spear koad
146 earth oven uhmw
147 fight (n) paeida (ieu)
148 black soal
149 white koaroahroa
150 red weisahsa
151 yellow iaelo
152 green kirihn
153 blind masukun
154 deaf siaepoan
155 big lap
156 small sikisik
157 good mwau
158 bad sued
159 cooked laeu
160 dead maehla
161 dry ngang
162 wet loal
163 lazy pwaeng
164 heavy soausoau
165 light maerahra
166 sick sohmwau
167 cold (ka)pwoau
168 warm
169 dirty pwel
170 clean mwakelekel
171 dull  pwud
172 long raei
173 narrow sik
174 new kapw
175 old dahn
176 right pwung
177 wrong sapwung
178 rotten masaehdi
179 sharp keng
180 short sok
181 smooth medendel
182 straight inen
183 thick mesul
184 thin semesul
185 wide sehlap
186 one eu
187 two riau
188 three silu
189 four pahu
190 five limau
191 six weneu
192 seven isu
193 eight welu
194 nine tuau
195 ten eisaek
196 few seipid
197 other soahroahr
198 some epwi
199 many dir
200 who ihs
201 what da
202 when  ngahd
203 how many  iah dirin
204 how  ia
205 where  ia
206 yesterday  ahioa
207 tomorrow  laekapw
208 night  pwong
209 year  sounpar
210 day  rahn
211 I  ngaei
212 you (singular)  koawae
213 he/she  e
214 we (inclusive)  kisa, kisahsi
215 we (exclusive)  kihs
216 you (plural)  koamwa, koamwahsi
217 they  irah, irahsi
218 give  kiaeng
219 hit  poaki
220 see  kila
221 bite  keai
222 hear  roang
223 cry  saeng
224 die  maehla
225 vomit  mwis
226 go  ahla
227 come  ahdoa
228 swim  poap
229 eat  mwaengae
230 stand  uhda
231 sit  mwodi
232 call out  pangin
233 run  keseu
234 fall  kip
235 sleep  maeir
236 laugh  kauruhr
237 speak  loakaeia
238 lie (tell an untruth)  likamw
239 blow  uhk
240 hold  koldih
241 fly (v)  pihr
242 tie  piraehdi
243 spit  kusukus
244 bark (v)  wuw
245 breathe  mohng
246 burn  akoas
247 count  wadaek
248 dig  saripw
249 drink  numw
250 fear  mesik
251 float  paei
252 flow  ker
253 hunt  -----
254 kill  kaemaela
255 know  aesae
256 lie (down)  wehdi
257 live  minae
258 play  mwadoang
259 pull  epi
260 push  puhs
261 rub  daehpahl
262 say  pwa
263 scratch  karipwid
264 sew  daehk
265 sing  koul
266 smell  led
267 split  pwelang
268 squeeze  padik
269 stab  doaka
270 suck  mihk
271 swell  pwoapweda
272 think  leme
273 throw  kase
274 turn  pwuroak (to turn for nob and so on) (serihmae e pwuropwur)
275 walk  alu
276 wash  duhp
277 wipe  iris
278 work  doadoahk
279 all  ohnek
280 and  daekah
281 at  ipae (beside)
282 because  pwa
283 far  doa (far in distance),waeraei (far in time)
284 near  kaeraen
285 here  mae
286 there  mwoa
287 if  ama
288 in  nah
289 out  lik
290 not  audihn
291 that  maen, mwoa
292 this  mae
293 with  pwilihkin
294 yes  eiaek
295 no  soh