file:///C:/Users/Andrea/Desktop/Desktop/Fun stuff/ChimbuWahgi/Documentatary_Materials/FILESFORDEPOSIT/AB1-009.eaf Monday, July 27, 2015 5:32 PM Kuman Text Tangena endwer kindene mogl ende nigle pindre nigl pai, (ende-ekine?) hundre, mukunde ende (bus-stop?) pindre English Free Translation Early in the morning, I went to the river, wash and came back and run to the bus stop TC 00:00:27.700 - 00:00:35.630 Kuman Text ana endu (embo?) market pindre, aglke market pindre ekine hundre imae tau kadane ta mogl (huka deindre?) English Free Translation Than I went to the market and from market I came back and than rest for a while TC 00:00:35.670 - 00:00:41.710 Kuman Text ana endu mangegil i hundre ana endu ingugl i moglka i. English Free Translation Than I came closer and I came to the house and stay TC 00:00:41.710 - 00:00:44.840 Kuman Text ingugl imae (moltre?) ana ten o'clock maenda pindre, pindre tangena endwer kindene mogl ende nigle pindre English Free Translation I stay in the house and than ten o'clock I went out, out very early the next morning and go to the river TC 00:00:45.370 - 00:01:00.350 Kuman Text nigl pai ende ekine (hundre-e?) muku de ende bus stop pindre, ana endu embo market pindre aglke market pindre ekine hu imae tau kandane ta mogl okadeindre ana (endu?) mangigl igl hundre ana (endu?) yungugl imae moglka i, yungugl imae (moltre?) ana ten o'clock menda pindre English Free Translation I wash and than I came back and went to the bus stop and all the way to the market. Than from the market, I came back again and rest for a while and than I came close here and than I came to my house and stay, I stay in the house and than I go out at ten o'clock TC 00:01:00.350 - 00:01:22.640