Name: Jiaxi Wu
Contact: jiaxiwu
Preferred language name(s): Longdu
Language classification:
Chinese> Min> Min Nan> Zhongshan Min> Longdu dialect
Geographical areas where spoken: Dayong and Shaxi Town
Approximate number of speakers: 90,000
Other languages spoken in the community: Mandarin, Cantonese
Official language(s) in your country: Mandarin
Other language(s) in your country: Many varieties of Chinese
Does your language have a widely accepted writing system? No
Language Background
My vitality assessment[Vulnerable]
Inter-generational transmission:
Most adults and some children are speakers.
Absolute number of speakers:
10000 – 99999
Speaker number trends:
Most community members are speakers; speaker numbers are diminishing, but at a slow rate.
Domains of use of the language:
Used in all domains except official ones (i.e. government and workplace); nearly all speakers value their language;
education and literacy in the language is available; government and other institutional support for use is non-official.