file:///C:/Users/Andrea/Desktop/Desktop/Fun stuff/ChimbuWahgi/Documentatary_Materials/FILESFORDEPOSIT/AB1-036.eaf Monday, July 27, 2015 5:42 PM Kuman Text Na embina Kindagli, embina Kindagli na Kaungo enge 3 dinga. English Free Translation My wife, for my wife I sang with (he?) three times TC 00:00:37.650 - 00:00:46.310 Kuman Text Enge 3 dumbuglka, Kango dumbuglka i we De mogl panambuli we dungua. English Free Translation Three time we sang, we sang and she said (we?) will sing and sleep TC 00:00:47.100 - 00:00:53.860 Kuman Text Ene winma we, ambai wakai motnga Kan winma i hunaiglkua hu na, na sinaimea dinga. English Free Translation I said, you are a good girl so your husband(s?) might come and fight me TC 00:00:53.920 - 00:01:01.550 Kuman Text Yegl de pandigl. Kango eremene i we, enge 3 dumbuglka. Algke de, algke de, algke de erumbuglka English Free Translation I said that and during the day, we sang three time, the first time, second time and third time, we sang TC 00:01:01.970 - 00:01:10.880 Kuman Text Dumbuglka (,?) pra na ende atne (Mospi?) Kimae pe mole English Free Translation We sang that and I went away to Moresby and stayed TC 00:01:11.180 - 00:01:15.270 Kuman Text Ere wan wan, many is (gag?) giringa i Kambre ta girekri. English Free Translation I stayed and collected (put in my bilum) big money TC 00:01:15.741 - 00:01:18.871 Kuman Text Ponde kinde gag gire ye (enduwingra?). English Free Translation I got a huge amount of money and came back. TC 00:01:19.306 - 00:01:21.016 Kuman Text Ye ende (yangul?) winga i, nina mana Kui i Yomba nena angra meaglkua kui, ye ta top ere narekrim na nana pe bogl inga. English Free Translation I brought it home, my father mother and those people, my relatives here didn't buy her for me I pay for her by myself TC 00:01:21.390 - 00:01:29.520 Kuman Text De minge ere hui ye pandigl. Ana yomba mo we ambai ta ye endanga English Free Translation I got the pig and money and I took the other girl with me TC 00:01:30.115 - 00:01:37.455 Kuman Text Ye endanga na (yonngunamugl?) i moglkuo, Krismas taim. Krismas taim bigla singgaglkua bigla singgaglkuo English Free Translation I took and she stayed in my house and during the Christmas they killed pig TC 00:01:37.733 - 00:01:46.607 Kuman Text Eken ere ramdai, ambai yenga i yet de tanga, (enea?) endepo ekene ere moratne i we dinga. Nono yagl ambu morambuglkua Kongun ake, makan ake, tragl ere wan enambuglkua hu kinde nambuglkua we de English Free Translation So we can dance, I told the girl to go and dance with them. I said when we become husband and wife we will work the land and we (won't?) look good by doing those other things. TC 00:01:46.618 - 00:01:59.430 Kuman Text Eremae bigla eken. ere moratna endepo dinga (endanguo?). English Free Translation Now you can go and dance for the pig and she went TC 00:01:59.790 - 00:02:03.280 Kuman Text Pe eken ere moglkuo we, ambougl komno kiglmongo (erungua?) hu yagl yungo ki (pam-nara?) kiglmongo erungua. English Free Translation When we went, (he?) elder sister who is very rough go to the men's haus and fight. TC 00:02:03.610 - 00:02:11.560 Kuman Text Erunga mabunoma angra komno ta youngua English Free Translation She has the attitud of rough and fighting was married to my elder brother TC 00:02:11.840 - 00:02:14.550 Kuman Text Kiglmongo yegl erungua ite ene ambouglko huko ihun i we dinguo. English Free Translation They said, you got the younger sister of the woman who is rough and is always fighting TC 00:02:14.615 - 00:02:18.285 Kuman Text Ambouglko ihun i wa. yene endenambi we dingua English Free Translation You got her sister so she must go back, they said TC 00:02:18.740 - 00:02:22.350 Kuman Text Endongua imae we pra imae mopmae de primiah, ambai wam kor i wo (dinguo?) English Free Translation They will think that she went there and she will stay so you have to find another girl TC 00:02:22.625 - 00:02:27.315 Kuman Text Te kango yet dinga we imbo mopmeye dingo English Free Translation I said, I used to sing with a girl and she stayed there so TC 00:02:27.330 - 00:02:30.310 Kuman Text Pe mogl kango enge (3pla?) dinga dinga pe pe de minge yengua i pe tangua English Free Translation I sang with her three times so they brought the bride price to her TC 00:02:30.310 - 00:02:36.260 Kuman Text Minge gagl (bgeri?) enggua i pe endingua. I pe endinguo, neno ma i pe endingua. English Free Translation They took the money and our father took it with them TC 00:02:37.060 - 00:02:42.180 Kuman Text I pe yegl ambouglko komno ta molgkua, moglkuo pe pandigl, na (nambu?) kinde ta (kutnaenga?) wa ere kango de wanaimbringa pe inda kanaimeya English Free Translation They took it and there was her elder sister who said I dont have a good girl but they have been singing so you will go and see her TC 00:02:42.290 - 00:02:54.360 Kuman Text Mane denambo me bogl inagle dinambo moda. dunguo yomba ite engua pe minge ta ene motga iwema ene sragl we di pitne de minge ipe yegl endunguo. English Free Translation They were thinking if I was going to say no or I will marry her so those people who went said, we brought money because of you so what do you think? And they left the money there TC 00:02:54.530 - 00:03:09.610 Kuman Text Pra i pe yendepo, nenagint anglema (meampmara?) yendepo dingua. English Free Translation That okay, you take it to your relatives, take it away TC 00:03:10.310 - 00:03:15.460 Kuman Text (Yeendem?) kande we (ye?) sragl we denaime moda? English Free Translation They take it and what will you say? TC 00:03:15.560 - 00:03:19.410 Kuman Text Yomba iti endonguo we, ye (enngua?) pepe tope pra inaeyo dungua. i ninamni we dungua English Free Translation The people went, they went and she said you can take the brid price, we'l take it and eat she said. TC 00:03:19.450 - 00:03:27.370 Kuman Text Yene peren waglke (tu?) wa i ninamaiwe dingua English Free Translation They said that okay, they were friends so we can take it and eat TC 00:03:27.410 - 00:03:29.820 Kuman Text Pra bogl ingua. Bogl ingua humbuglka i we English Free Translation Then we got married. We got married and as we came TC 00:03:29.830 - 00:03:33.670 Kuman Text Guwaguwa i yare kruglka, endepe (lotu?) yungu yomara sikam (erumbuglka?). English Free Translation We didn't do unnecessary things, we went to the church and do our weding (handshake) TC 00:03:33.690 - 00:03:40.660 Kuman Text Sikan, Pata sikan eriro dunguo, ye ongo yanguo, na onguna (yamgo?) mogl yegl (anguno?) akumbuglkai English Free Translation The father told us to shake hands so she put her hands and I put my hand like this and we shook hands TC 00:03:41.430 - 00:03:48.760 Kuman Text Onguno ake muglko pata (bau?) dis (ma?) ya taragl (kamekane?) kui erere (ambu?) i ere tande na ere nare (erungua?) i we English Free Translation As we hold our hands, the father got all his things and made it on the woman and on me too TC 00:03:48.790 - 00:03:56.550 Kuman Text Erumea no pra maret erumbuglka i, maret eruglka goglkuo mangl kondumga i we English Free Translation He did that and we got married, we married and she died now and we foget her TC 00:03:56.620 - 00:04:03.340 Kuman Text Yomba mo goglkuo, yomba mo goglkuo magl (pamdumga?) pamia. English Free Translation She died and we barried (her?). and here it is. TC 00:04:04.250 - 00:04:10.530 Kuman Text Munduwo waglke i ta (bu?) mole i yet nono dungua, nono dungua i algke (ende-eken?) angua, tanim (baek?) ere ende ekene onguo. English Free Translation Something swollen out from her heart, it came and went back again, it turned back and went back TC 00:04:11.260 - 00:04:18.360 Kuman Text Ende dem munduo suna onggua yomba iti ere mogl, ya (haus?) sik inda i ye inda haus sik engua katim erengua English Free Translation Then it went into her heart and she stayed and people took her to the hospital and they operate her TC 00:04:18.380 - 00:04:28.380 Kuman Text Katim eringgua yomba (hu?) mogl ya erunguai pra goglmea. Ipe eglke ta (pandiglkune?) (mangigl?) yungu dramugl i pandigl nana kan moragl i we de, pandiglkua (paungua?) i we English Free Translation They operated her and she came stayed and died. We didnt bury her far, I said just bury her in front of the house so I can see her and stay so they burryed her here TC 00:04:28.510 - 00:04:41.870 Kuman Text (Other guy talking too, then the main speaker comes in) Gag (4pa?) kumnedo. Maret eruglka i we ana Yosep i we, Plomina imbo we sinduma moglkua ene eremae pe kam wemea, Alwis moglkua inda mitna (kaepanngua?) i no akiae (paimuglka?) mitna kae pam ana yomba i huko las yomba moglkua i las yegl Popela meaglkua, meaglkuo na pra i we ambu kindagl te goglkua gogmea pra English Free Translation Say we have 4 children. When we married. Joseph, Philomina the one at (Sindum?) whom you went and visit her and came, Halwis whose house is up there whom we used to live together and this one is the last born. We have four children and the grand mother passed away. TC 00:04:41.970 - 00:05:27.960 Kuman Text Na yoko mogl pai moglka i we, kindagl mole i wa English Free Translation I am alone, i am old so TC 00:05:28.410 - 00:05:32.020 Kuman Text (I think he repeats some of the previous annotation, but it's not in the notebook) Mokuna kui bukode kui yegl erungua mumpbu akinga ake yungugl molgka menda wan kringa i we. English Free Translation My back band and I am holding stick now and I don't go arund outside TC 00:05:32.230 - 00:05:40.210 Kuman Text Ongumitna kui kinde ere, mokona kui si (bu-kade?), onguna katna kombo angre wanake de eringa manunga English Free Translation My eye are blind, my back (bone?) band and I can not walk around with my legs and arms TC 00:05:40.760 - 00:05:52.100 Kuman Text Yongugl i pra huk mende pai moglkai yegl mende de i wa English Free Translation I only sleep in the (hause?). That's all I say. TC 00:05:52.160 - 00:05:58.330