marker/description of process: b??
meaning: plural
- b??
- PL
- mbv?
- dog
marker: z??/??
meaning: my/our (possession)
- mv?
- dog
- z??
- 1-poss
- at?
- tree
- z??
- 1-poss
- nt?m
- heart
- ???
- 1-poss
2a) marker: z?g?n?
meaning: our (possession)
- at?
- tree
- z??g??n??
- 1PL-poss
Comment: /z?/ can be used for “my” and “our,” but /z?g?n?/ is more common for “our.”
3) marker: zo
meaning: your (singular) (possession)
- mv?
- dog
- zo
- 2SG-poss
Comments: the /z/ may be inserted due to the vowel-vowel sequence in /mv? o?/
4) marker: ???
meaning: his/her (possession)
- mv?
- dog
- ???
- 3SG-poss
- at?
- tree
- ???
- 1-poss
5) marker: z???
meaning: your (plural) (possession)
6) marker: tsa
meaning: their (possession)
- mv?
- dog
- tsa
- 3PL