file:///C:/Users/Andrea/Desktop/Desktop/Fun stuff/ChimbuWahgi/Documentatary_Materials/FILESFORDEPOSIT/AB1-035.eaf Monday, July 27, 2015 5:39 PM Kuman Text Ambai i, Ambai yegl meaglkua okay kumugl endomga i yegl mogl suna de English Free Translation Girls, the girls used to stay like this okay the boys we used go stay in between like this TC 00:00:41.400 - 00:00:50.770 Kuman Text Onguno nigl i, onguno kui yegl niglge huminga, ku yegl niglge inde ana yaruminga English Free Translation We put our hands together like this, we put them like this and TC 00:00:51.140 - 00:00:59.440 Kuman Text Kango, nuguno ka kui de kui yegl erumgu de mogl ana kumugl i kumugl mere eanguo ambai atne yegl meaikuo English Free Translation We sing, sing in our necks and thats what we used to do and if boys are many, the girls used to sit inside like this TC 00:00:59.530 - 00:01:10.630 Kuman Text Meaikuo, kumugl i, kumugl pe yegl (te ekine?) dingua (te ekine?) ende pandigl mogl English Free Translation They sit like this and the boys used to give their back, give their back and than TC 00:01:11.360 - 00:01:19.730 Kuman Text Pra kango i, kango kane kane i na ta dembo kuno ere krambunga kango dingua i English Free Translation Then they sing, they sing all sorts of songs that I cannot even sing, they sing- TC 00:01:20.280 - 00:01:27.230 Kuman Text Kango de mogl kande, kumugl ambai kui i singel-(gaugl?) nigle kui yeangua, singel (gaugl?) nigle kui yende English Free Translation while singing young boys and girls used to play and have fun TC 00:01:29.140 - 00:01:37.590 Kuman Text Onguno kombuglo kui gagl, eringua i we na embina kakaima ene motne i we dingua English Free Translation They join hands together and then you are my real wife they said TC 00:01:37.590 - 00:01:43.780 Kuman Text (Motni?) we de yegl preinguo kande ambai ere mogl na wina kakaima motne we di preingua. English Free Translation This is what they thought and the young gilrs also thought that this is my real husband TC 00:01:44.370 - 00:01:51.540 Kuman Text Pra maret erambuglka weye di kui yegl pringua. English Free Translation so they thought we will get married. TC 00:01:51.810 - 00:01:55.110 Kuman Text Prae mogl de mogl. Kango de mogl mogl ana pra mugolo si yaiwe ambai kana kumugl kana aki hugl paingua i we English Free Translation They thought that and sing until the young girls sleep with the young boys TC 00:01:55.770 - 00:02:05.930 Kuman Text Hugl painguo, ya i we, yene ambai kango de maeringa i pe yene hugl paimbringa. English Free Translation When they sleep, this is what happen, the girl who sang with that guy will sleep with him TC 00:02:06.660 - 00:02:14.950 Kuman Text Tae tau yoko meakua i we yene kiro paere paingua. Okona pasin yegl paunga English Free Translation Those who stayed nothing sleep alone by themselves. In the past it ws like this TC 00:02:15.230 - 00:02:23.630 Kuman Text Yegl paunguo no kango dumga i ambai kondo, kango duminga i na embina kakaima mot dina kondo de yegl prumga English Free Translation It ws like this so when we sing we used to think that those girls are our real wife. Thats what we used to think. TC 00:02:24.860 - 00:02:34.170 Kuman Text Punga i kendo yomba yagl ta maret eringua i we maret ere pandigl mogl English Free Translation We thought that but then they marry another man, they got married and TC 00:02:34.830 - 00:02:40.640 Kuman Text Maret eringua i we algke kango yegl de wanumbulgra de yaringua. English Free Translation They married but than they recalled that we used to sing together so they TC 00:02:41.170 - 00:02:46.320 Kuman Text Kumugl, kumugl pe woo na ende yagl (enare-wa?) na i pe kungo garantne we dunguo English Free Translation The young boys, they used to call for the young boy whom they use to sing to come and cook food and pigs and dress her in traditional dress to send he to her husband's place TC 00:02:46.670 - 00:02:54.210 Kuman Text Kungo garantne we dunguo. ye ongua i pra i pepe auro endaengua i pe (naeno?) mano mapmara endengua paingua English Free Translation They said you will send her away so he went all the way and take her to where his family's live and they sleep TC 00:02:55.530 - 00:03:03.950 Kuman Text Tangena i manoma heingo, naenoma heingo pe no ambai hungra pre humni English Free Translation In the morning her family went and said the girl came here so we came TC 00:03:03.950 - 00:03:10.480 Kuman Text Moragle dinambo mo aglke no endekene namno mo de yet dinguo English Free Translation Will she say she want to stay or she would want to go back with us they say this TC 00:03:10.480 - 00:03:14.970 Kuman Text Ambai ere mogl moragle dungua i we pra moglkua i we English Free Translation If the girl say I want to stay she will stay TC 00:03:14.970 - 00:03:18.740 Kuman Text Tae endi ekene (enamniwo?) di minge si winguo nina erimara tae nu hu yegl (mokbo?) kinde (rambi ah?) English Free Translation But if she say I will go back with you they already prepared the bride price and you people want to get it so if I stay it wont be good TC 00:03:19.020 - 00:03:26.050 Kuman Text De mingae bal yengura mol i wa endumno dunga, endangua i we English Free Translation They have already prepared bride price for me so lets go, she said, and they went TC 00:03:26.050 - 00:03:30.640 Kuman Text Pe youngunomugl mogl pra di mingae i winggua kui i naeingua, maret (erin-gua? English Free Translation They went to their village and stayed and then get the bride price and eat and they got married TC 00:03:30.700 - 00:03:39.320 Kuman Text Maret eringuo tae ta ende ekene winggua i yegl maret eringua English Free Translation They marry, thats for those who came back TC 00:03:40.020 - 00:03:44.950 Kuman Text Ta moragle dungua i wagle yeendomara i pra moglkua, mogl (pannguo?) ya i we English Free Translation But for the one who want to stay stay with the man whom she went with. TC 00:03:45.270 - 00:03:53.800 Kuman Text Yomba mo miuringa i mogl pandigl mogl maret erimbringa i pra mogl pepe ta i we English Free Translation They stayed and get married and stay till TC 00:03:55.190 - 00:04:04.940 Kuman Text Wiye kinde erummo mo ambai ambu i ere kinde erummo mo erungua i wiye kindagl sendungua sende endepo dungua ene ende yagl korugl pae ende po dungua English Free Translation If the husband is not good or if the wife made some mistakes the husband will send her away (divorced her) and tell her to go and marry another man TC 00:04:05.110 - 00:04:14.120 Kuman Text Ta wakai (erungua?) i pasin wakai erungua i we no mogl goraugl i we de yet de ana ye i we sikam (erim-bringa?) sikam ere onguno ake ana yomba i we mogl pe pe pe pra kindagl ye giuringa i. wiye, embiye akieye yegl pam mere pre deiwa English Free Translation The one who displayed good behaviour the husband said we will stay until we die and strengthen their marriage shaking hands (wedding) than they stayed together until they grow old and dai both the husband and wife. This is what used to happend TC 00:04:14.330 - 00:04:38.380