file:///C:/Users/Andrea/Desktop/Desktop/Fun stuff/ChimbuWahgi/Documentatary_Materials/FILESFORDEPOSIT/AB1-043.eaf Monday, July 27, 2015 5:33 PM Kuman Text Endogma i Mikruma buglkua ya, Nerebarewa ya dangae kui, Binga Kombuglo (kumboi?) English Free Translation We went to Mikrumabuglkua, Nerebarewa mountain and Binga Kombuglo. TC 00:00:26.810 - 00:00:35.180 Kuman Text Kumugl, ambai we dinga i ermaene i gagl dumga i win paunguo English Free Translation The young boys and girls you talking about them we used to sing during the day TC 00:00:35.230 - 00:00:39.520 Kuman Text Win paunguo dede erumga, ermaene i English Free Translation It was outstanding when we used to sing during the day. TC 00:00:39.835 - 00:00:42.345 Kuman Text De wan wan ambai atne kui mere mapmia de wan wan humgo English Free Translation When we sing there were a lot of girls in there so we used to sing and come TC 00:00:42.870 - 00:00:48.930 Kuman Text Muglo kimbo i ye yegl huniglkra we de (nenimane?) gagl endanggua i we, endangguo bangae kui English Free Translation There on the mountain they knew that we will come like this so they used to burn grasses and go, they went and on the other side TC 00:00:48.940 - 00:00:53.790 Kuman Text De wan wan endu erumdga. Yegl erumga. Ermae we kumugl ambai kinde de (wan-meapmiye?) de no yet dumga. English Free Translation We used to sing around like this. this is what we do. Today's the courtship of young boys and girls is not good they don't do it properly so we say that. TC 00:00:53.790 - 00:01:02.540 Kuman Text Na story we ermae de yerimbo piriapmi dinga ermae de muglka i we de mul i wa. English Free Translation I said I will tell them a story so they can hear and now I am telling it TC 00:01:02.540 - 00:01:07.870 Kuman Text (Moppnnara?) (kuinnae?) i kuglkan mitna mopnara kuimae nigl dal yel yange paunga yegl erungua. English Free Translation The place where we used to sit on the grasses where we sit (our sweat?) used to fall like water TC 00:01:07.870 - 00:01:14.550 Kuman Text Marta i mak pammiah ye Sunday Golgme kiro ominga i ye (ambauglo-ma?) i iwalgke ta moglkrime English Free Translation Martha is here so on Sundays when we went to Golgme she have a lot of sisters (they are not small in number). TC 00:01:14.560 - 00:01:21.910 Kuman Text Komno hum i we dingguo, huko hum i we dingguo yegl eringgua English Free Translation They used to say this is the elder, this is the younger one and so on. TC 00:01:22.360 - 00:01:25.740 Kuman Text Marta huko yomba wing gua i dumga i we, mingae pagl pagl mogl ake yaket tae noringgua i tongumga i we English Free Translation Martha is the younger they came and we say, they used to sharpen the shell money and (turn it around?) give us to put on our neck TC 00:01:25.740 - 00:01:34.790 Kuman Text Bis i kana paunguo we ya erere (erumga?) dide erumga i yegl erumda English Free Translation With the necklace on it we used to sing. That what we used to do. TC 00:01:34.930 - 00:01:56.005 Kuman Text Mopmnara kui kul tae mo nugulo yangge molgkua dumga English Free Translation The place where we used to sit is alway wet and sweat used to fall when we sing. TC 00:01:56.407 - 00:02:00.347 Kuman Text Eremeane mopminara kui, (pamdo?) koglo koglo kui (endunguo?) yegl erere eruminga English Free Translation During the day when we sit and when we sleep in the sides it used to fall we used to do that. TC 00:02:00.510 - 00:02:05.560 Kuman Text Ermae i we nono kan kaniyo nigl (was?) nigl (was?) ite pai mopmdo onguno ganguno kui bagrap erungua i yegl erunggua. No okona mogl nuglo yange yomnga mopmnga yegl erumga yegl erere erumga sungunale ta de i wa de i wa yomba mere (humeapmia?) ta diniglkuo, dinaimea. English Free Translation Today you can see that we wash every now and then so our skin is not good. In the past we used to look shiney and our skin used to shine and we stayed. This is a short story that I'm telling. There are a lot of people here so if one have any story can go ahead and tell us TC 00:02:05.920 - 00:02:24.630