BUA3-027 2021.04.20 Fieldnotes Henry’s spatial language elicitation Va-ʻini wai o Rewa me laxo “Rewa is going upstream/inland” ʻini - end / ten Laxo sobu mai vuriwai o Rewa “Rewa is walking downriver” (walking down from the river) Sobu – down, below Vuriwai – river O xea sa laxo e na waiʻui “He’s going towards the ocean” I veixauxau – to the interior O xea e sa xabaʻi e Xabaʻi – to clib O Rajaina sa sirosobu sa tani tomaniʻivi mai “ Siro sobu – go downhill Laxo sobu – go down (used in a different environment than siro sobu) O xea sa maʻai ʻixo “Heʻs ahead (of me)” (lit. He is being first) O xea vale xaloxalo e ʻixo volexaʻa na maʻasawa “The star hous is near the beach” Xaloxalo – star Volexaʻa – near Maʻasawa – beachfront O xea vale xaloxalo e ʻixo i veixacu “The star hous is in the forest” A vale droxadroxa e ʻixo siviʻa maʻai ni wavu kai ʻixo na baʻi ni gaunisala “The green house is past the first bridge and next to the road (on the side of the raod)” Droxadroxa – green Siviʻa – passed Wavu – bridge Baʻi – right next to ganisala – road o xea a vale xaloxalo mosiviʻa maʻai ni wavu, sa kai ixo na kai soʻava e tuga viro e gaunisala me xaʻi ixo xi na vale xaloxalo “The green house is past the first brige, then youʻre going to meet another road that will take you to the star home” Mo-siviʻa – for you to pass (emphasizing it, you must pass that bridge) Soʻava -to meet run into, come across Xaʻi - take O xea vale loloma e ʻixo volexa(‘a?) maʻasawa “The heart house is near the beach” Sa luʻu sobu a maʻanisiga “the sun is setting” Maʻanisiga – sun (eye of the sky) Sa cabe mai a maʻanisiga “the sun is rising” Cabe – rise, climb A vale xaraxarawa e ʻixo e na telana i caxe volexa ni ʻulu ni vanua “The blue house is in the high elevation area, up near the peak of the mountain” Xaraxarawa – blue Telana – high elevation area Caxe – up ʻulu ni vanua – peak of the mountain Mai na vale tamutamu, “From the red house E ‘u gaunisala me xa’I o xea ‘ixo xina ma’asawa o xea ‘ixo xina a vale pigi. “There is a road that takes you there to the beach (where) the pink house is” A vale loaloa e ‘ixo volexa’a a gaunisala levu “The black house is near the big road” Veilu’ulu’u ni ulunivanua “Valley of the mountain tops”