Transcription 00:00:00.000 00:00:08.651 There we go.. ok. How would I say like, the verb, "to sing"? Transcription 00:00:08.651 00:00:28.276 to sing? -mhmm. Um, ok. To sing... mm, I don't know what like, the specific word but we usually use like Transcription 00:00:28.276 00:00:28.888 lagu Transcription 00:00:28.888 00:00:37.276 I don't know, but that sentence is like from bahasa, Malay, yeah Transcription 00:00:37.276 00:00:39.326 lagu? -Yeah Transcription 00:00:39.326 00:00:42.863 lagu Transcription 00:00:42.863 00:01:00.651 Yeah, so if I heard somebody, and I was like, "Oh wow, they're singing", how would I say that? Transcription 00:01:00.651 00:01:08.876 I don't really like, uh, "sing"... Transcription 00:01:08.876 00:01:12.276 ihaʔ bəlagu Transcription 00:01:12.276 00:01:14.438 Say that again for me? Transcription 00:01:14.438 00:01:24.476 Uh, ihaʔ, I -ihaʔ- bə, B-E-L-A-G-U Transcription 00:01:24.476 00:01:35.363 ihaʔ bəlagu. -Yeah. Ok. Could I ever say anything like, bəlagu ihaʔ? Transcription 00:01:35.363 00:01:41.913 bəlagu ihaʔ, no. -No? ok. Transcription 00:01:41.913 00:01:49.988 bəlagu ihaʔ, no. Transcription 00:01:49.988 00:01:52.001 So then what if I wanted to specifically talk about like, "they sang", or "she or he sang yesterday", not today but yesterday? -Mm.. Transcription 00:01:52.001 00:02:08.776 dahaləm, dahaləm deh ihaʔ bəlagu, dahaləm, dahaləm deh ihaʔ bəlagu Transcription 00:02:08.776 00:02:28.538 dahaləm deh ihaʔ bəlagu? -Yeah. Ok. And then what if I wanted to be a little more specific and I wanted to say, "She sang a very popular song", "She sang a popular song"? Transcription 00:02:28.538 00:02:36.013 I think like, there's no word to describe it when it's so specific Transcription 00:02:36.013 00:02:54.138 So you might still just say ihaʔ bəlagu, -Yeah. You wouldn't get any more specific? Ok. What about "I like to sing"? Transcription 00:02:54.138 00:03:16.601 akuy, ah, wait first, "I like to sing", [indistinct], akuy... "I like to sing". That's a word like, ŋə.. the specific word is like Transcription 00:03:16.601 00:03:17.813 ŋəluwan Transcription 00:03:17.813 00:03:18.851 ŋəluwan? Transcription 00:03:18.851 00:03:31.076 Yeah, but we don't really use, we use it, but because it's more specific, we usually use the word ikəm Transcription 00:03:31.076 00:03:32.538 ikəm? -Yeah Transcription 00:03:32.538 00:03:33.688 akuy ikəm bəlagu Transcription 00:03:33.688 00:03:51.713 but, actually that sentence means like, "I want to sing", but in our language it also means that "I like to sing" -Sure, yeah, ok. But the specific word to "I like to sing" is like, it is Transcription 00:03:51.713 00:03:54.013 akuy ŋəluwan bəlagu Transcription 00:03:54.013 00:03:58.576 Ok. But you wouldn't say it like that? Transcription 00:03:58.576 00:04:03.526 Actually that's the specific word, it's just that, I don't know, the generation... Transcription 00:04:03.526 00:04:09.813 You would prefer to say akuy ikəm [lagu]? -Yeah Transcription 00:04:09.813 00:04:12.138 akuy ikəm bəlagu Transcription 00:04:12.138 00:04:16.726 It actually depends on that person, sometime they say like Transcription 00:04:16.726 00:04:21.488 akuy ikəm bəlagu, akuy ŋəluwan bəla, agu Transcription 00:04:21.488 00:04:36.338 actually this specific word, it's better to use ŋəluwan because that's the right word. -Ok, sure. Transcription 00:04:36.338 00:04:43.826 Um, if I was saying "I want to sing", akuy ikəm [lagu], could I say "akuy ikəm bəlagu"? Transcription 00:04:43.826 00:04:45.576 akuy? Transcription 00:04:45.576 00:04:47.826 akuy ikəm bəlagu Transcription 00:04:47.826 00:04:50.276 akuy ikəm bəlagu Transcription 00:04:50.276 00:04:56.426 Yeah.. -That's ok? Ok. Transcription 00:04:56.426 00:04:59.351 Ok. how about the word for "run"? Transcription 00:04:59.351 00:05:01.551 "Run"? uh, Transcription 00:05:01.551 00:05:04.801 təburuŋ Transcription 00:05:04.801 00:05:11.751 T-E-B-U-R-U-N-G Transcription 00:05:11.751 00:05:13.801 [təbəruŋ]? -Yeah, Transcription 00:05:13.801 00:05:14.701 təburuŋ Transcription 00:05:14.701 00:05:15.913 like, Transcription 00:05:15.913 00:05:17.326 təburuŋ Transcription 00:05:17.326 00:05:24.813 təburuŋ? -Yeah. Ok. So then how would I say like, "I'm running"? Transcription 00:05:24.813 00:05:31.563 akuy [indistinct], akuy aləm təburuŋ Transcription 00:05:31.563 00:05:49.463 akuy aləm təburuŋ? -Yeah. Could I say təburuŋ akuy? Transcription 00:05:49.463 00:05:55.663 No. -No? Ok. Transcription 00:05:55.663 00:05:59.501 Uh, what about təburuŋ kuy? Transcription 00:05:59.501 00:06:08.388 təburuŋ kuy, no. -No? Ok. Transcription 00:06:08.388 00:06:11.801 How about "I'm running down the street"? Transcription 00:06:11.801 00:06:35.726 akuy, akuy təburuŋ... [indistinct] akuy te hida, akuy təburuŋ te hida, akuy təburuŋ te hida Transcription 00:06:35.726 00:06:36.888 te hida? Transcription 00:06:36.888 00:06:43.938 Yeah, te, T-E-I, H-I-D-A Transcription 00:06:43.938 00:06:53.701 akuy təburuŋ te hida? -Yeah. Ok. Could I ever say te hida akuy təburuŋ? Transcription 00:06:53.701 00:07:04.276 te hida akuy təburuŋ, mm, no. -No, sounds weird? Yeah. Transcription 00:07:04.276 00:07:15.001 Is there a different word like if you wanna say "I'm going for a run", like I'm running for exercise? Transcription 00:07:15.001 00:07:33.676 I think there is no specific word for that, it's just like, use the common bahasa, Malay and English. -Ok. We usually say it like, Transcription 00:07:33.676 00:07:36.889 akuy te eksərsais, akuy te jogiŋ Transcription 00:07:36.889 00:07:58.651 I like that, I like that. So akuy te eksərsais? Or akuy te jogiŋ? -Yeah. Oh that's awesome, ok. But those are clearly like, not Kayan words. Transcription 00:07:58.651 00:08:01.839 Yeah Transcription 00:08:01.839 00:08:13.101 Ok so what if I wanted to say the word "awake", like "I'm awake"? Transcription 00:08:13.101 00:08:14.064 maʔol Transcription 00:08:14.064 00:08:17.414 M-A-O-L Transcription 00:08:17.414 00:08:26.751 maʔol? -Yeah. Um, so I could say akuy maʔol, like "I'm awake"? Transcription 00:08:26.751 00:08:28.414 akuy maʔol tudu Transcription 00:08:28.414 00:08:36.976 tudu? -Yeah. So I can't say it without the tudu? Transcription 00:08:36.976 00:08:42.201 Yeah the tudu mean that you wake up from sleep. Transcription 00:08:42.201 00:08:56.989 Oh, oh yeah, tudu, for like "to sleep", yeah ok, ok. Transcription 00:08:56.989 00:09:25.514 Um, ok. So what about if I wanted to say "I'm woken up by the sun", like the sun is super bright coming in my window and it wakes me up? Transcription 00:09:25.514 00:09:33.914 akuy maʔol kəlan matan doh, akuy maʔol kəlan Transcription 00:09:33.914 00:09:39.839 K-E-L-A-N Transcription 00:09:39.839 00:09:45.926 akuy maʔol, can you spell it for me again? Transcription 00:09:45.926 00:09:48.026 uh the word maʔol? M-A-O-L Transcription 00:09:48.026 00:09:49.576 Sorry, the next one, the next word Transcription 00:09:49.576 00:09:57.964 Oh, kəlan, K-E-L-A-N, -and is that the, matan, matan doh Transcription 00:09:57.964 00:10:22.389 matan doh, and that's "sun" right, matan doh? -Yeah. akuy maʔol kəlan matan doh? Transcription 00:10:22.389 00:10:33.026 Ok so how would I say like "You woke me up"? -You woke me.. Transcription 00:10:33.026 00:10:34.726 ikaʔ na akuy maʔol Transcription 00:10:34.726 00:10:45.801 ikaʔ na, N-A, akuy, maʔol Transcription 00:10:45.801 00:10:59.551 ikaʔ na akuy maʔol. And does that specifically mean like they came and shook you, woke you up, or does that mean that they were just making a lot of noise, and they woke you up? Transcription 00:10:59.551 00:11:12.089 Mm, actually it can be like both, anything, just wake up because of someone. Transcription 00:11:12.089 00:11:38.401 Ok. So it doesn't have to be specifically them physically waking you up, it could be anything? -Yeah. Ok. Transcription 00:11:38.401 00:11:48.939 Uh, what if I was sitting with somebody and they're starting to fall asleep, and I wanna be like "Hey, wake up! You're sleeping while I'm talking to you" Transcription 00:11:48.939 00:11:58.039 Uh, that's.. the word like "Wake up!" or? Transcription 00:11:58.039 00:12:09.876 Yeah yeah so I'm sitting there talking to someone and they're really tired and they're starting to fall asleep and I'm kind of offended that you're sleeping well I'm talking so I'm like, "Hey, wake up!" Transcription 00:12:09.876 00:12:11.989 It's just like, we usually say Transcription 00:12:11.989 00:12:14.639 maʔol -You just say maʔol? maʔol im. Yeah Transcription 00:12:14.639 00:12:15.864 maʔol im Transcription 00:12:15.864 00:12:32.826 maʔol im? -Yeah. Ok. Transcription 00:12:32.826 00:12:43.539 Ok. How would I say "The children have arrived at school"? Transcription 00:12:43.539 00:13:00.839 dahaʔ ɲam, dahaʔ ɲam nə Transcription 00:13:00.839 00:13:19.714 dahaʔ ɲam, D-A-H-A-K, ɲam, N-Y-A-M, au, A-U, atəŋ, A-T-E-N-G, haʔ, H-A, səkolah, H-A... Transcription 00:13:19.714 00:13:31.864 [dah] ɲam, [daha] ɲam, -yeah. [de] ɲam, au atəŋ haʔ səkolah. -yeah. Ok. And ɲam, that is "arrive"? Transcription 00:13:31.864 00:13:35.527 Uh, ɲam mean "kids" Transcription 00:13:35.527 00:13:37.177 Oh that means "kids", ok. Transcription 00:13:37.177 00:14:00.364 Uh, "arrive" is atəŋ. -atəŋ, mm, ok, atəŋ. Transcription 00:14:00.364 00:14:08.777 What if I just wanted to specify that it was one child has arrived at school, so not "the children", but "a child has arrived at school"? Transcription 00:14:08.777 00:14:21.289 ɲam, without the haʔ. Just ɲam, ɲam anən. Transcription 00:14:21.289 00:14:25.639 So it would be ɲam au atəŋ ha səkolah? Transcription 00:14:25.639 00:14:37.064 Uh, ɲam anən, like that "That kid". -Oh, ɲam [ənaŋ]. anən. Transcription 00:14:37.064 00:14:40.627 Could I say that without anən? Transcription 00:14:40.627 00:14:48.139 ɲam au haʔ... no. no, because it's [indistinct], yeah. Transcription 00:14:48.139 00:14:58.752 Even if I didn't wanna specify a specific child, like, I'm like, Oh, I think some kid arrived here, I still have to, it doesn't sound ok? Transcription 00:14:58.752 00:15:22.389 Yeah, it needs to use anən. -Ok. Transcription 00:15:22.389 00:15:30.702 How about if I'm talking about a specific person and I'm like, Oh "He/she has arrived at school"? Transcription 00:15:30.702 00:15:37.902 he or she.. it's not a kid, right? Transcription 00:15:37.902 00:15:41.989 Yeah, we're not specifically talking about a kid. Transcription 00:15:41.989 00:15:52.127 Mm, ihaʔ. ihaʔ like it's refer to either he or she, so we just, Transcription 00:15:52.127 00:15:54.902 ihaʔ, ihaʔ au atəŋ haʔ səkolah Transcription 00:15:54.902 00:16:02.939 ihaʔ, atəŋ, səkolah. Can you say that whole sentence for me once more? Transcription 00:16:02.939 00:16:25.627 ihaʔ au atəŋ haʔ səkolah Transcription 00:16:25.627 00:16:34.002 Um, could you ever say something like, au atəŋ ihaʔ haʔ səkolah? Transcription 00:16:34.002 00:16:43.164 au atəŋ ihaʔ səkolah, au atəŋ ihaʔ səkolah, au atəŋ, səkolah Transcription 00:16:43.164 00:16:52.502 Actually like that sentence, I can understand the sentence, but it's weird. -Ok. Transcription 00:16:52.502 00:17:10.927 And would it still be weird if I said au atəŋ haʔ? haʔ ha səkolah, still bad? -Yeah. Ok. Transcription 00:17:10.927 00:17:39.677 Ok, so, what if I wanted to say "My father gave me some money"? Like I'm going to the store, he gave me some money to spend. Transcription 00:17:39.677 00:17:41.127 tamak Transcription 00:17:41.127 00:17:42.852 T-A-M-A-K Transcription 00:17:42.852 00:17:45.102 maʔi Transcription 00:17:45.102 00:17:46.939 maʔi? Transcription 00:17:46.939 00:17:50.389 akuy sin Transcription 00:17:50.389 00:18:12.627 sid? -sin, S-I-N. Oh, with an 'n', ok. sin. ok. [maʔa] akuy sin. Could I say tamak maʔi kuy sin? Transcription 00:18:12.627 00:18:17.689 can Transcription 00:18:17.689 00:18:22.439 What about tamak maʔi ak sin? Transcription 00:18:22.439 00:18:32.452 Uh, no. -No? Transcription 00:18:32.452 00:18:38.614 Could I say tamak maʔi sin akuy? Transcription 00:18:38.614 00:19:07.327 tamak maʔi sin akuy, no. -No? Transcription 00:19:07.327 00:19:19.264 Ok, so what about if I wanted to say, "I was given money"?, but I'm not specifying who gave it to me, like, oh "I was given some money". Transcription 00:19:19.264 00:19:23.152 dahaʔ maʔi akuy sin Transcription 00:19:23.152 00:19:27.227 dahaʔ, D-A-H-A-K, Transcription 00:19:27.227 00:19:33.989 maʔi akuy sin Transcription 00:19:33.989 00:19:43.339 dahaʔ maʔi akuy sin. Um, could I say, dahaʔ maʔi kuy sin? -Yeah can dahaʔ maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:19:43.339 00:20:00.164 dahaʔ maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:20:00.164 00:20:24.002 What about "I was given money by my father"? Transcription 00:20:24.002 00:20:25.952 tamak teʔ Transcription 00:20:25.952 00:20:27.940 T-E-K Transcription 00:20:27.940 00:20:35.415 ma, maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:20:35.415 00:20:38.740 Say that for me one more time, the whole sentence? Transcription 00:20:38.740 00:20:46.477 tamak teʔ maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:20:46.477 00:20:53.352 tamak teʔ maʔi akuy sin? -Yeah. Transcription 00:20:53.352 00:20:58.390 What about tamak teʔ maʔi kuy sin? Transcription 00:20:58.390 00:21:06.790 tamak teʔ maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:21:06.790 00:21:08.002 That's ok? Transcription 00:21:08.002 00:21:21.077 Yeah, that's ok. -That's ok? Ok. Transcription 00:21:21.077 00:21:31.590 Ok so how about if I was asking somebody to give me some money and I'm like "Please give me some money"? Transcription 00:21:31.590 00:21:46.815 maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:21:46.815 00:21:51.177 Ok. What about maʔi akuy sin? Transcription 00:21:51.177 00:21:52.127 maʔi akuy sin Transcription 00:21:52.127 00:21:52.852 Yeah Transcription 00:21:52.852 00:22:23.940 maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:22:23.940 00:22:57.015 How would I say "Money was given to me"? Transcription 00:22:57.015 00:22:58.790 au dahaʔ maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:22:58.790 00:23:14.252 au, au, A-U, au dahaʔ bagi, eh, maʔi... maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:23:14.252 00:23:20.140 au dahaʔ maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:23:20.140 00:23:24.202 Say that once more, au? Transcription 00:23:24.202 00:23:28.102 au dahaʔ maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:23:28.102 00:23:29.740 It's actually like Transcription 00:23:29.740 00:23:31.227 au dahaʔ maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:23:31.227 00:23:37.840 it's also like, the same with the something before, like Transcription 00:23:37.840 00:23:42.052 dahaʔ maʔi kuy sin, au dahaʔ maʔi kuy sin Transcription 00:23:42.052 00:24:10.827 I think it means the same thing. -Ok, yeah. Transcription 00:24:10.827 00:24:26.340 Ok so how would I say like the boat is sinking into the water, "The boat sinks into the water"? Transcription 00:24:26.340 00:25:06.702 ŋəney, wait first, what's the word, ŋəney... I don't really know like, what's the specific word for, if it's a boat, it's not ŋənei... There's a word, ŋəney, but it's usually used for people, don't know how to swim, so we say ŋəney, for boat, I don't know what's the specific word... Transcription 00:25:06.702 00:25:14.552 So, wait, that word is like referred to a person who can't swim? -Yeah. What was the word again? Transcription 00:25:14.552 00:25:15.627 ŋəney Transcription 00:25:15.627 00:25:31.515 [nəney]? -Yeah. Ok, so let's just use that. So, ŋəney sinks into the water. -Yeah. How would I say that? Transcription 00:25:31.515 00:25:35.340 Uh, kəlu, you can use like, Transcription 00:25:35.340 00:25:36.940 kəlunan anən ŋəney Transcription 00:25:36.940 00:25:44.827 it means like, "That person is drown, drown?" -"is drowning?" Yeah, drowning. Transcription 00:25:44.827 00:25:47.577 Ok, say that again. Transcription 00:25:47.577 00:25:50.877 kəlu, eh, kəlunan anən ŋəney Transcription 00:25:50.877 00:25:53.115 kəlu.. Transcription 00:25:53.115 00:25:54.540 kəlunan Transcription 00:25:54.540 00:25:55.840 nan, ok. Transcription 00:25:55.840 00:26:02.665 anən ŋəney Transcription 00:26:02.665 00:26:03.840 [kəney]? Transcription 00:26:03.840 00:26:25.127 ŋəney, N-G -ŋəney, ok. Transcription 00:26:25.127 00:26:47.690 And you said that means more like, "The person is drowning"? -Yeah. Ok. And does that have to be like, they're drowning right now, like they're in the process of drowning? Transcription 00:26:47.690 00:27:00.677 kəlunan anən ŋəney Transcription 00:27:00.677 00:27:07.153 Uh, for that sentence, it's like, yeah, that person is still in the process Transcription 00:27:07.153 00:27:35.428 Yeah, they're in the, like you can see them struggling for air. Hopefully you're not just standing there watching, but -Yeah. This is a little sad, like "oh they're drowning". Ok. Um, ok, so how would I say like they've already drowned? Like, I know someone drowned in a lake last week, and I'm like, oh, "That person drowned"? Transcription 00:27:35.428 00:27:45.278 ihaʔ ŋənəy, ihaʔ ŋənəy Transcription 00:27:45.278 00:27:47.278 if it's like last week, Transcription 00:27:47.278 00:27:52.628 darey, darey de, darey Transcription 00:27:52.628 00:27:53.940 darey? Transcription 00:27:53.940 00:27:57.865 Yeah, D-A-R-E-I, Transcription 00:27:57.865 00:28:00.603 ihaʔ ŋənəy darey Transcription 00:28:00.603 00:28:03.190 And darey is "last week"? Transcription 00:28:03.190 00:28:07.753 darey is like, it's not specific. Transcription 00:28:07.753 00:28:53.440 Is it like "earlier in the past"? -Yeah. Ok. Transcription 00:28:53.440 00:28:56.540 So you didn't really have a word for "boat". Transcription 00:28:56.540 00:29:00.478 "boat", yeah, I will confirm and explain again Transcription 00:29:00.478 00:29:12.103 Mhmm, that's fine, that's fine. Do you have a word for like, a box? Like a box that holds things? Transcription 00:29:12.103 00:29:36.690 A box? -Mhmm. I don't know what is the specific... I don't know what is like the specific, is it a box? Transcription 00:29:36.690 00:29:48.865 Yeah, so maybe it holds stuff, so you're like "Oh, I was cleaning up my room and I put my stuff in like, a box". And it's not very specific, it can be any type of box. Transcription 00:29:48.865 00:29:55.653 Oh.. if it's "a box" we call it Transcription 00:29:55.653 00:29:56.915 kutək Transcription 00:29:56.915 00:30:07.028 K-U-T-E-K. Transcription 00:30:07.028 00:30:08.990 kutək? Transcription 00:30:08.990 00:30:16.090 Yeah, kutək. Transcription 00:30:16.090 00:30:59.228 Oh, like "kotak"? -Yeah. So what if I wanted to say like "That box is sinking in the water"? Transcription 00:30:59.228 00:31:09.028 I don't know like, what the specific word for things like kutək, or box.. Transcription 00:31:09.028 00:31:49.440 Could I say kutək ŋənəy? Like, "The box is drowning", could I say that? -No. No, so that has to be a person, has to be the one drowning. -Yeah. Ok. But I couldn't use it to describe like, a box that's falling into the water, like a person was doing? Ok. Transcription 00:31:49.440 00:32:02.953 How would I say "We're going to plant rice here"? If I'm standing at a field and I go like, "Oh we're going to plant rice here in the future". Transcription 00:32:02.953 00:32:04.715 "We're going to plant"? Transcription 00:32:04.715 00:32:31.465 Plant, plant, yeah, like put it into the ground to let it grow. Transcription 00:32:31.465 00:32:32.803 The word plant is like Transcription 00:32:32.803 00:32:33.990 nanəm Transcription 00:32:33.990 00:32:50.353 nanəm? -Yeah. Ok. So, what would be the rice that you plant into the ground, what's the word for that? Transcription 00:32:50.353 00:32:52.403 urok Transcription 00:32:52.403 00:33:03.765 urok? -Yeah. And what does that mean? Transcription 00:33:03.765 00:33:06.790 Urok mean grass. Transcription 00:33:06.790 00:33:22.565 Grass, ok. What about rice, like seed rice that you're eventually gonna eat? Transcription 00:33:22.565 00:33:24.553 pare Transcription 00:33:24.553 00:33:25.515 pare? Transcription 00:33:25.515 00:33:32.465 Yeah, pare Transcription 00:33:32.465 00:33:41.078 So can I nanəm pare? -Yeah, can. So how can I say "I'm planting rice"? -Um, Transcription 00:33:41.078 00:33:45.878 akuy nanəm, akuy nanəm pare Transcription 00:33:45.878 00:33:54.453 akuy nanəm pare. And that can mean I'm doing it right now? Transcription 00:33:54.453 00:33:55.403 Like, doing it right now Transcription 00:33:55.403 00:33:58.266 akuy, aləm Transcription 00:33:58.266 00:34:00.316 We put the word aləm Transcription 00:34:00.316 00:34:17.516 akuy aləm nanəm pare Transcription 00:34:17.516 00:34:44.703 And then how would I say "Rice was planted here"? So I'm standing in a field that I know who actually planted it, but I know that rice was planted there. Transcription 00:34:44.703 00:34:59.203 I don't know like, this specific word. -Ok, that's fine. Transcription 00:34:59.203 00:35:11.103 How would I say, "I don't know what was planted here"? Transcription 00:35:11.103 00:35:19.753 akuy jen jam nun.. Transcription 00:35:19.753 00:35:40.953 akuy, akuy, akuy jən jam, akuy jən jam nun dahaʔ nanəm inih Transcription 00:35:40.953 00:35:44.403 Ok. Can you say the whole sentence for me once more? Transcription 00:35:44.403 00:35:53.253 akuy jən jam nun dahaʔ nanəm inih Transcription 00:35:53.253 00:36:13.416 inih.. akuy jən jam nun dahaʔ nanəm inih. -Yeah. Ok. Transcription 00:36:13.416 00:36:32.378 So then how would I say, "I know rice was planted here"? Transcription 00:36:32.378 00:36:33.491 I think like Transcription 00:36:33.491 00:37:02.528 akuy jam pare aləm dahaʔ nanəm inih, akuy jam pare aləm dahaʔ nanəm inih Transcription 00:37:02.528 00:37:15.766 akuy jam pare aləm dahaʔ nanəm inih. -Yeah. Transcription 00:37:15.766 00:37:29.941 What if I wanted to say "I know something was planted here", but I don't know wh at it was, so I just wanna say "something". "I know something was planted here". Transcription 00:37:29.941 00:37:40.478 teʔ kət, teʔ kət dahaʔ nanəm inih Transcription 00:37:40.478 00:37:46.553 inih, so that first word was teʔ kət? Transcription 00:37:46.553 00:37:53.978 teʔ, T-E-K, kət, K-E-T, teʔ kət Transcription 00:37:53.978 00:37:56.666 teʔ kət dahaʔ nanəm inih? Transcription 00:37:56.666 00:38:07.516 Yeah, teʔ kət is like "something", there's "something" Transcription 00:38:07.516 00:38:34.466 And that means "something was planted here"? -Yeah. Ok. Transcription 00:38:34.466 00:38:43.153 And what is the word for "break" or "broke"? Like, something's broken. Transcription 00:38:43.153 00:38:46.666 tasaʔ Transcription 00:38:46.666 00:38:48.791 What was that again, tasaʔ Transcription 00:38:48.791 00:38:51.341 Yes, T-A-S-A-K. Transcription 00:38:51.341 00:38:59.291 tasaʔ? -Yeah. And what's something that can be tasaʔ, like a window? Transcription 00:38:59.291 00:39:03.266 Oh if it is a glass, it is Transcription 00:39:03.266 00:39:03.828 biaŋ Transcription 00:39:03.828 00:39:12.191 B-I-A-N-G Transcription 00:39:12.191 00:39:18.641 So that's something like, like a glass that you drink out of that's made out of glass, or a window? Transcription 00:39:18.641 00:39:28.916 Yeah, yeah. tasaʔ is like specifically "broken", like a car Transcription 00:39:28.916 00:39:39.916 Oh, ok, so something that's tasaʔ would be car? -Yeah. So how would I say, "The car is broken"? Transcription 00:39:39.916 00:39:44.891 kərita anən tasaʔ Transcription 00:39:44.891 00:39:46.191 Say that again? Transcription 00:39:46.191 00:39:48.453 kə, kərita Transcription 00:39:48.453 00:39:50.666 kərita? Transcription 00:39:50.666 00:39:52.091 anən Transcription 00:39:52.091 00:40:04.491 anən tasaʔ, tasaʔ. "The car is broken". Uh, what about "My car is broken"? Transcription 00:40:04.491 00:40:09.403 kərita kuy tasaʔ Transcription 00:40:09.403 00:40:13.528 kərita kuy? Transcription 00:40:13.528 00:40:14.778 kuy tasaʔ Transcription 00:40:14.778 00:40:28.141 tasaʔ. kərita kuy tasaʔ. Um, how would I say like, "I broke my car"? Transcription 00:40:28.141 00:40:31.703 akuy, akuy nasaʔ Transcription 00:40:31.703 00:40:34.204 N-A-S-A-K Transcription 00:40:34.204 00:40:48.241 akuy nasaʔ kerita kuy Transcription 00:40:48.241 00:41:06.204 Is there a difference if I wanna say "I broke my car", but it was an accident, like I accidentally drove into a tree or something, I'm like, "Oh, I accidentally broke my car". Could I say akuy nasaʔ kerita kuy for that or would I say something else? Transcription 00:41:06.204 00:41:26.229 I think there's no difference. -There's no difference, ok. Transcription 00:41:26.229 00:41:32.266 So then how about "The window is broken"? That's biaŋ, right? Transcription 00:41:32.266 00:41:33.554 Yeah, biaŋ Transcription 00:41:33.554 00:41:47.616 kəliŋi, kəliŋi, kəliŋi anən, kəliŋi anən biaŋ Transcription 00:41:47.616 00:42:14.954 And you said biaŋ is B-I-A-N-G, is that correct? -Yeah, biaŋ. biaŋ, ok. kəliŋi anən biaŋ. -Yeah. So what if I'm sitting and I actually watch the window break, like I see it break, and I'm like, "The window broke", how would I say that? Transcription 00:42:14.954 00:42:16.366 I think same like, Transcription 00:42:16.366 00:42:19.041 kəliŋ, kəliŋi anən biaŋ Transcription 00:42:19.041 00:42:38.779 Same? -Yeah. Ok. Transcription 00:42:38.779 00:42:47.366 What if I wanted to specify that you were the one who broke the window, I'm like, "The window was broken by you"? Transcription 00:42:47.366 00:42:48.279 ikaʔ miaŋ Transcription 00:42:48.279 00:42:52.254 M-I-A-N-G Transcription 00:42:52.254 00:42:55.454 ikaʔ miaŋ kəliŋi anən Transcription 00:42:55.454 00:42:59.204 ikaʔ miaŋ? Transcription 00:42:59.204 00:42:59.816 kəliŋi Transcription 00:42:59.816 00:43:34.079 kəliŋi anən. Ok. Transcription 00:43:34.079 00:43:45.916 Ok so then what if I break my arm, how would I say "I broke my arm"? Transcription 00:43:45.916 00:43:49.329 usu kuy bəruŋ Transcription 00:43:49.329 00:43:52.554 usu? Transcription 00:43:52.554 00:43:53.654 usu Transcription 00:43:53.654 00:43:54.516 usu Transcription 00:43:54.516 00:43:57.891 kuy Transcription 00:43:57.891 00:44:00.504 usu kuy Transcription 00:44:00.504 00:44:02.716 bəruŋ Transcription 00:44:02.716 00:44:05.791 mm.. bəruŋ? Transcription 00:44:05.791 00:44:16.804 bəruŋ, yeah, R-U-N-G. Transcription 00:44:16.804 00:44:32.354 usu kuy bəruŋ? And what would you translate that as, like, "My arm is broken"? Transcription 00:44:32.354 00:44:35.954 My arm... Transcription 00:44:35.954 00:44:39.116 usu kuy bəruŋ Transcription 00:44:39.116 00:44:41.041 "My arm is broken"? -Yeah Transcription 00:44:41.041 00:44:44.891 usu kuy bəruŋ Transcription 00:44:44.891 00:44:54.991 Uh, what if I wanted to say, "I broke my arm climbing"? Like, I was trying to climb up a tree and I broke it while I was trying to climb? Transcription 00:44:54.991 00:45:25.329 usu, usu usu kuy bəruŋ aləm kuy, usu kuy bəruŋ, usu kuy bəruŋ [indistinct] aləm kuy naʔkəl Transcription 00:45:25.329 00:45:29.791 usu kuy bəruŋ aləm kuy.. Transcription 00:45:29.791 00:45:38.841 naʔkəl, naʔkəl mean like "climb" Transcription 00:45:38.841 00:46:01.441 Uh could I say usu kuy bəruŋ aləm akuy naʔkəl? -Yeah, can Transcription 00:46:01.441 00:46:06.729 Um, how would I say, "You broke my arm"? Transcription 00:46:06.729 00:46:08.879 ikaʔ məruŋ Transcription 00:46:08.879 00:46:21.579 M-E-R-U-N-G Transcription 00:46:21.579 00:47:05.529 Um, ikaʔ məruŋ usu kuy? -Yeah. Transcription 00:47:05.529 00:47:21.129 How would I say "I broke my arm climbing that tree", like I'm pointing to the tree. Transcription 00:47:21.129 00:47:38.304 usu kuy bəruŋ naʔkəl kayoʔ anən Transcription 00:47:38.304 00:47:46.954 Uh could I say, naʔkəl kayoʔ anən usu kuy bəruŋ? Transcription 00:47:46.954 00:48:24.442 naʔkəl kayoʔ, usu kuy bəruŋ, no. -No? Transcription 00:48:24.442 00:48:49.267 Um, how would I say, "I send food to my mother", like I sent her a big box of food. "I send food to my mother" Transcription 00:48:49.267 00:49:18.442 akuy matɨ, ak, akuy matɨ kəʔ kuman, akuy matɨ kəʔ kuman mən hinaʔ Transcription 00:49:18.442 00:49:21.017 Can you say that whole sentence once more? Transcription 00:49:21.017 00:49:32.367 akuy matɨ kəʔ kuman mən hinaʔ Transcription 00:49:32.367 00:49:35.667 And what does that mean? Transcription 00:49:35.667 00:49:46.879 "I send food for my mom" Transcription 00:49:46.879 00:49:55.417 Could I say, akuy matɨ mən hinaʔ kəʔkuman? Transcription 00:49:55.417 00:50:09.992 akuy, akuy matɨ mən hinaʔ kəʔ kuman Transcription 00:50:09.992 00:50:11.692 Yeah, it can be used. Transcription 00:50:11.692 00:50:20.217 That's ok? Does it sound natural or maybe little bit less natural? Transcription 00:50:20.217 00:50:30.542 akuy matɨ mən hinaʔ kəʔkuman [indistinct] Transcription 00:50:30.542 00:50:40.754 I think it's ok, just like, you need to add something at the back of kəʔ kuman, and then, when Transcription 00:50:40.754 00:50:43.467 Ok, can you give me an example of that? Transcription 00:50:43.467 00:50:52.404 akuy matɨ hinaʔ kəʔ kuman dahaləm deh Transcription 00:50:52.404 00:50:57.704 dahaləm deh, and what does that mean? Transcription 00:50:57.704 00:51:11.154 "I sent my mom food yesterday" Transcription 00:51:11.154 00:51:37.704 So it sounds more natural if you add the dahaləm deh. -Yes. Transcription 00:51:37.704 00:51:58.879 How about "My mother was sent food", but we don't know who by, we don't know who sent her the food? Transcription 00:51:58.879 00:52:11.442 teʔ dahaʔ matɨ keʔkuman mən hinaʔ Transcription 00:52:11.442 00:52:13.417 dahaʔ matɨ Transcription 00:52:13.417 00:52:56.304 teʔ, teʔ dahaʔ matɨ keʔkuman mən hinaʔ Transcription 00:52:56.304 00:53:03.854 Ok so could I say, dahaʔ matɨ mən hinaʔ keʔkuman? Transcription 00:53:03.854 00:53:08.267 dahaʔ matɨ mən hinaʔ keʔkuman dahaləm deh Transcription 00:53:08.267 00:53:15.842 You wanted to add the dahaləm deh again? -Yeah. Ok, ok, say that whole sentence for me again? -Mm, Transcription 00:53:15.842 00:53:21.054 teʔ dahaʔ matɨ mən hinaʔ keʔkuman dahaləm deh Transcription 00:53:21.054 00:53:23.517 teʔ dahaʔ Transcription 00:53:23.517 00:53:24.542 matɨ Transcription 00:53:24.542 00:53:25.729 matɨ Transcription 00:53:25.729 00:53:56.154 mən hinaʔ keʔkuman dahaləm deh Transcription 00:53:56.154 00:54:03.392 Ok, I say, let's go ahead and wrap up there, so I'm gonna stop the recording. Transcription 00:54:03.392 00:54:04.704 %ignore%