Transcription 00:00:00.000 00:00:04.063 Okay, there we go, alright. Transcription 00:00:04.063 00:00:09.113 Okay, so how would I say, um, my face is sunburnt? Transcription 00:00:09.113 00:00:12.713 My face is sunburnt? Transcription 00:00:12.713 00:00:14.976 Sunburnt, I... Transcription 00:00:14.976 00:00:18.501 I'm not sure we have a word for sunburnt. Transcription 00:00:18.501 00:00:21.201 Yeah. Transcription 00:00:21.201 00:00:24.701 So, how would I say that? Transcription 00:00:24.701 00:00:27.163 So, I think you will use just the word, burnt, like... Transcription 00:00:27.163 00:00:27.963 Okay. Transcription 00:00:27.963 00:00:28.951 Yeah, like... Transcription 00:00:28.951 00:00:33.026 Okay, sounds good, how would you say that? hh Transcription 00:00:33.026 00:00:34.801 No, cause, if I say that, um... Transcription 00:00:34.801 00:00:35.976 jəwin kuʔ sawu Transcription 00:00:35.976 00:00:38.701 It sounds very severe, like... Transcription 00:00:38.701 00:00:41.776 Oh, like, like you have like actual burns on your face? Transcription 00:00:41.776 00:00:42.301 Yeah. Transcription 00:00:42.301 00:00:45.188 hhh oh no hh Transcription 00:00:45.188 00:00:51.076 Yeah, I don't think we have word for sunburn, I don't think it's like an actual concern, maybe. Transcription 00:00:51.076 00:00:52.313 Yeah, mhm. Transcription 00:00:52.313 00:00:56.476 So what was the sentence you gave me, which was, my face is burnt, right? Transcription 00:00:56.476 00:00:57.213 Okay, so... Transcription 00:00:57.213 00:00:58.588 jəwin Transcription 00:00:58.588 00:00:59.676 jəwin Transcription 00:00:59.676 00:01:01.126 j, e, w, i, n Transcription 00:01:01.126 00:01:02.326 kuʔ Transcription 00:01:02.326 00:01:03.126 sawu Transcription 00:01:03.126 00:01:06.351 s, a, w, u, sawu. Transcription 00:01:06.351 00:01:11.288 sawu Transcription 00:01:11.288 00:01:14.076 Okay, and that's, my face is burnt. Transcription 00:01:14.076 00:01:14.751 Yeah. Transcription 00:01:14.751 00:01:24.738 Okay, and does sawu, which is burnt, does that have to be, like, on a person? We didn't have that word when we did, like, a candle, right? Transcription 00:01:24.738 00:01:27.076 Candle? Can, okay... Transcription 00:01:27.076 00:01:32.426 sawu means, um, to be burnt, so it can be anything, a house can be sawu. Transcription 00:01:32.426 00:01:34.176 Oh, okay, okay. Transcription 00:01:34.176 00:01:38.113 So how would you say, um, like, my house burned down? Transcription 00:01:38.113 00:01:39.826 rəmin kuʔ sawu Transcription 00:01:39.826 00:01:40.851 rəmin Transcription 00:01:40.851 00:01:48.126 rəmin kuʔ sawu, okay, my h- oops, my house burned down. Okay. Transcription 00:01:48.126 00:01:54.076 Um, and what if, this is gonna be a little bit weird, what if I wanted to say, I burned my house down? Transcription 00:01:54.076 00:01:56.213 kuʔ badaŋ rəmin kuʔ Transcription 00:01:56.213 00:01:57.676 kuʔ Transcription 00:01:57.676 00:01:58.451 badaŋ Transcription 00:01:58.451 00:02:06.351 b, a, d, a, n, g, rəmin kuʔ Transcription 00:02:06.351 00:02:09.063 And that's, I burned my house down? Transcription 00:02:09.063 00:02:10.063 Yeah. Transcription 00:02:10.063 00:02:14.563 Um, and badaŋ, so is that to burn, there? Transcription 00:02:14.563 00:02:17.288 Yeah, badaŋ means, yeah, to burn. Transcription 00:02:17.288 00:02:18.551 To burn. Transcription 00:02:18.551 00:02:19.188 Yeah, to burn. Transcription 00:02:19.188 00:02:25.938 Okay. But that must be, so, you couldn't say, kuʔ sawu rəmin kuʔ? Transcription 00:02:25.938 00:02:28.338 kuʔ sawu rəmin kuʔ Transcription 00:02:28.338 00:02:36.838 I think you could say that, but now it has, uh, it means, like, you have burned the house, the house is already burnt. Transcription 00:02:36.838 00:02:42.413 sawu, sawu is an adjective, it's a condition, badaŋ is the verb. Transcription 00:02:42.413 00:02:46.801 Okay, okay, okay. Transcription 00:02:46.801 00:02:54.051 Um, would you say, would you use badaŋ if it was, I set my house on fire? Transcription 00:02:54.051 00:02:54.688 Yeah. Transcription 00:02:54.688 00:02:56.013 kuʔ badaŋ rəmin kuʔ Transcription 00:02:56.013 00:03:00.963 Okay, okay, so that can also be, like, I set my house on fire. Transcription 00:03:00.963 00:03:01.651 Yeah. Transcription 00:03:01.651 00:03:08.463 Okay. Transcription 00:03:08.463 00:03:12.288 And, rəmin kuʔ sawu, could that be, so, my house burned down... Transcription 00:03:12.288 00:03:18.701 Could that also be like, my house is burning right now? Transcription 00:03:18.701 00:03:21.251 rəmin kuʔ sawu Transcription 00:03:21.251 00:03:27.838 Yeah, I've, yeah, rəmin kuʔ sawu, rəmin kuʔ... Transcription 00:03:27.838 00:03:31.563 I think, uh, you can say that, but I feel like sawu has... Transcription 00:03:31.563 00:03:39.388 Like it has a past tense implication, it feels like it has already happened, um... Transcription 00:03:39.388 00:03:43.113 But when something is still on fire, usually you will, like... Transcription 00:03:43.113 00:03:44.413 giʔ puy di rəmin iʔ Transcription 00:03:44.413 00:03:49.526 There's fire at his house, or her house, yeah. Transcription 00:03:49.526 00:03:50.563 giʔ Transcription 00:03:50.563 00:03:51.476 puy Transcription 00:03:51.476 00:03:58.351 p, u, i, di rəmin iʔ Transcription 00:03:58.351 00:04:01.013 Okay, say that once more for me? Transcription 00:04:01.013 00:04:03.563 giʔ puy di rəmin iʔ Transcription 00:04:03.563 00:04:06.538 And that's like, there's a fire at his house? Transcription 00:04:06.538 00:04:07.351 Yeah. Transcription 00:04:07.351 00:04:11.501 Okay. Transcription 00:04:11.501 00:04:13.951 giʔ [buy ramin] iʔ Transcription 00:04:13.951 00:04:16.751 Yeah, giʔ puy di rəmin iʔ, yeah. Transcription 00:04:16.751 00:04:19.401 puy, p, u, i. / Oh, I missed the di. Transcription 00:04:19.401 00:04:24.526 di rəmin iʔ, okay, okay. Transcription 00:04:24.526 00:04:29.288 Uh, alright, so, what about if I wanted to say, like, redden? Transcription 00:04:29.288 00:04:36.538 So, I didn't sunburn my face, but maybe my face got red because I was embarrassed. Would you have a word for that? Transcription 00:04:36.538 00:04:42.363 Yeah, um, you'll use the word, biriə̯h, b, i... Transcription 00:04:42.363 00:04:46.913 Okay, I don't know how to spell it but, I think it's, like, along the lines of b, r, i, e, h? Transcription 00:04:46.913 00:04:48.001 biriə̯h Transcription 00:04:48.001 00:04:48.951 biriə̯h Transcription 00:04:48.951 00:04:50.088 biriə̯h? Transcription 00:04:50.088 00:04:51.388 So biriə̯h means red, so... Transcription 00:04:51.388 00:04:52.638 jəwin kuʔ biriə̯h Transcription 00:04:52.638 00:05:00.526 My face is red. Transcription 00:05:00.526 00:05:02.976 jəwin kuʔ biriə̯h? Transcription 00:05:02.976 00:05:04.376 Yes. Transcription 00:05:04.376 00:05:07.051 jəwin also can- it means front. Transcription 00:05:07.051 00:05:10.714 In front of something, or front, in front of your face, yeah. Transcription 00:05:10.714 00:05:11.451 Okay. Transcription 00:05:11.451 00:05:14.451 Okay, so it could also be used to say, like, the front of the house? Transcription 00:05:14.451 00:05:19.251 The face of the house? Oh that's so cute! hhhhhh Transcription 00:05:19.251 00:05:23.801 Okay, so jəwin also means front, okay. Transcription 00:05:23.801 00:05:28.064 jəwin kuʔ biriə̯h, and you said the word for red is what? Transcription 00:05:28.064 00:05:28.651 biriə̯h Transcription 00:05:28.651 00:05:31.989 biriə̯h Transcription 00:05:31.989 00:05:34.814 It's the same word? Like, the colour red? Transcription 00:05:34.814 00:05:36.539 Yeah. Transcription 00:05:36.539 00:05:41.364 biriə̯h, it's the colour red, b, i, r, i, e, h, I think? biriə̯h, biriə̯h. Transcription 00:05:41.364 00:05:45.451 But there's no difference between that and, like, my face got red? Transcription 00:05:45.451 00:05:48.564 No, yeah. Transcription 00:05:48.564 00:05:54.926 Yeah, I think you can use biriə̯h for, like, sunburn, usually we will say that, like, sunburn, like, jəwin kuʔ biriə̯h. Transcription 00:05:54.926 00:05:56.576 Because of sunburn. Transcription 00:05:56.576 00:05:58.489 Oh you could use that for sunburn? Okay. Transcription 00:05:58.489 00:06:27.451 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:06:27.451 00:06:29.489 Okay, um... Transcription 00:06:29.489 00:06:34.339 How would you say, the water is boiling? Transcription 00:06:34.339 00:06:37.939 The water is boiling? pəʔin... Transcription 00:06:37.939 00:06:40.514 That water is boiling? Or...? Transcription 00:06:40.514 00:06:43.051 Yeah, that water is boiling, mhm. Transcription 00:06:43.051 00:06:46.064 pəʔin anoʔ bəjurak Transcription 00:06:46.064 00:06:49.914 b, e, j, u, r, a, k. Transcription 00:06:49.914 00:06:52.364 bəjurak, pəʔin anoʔ bəjurak. Transcription 00:06:52.364 00:07:03.576 [bijərak] Transcription 00:07:03.576 00:07:06.164 Okay. Transcription 00:07:06.164 00:07:10.914 Uh... and how would you ask someone, will you boil the water? Transcription 00:07:10.914 00:07:12.614 Okay, so, um... Transcription 00:07:12.614 00:07:18.726 Usually when you ask people to boil water, you will just ask them to cook the water, like, um, tənok pəʔin, so... Transcription 00:07:18.726 00:07:19.939 tənok pəʔin Transcription 00:07:19.939 00:07:22.351 tənok pəʔin Transcription 00:07:22.351 00:07:26.889 tənok pəʔin pəras Transcription 00:07:26.889 00:07:29.226 [tanok piʔin]? Transcription 00:07:29.226 00:07:38.426 Yeah, tənok pəʔin is to, like, means to cook water, but somehow when we ask people to boil water, we'll add the word pəras at the back, which means hot. Transcription 00:07:38.426 00:07:42.239 Oh, okay, hhhh / It's actually redundant, yeah, but it's usually there, yeah. Transcription 00:07:42.239 00:07:43.889 pəras, okay. Transcription 00:07:43.889 00:07:46.489 Is it pəras or piras? Transcription 00:07:46.489 00:07:49.639 pəras, p, e, r, a, s, like, pəras. Transcription 00:07:49.639 00:07:55.764 pəras, tənok [piʔin] pəras. Transcription 00:07:55.764 00:08:00.464 Uh, how would I say, I'm boiling some water? Transcription 00:08:00.464 00:08:02.664 kuʔ tənok pəʔin Transcription 00:08:02.664 00:08:05.026 So you use cook there again. Transcription 00:08:05.026 00:08:08.001 Yeah. Transcription 00:08:08.001 00:08:16.451 Um, what if I wanted to say, like, I'm heating up some water to bathe with? Transcription 00:08:16.451 00:08:24.101 Okay, oh, I just talked about this with Alex. There's this word, um, ɲəparas, ɲəparas. Transcription 00:08:24.101 00:08:30.564 It means to heat, but somehow, in Bidayuh language, it has a reheat element. Transcription 00:08:30.564 00:08:38.739 Like it must have heat, it must have been cooked before, like you can reheat food, so you ɲəparas kuman. Transcription 00:08:38.739 00:08:44.914 But you cannot, um, ɲəparas water, for you to take a shower, maybe, yeah. Transcription 00:08:44.914 00:08:47.764 You must, um, tənok pəʔin. Transcription 00:08:47.764 00:08:56.064 You do, okay, okay, I guess because you wouldn't reheat water to shower with, you would be, like, making it warm for the first time, right? Transcription 00:08:56.064 00:09:03.864 Otherwise I guess you're implying you're using, like, used water to shower with, which doesn't sound very good hhhhh Transcription 00:09:03.864 00:09:10.701 Okay, so you would still say, kuʔ tənok pəʔin, even if it wasn't for cooking? It doesn't matter? Transcription 00:09:10.701 00:09:21.851 Yeah, it doesn't matter, yeah. Transcription 00:09:21.851 00:09:30.076 Or even you can, um, I think my grandma used to, like, if I was asked to boil water, she'll say, like... Transcription 00:09:30.076 00:09:32.401 Put water on the fire, um... Transcription 00:09:32.401 00:09:33.751 naʔ pəʔin di puy Transcription 00:09:33.751 00:09:35.576 Yes, naʔ... Transcription 00:09:35.576 00:09:44.214 naʔ pəʔin di puy Transcription 00:09:44.214 00:09:47.889 It means to boil, uh, like, an instruction to boil water. Transcription 00:09:47.889 00:09:52.564 But the direct translation would be, put water on the fire. Transcription 00:09:52.564 00:09:58.689 Oh, I like that! Okay. Transcription 00:09:58.689 00:10:00.426 So, puy is fire? Transcription 00:10:00.426 00:10:01.576 Yes, puy is fire. Transcription 00:10:01.576 00:10:05.526 puy is fire, okay. Transcription 00:10:05.526 00:10:11.914 Uh, okay, so then, how about, what if I wanted to say, my brother is boiling some eggs? Not water, but eggs. Transcription 00:10:11.914 00:10:21.489 Mm... Boiling? Transcription 00:10:21.489 00:10:27.764 I wanted to say tənok turuə̯h, but tənok just feels too general, like it's not boiling. Transcription 00:10:27.764 00:10:29.977 Yeah, that would be like, to cook the eggs, yeah. Transcription 00:10:29.977 00:10:32.877 Yeah. Transcription 00:10:32.877 00:10:38.214 I'm sure, like, we'll, um... I use the Malay word, rəbus. Transcription 00:10:38.214 00:10:39.289 rəbus turuə̯h Transcription 00:10:39.289 00:10:40.639 rəbus Transcription 00:10:40.639 00:10:43.539 rəbus turuə̯h Transcription 00:10:43.539 00:10:49.002 turuə̯h is t, u, r, u, e, h, like, there's a diphthong, u, e, diphthong. Transcription 00:10:49.002 00:10:52.389 turuə̯h Transcription 00:10:52.389 00:10:56.764 And so the whole sentence, my brother is boiling some eggs, how would you say that? Transcription 00:10:56.764 00:10:58.927 My brother, um... Transcription 00:10:58.927 00:11:00.427 Older brother? Transcription 00:11:00.427 00:11:02.327 Uh, yeah, let's say older brother. Transcription 00:11:02.327 00:11:06.852 Um, abaŋ... Uh wait, ab- Transcription 00:11:06.852 00:11:11.452 Have we talked about this? Like, abaŋ is what I think modern people will use. Transcription 00:11:11.452 00:11:14.277 But we don't actually have the word abaŋ, we use kakaʔ. Transcription 00:11:14.277 00:11:16.202 Which means both older sister... Transcription 00:11:16.202 00:11:17.927 Older sister and older brother, yeah. Transcription 00:11:17.927 00:11:18.464 Yeah. Transcription 00:11:18.464 00:11:20.114 Yeah. Transcription 00:11:20.114 00:11:23.777 So, for this sake, I'll just use kakaʔ, okay? Transcription 00:11:23.777 00:11:31.702 kakaʔ kuʔ rəbus turuə̯h Transcription 00:11:31.702 00:11:42.577 Oh. Transcription 00:11:42.577 00:11:46.427 Okay, what is the word for clean? Like something is clean? Transcription 00:11:46.427 00:11:47.302 Clean? Transcription 00:11:47.302 00:11:48.527 bəsik Transcription 00:11:48.527 00:11:49.839 [məsik]? Transcription 00:11:49.839 00:11:52.577 [bə, bəsik], b, e, s, i, k. Transcription 00:11:52.577 00:11:53.727 Yeah, bəsik. Transcription 00:11:53.727 00:11:56.827 b, e, s, i, k, bəsik. Transcription 00:11:56.827 00:11:59.727 And how would I say the table is clean? Transcription 00:11:59.727 00:12:01.352 meja anoʔ bəsik Transcription 00:12:01.352 00:12:02.339 bəsik Transcription 00:12:02.339 00:12:07.889 meja anoʔ bəsik Transcription 00:12:07.889 00:12:11.127 The at the end of bəsik is the... Transcription 00:12:11.127 00:12:14.577 I think the glottal one, the one where you swallow the , like, bəsik. Transcription 00:12:14.577 00:12:24.389 bəsik, bəsik, it's so hard for me to do that, and I have years of practice, like, speaking Indonesian, and I'm still terrible! hhhhhh Transcription 00:12:24.389 00:12:27.439 bəsik, bəsik, okay. Transcription 00:12:27.439 00:12:31.039 Um, how would I say, I clean the table? Transcription 00:12:31.039 00:12:34.639 kuʔ, clean, clean...? Transcription 00:12:34.639 00:12:40.989 Um, there's, okay, if you were, like, to wash the table, that will be ŋuʔ meja, but... Transcription 00:12:40.989 00:12:46.602 If you were, like, to clear the table of plates or anything on it... Transcription 00:12:46.602 00:12:48.452 That will be, um... Transcription 00:12:48.452 00:12:49.402 ɲərəse Transcription 00:12:49.402 00:12:50.277 Yeah, ɲərəse. Transcription 00:12:50.277 00:12:51.614 ɲərəse Transcription 00:12:51.614 00:12:59.089 ɲərəse means to, um, like... I think the English, the closest English one would be to... Transcription 00:12:59.089 00:13:02.627 Declutter? To like, to clear it, like ɲərəse, yeah... Transcription 00:13:02.627 00:13:06.027 Okay, [ɲərse]. Transcription 00:13:06.027 00:13:12.677 And it's like picking up all the, like after dinner you take all the, um, dishes off the table, and, like, clear the table? Transcription 00:13:12.677 00:13:13.352 Yeah. Transcription 00:13:13.352 00:13:13.939 Okay. Transcription 00:13:13.939 00:13:16.689 ɲərəse, n, y, e, r, e, s, e. Transcription 00:13:16.689 00:13:17.789 ɲərəse Transcription 00:13:17.789 00:13:20.227 You can use this for, like... Transcription 00:13:20.227 00:13:23.277 Yeah, my mum will ask to ɲərəse my room. Transcription 00:13:23.277 00:13:25.927 Mm, mhm, yeah, clean up your room, yeah. Transcription 00:13:25.927 00:13:27.314 hhhh Transcription 00:13:27.314 00:13:29.477 Yeah, yeah, okay. Transcription 00:13:29.477 00:13:34.702 And... uh, so then it would be, kuʔ ɲərəse meja anoʔ? Transcription 00:13:34.702 00:13:37.327 Yeah. Transcription 00:13:37.327 00:13:43.077 And the other word you gave me was, like, to wash, and what would that be? Transcription 00:13:43.077 00:13:46.139 Mm, um, ŋuʔ, n, g, u, k. Transcription 00:13:46.139 00:13:47.752 ŋuʔ Transcription 00:13:47.752 00:13:48.739 n, g, u, k Transcription 00:13:48.739 00:13:49.339 ŋuʔ Transcription 00:13:49.339 00:13:51.264 ŋuʔ, ŋuʔ Transcription 00:13:51.264 00:13:55.477 ŋuʔ, um, and same, meja anoʔ? Transcription 00:13:55.477 00:13:57.414 Yeah. Transcription 00:13:57.414 00:14:01.164 And that's to actually, like, physically wash it, with, like, soap? Transcription 00:14:01.164 00:14:03.264 Yeah. Transcription 00:14:03.264 00:14:07.864 ŋuʔ is used for, like, it means... Transcription 00:14:07.864 00:14:13.627 Like wash is the general term, but I feel like it means, like, to rinse, there must be, like, water involved. Transcription 00:14:13.627 00:14:15.152 So you wash clothes. Transcription 00:14:15.152 00:14:16.164 ŋuʔ kain Transcription 00:14:16.164 00:14:18.327 And you wash your car. Transcription 00:14:18.327 00:14:19.577 ŋuʔ moto Transcription 00:14:19.577 00:14:20.864 Yeah. Transcription 00:14:20.864 00:14:28.202 Okay. Transcription 00:14:28.202 00:14:34.814 Um, would you use it if you're talking about washing yourself? Transcription 00:14:34.814 00:14:40.639 Washing... y- yeah, if there is a specific body part. Transcription 00:14:40.639 00:14:41.377 ŋuʔ kəjaʔ muʔ Transcription 00:14:41.377 00:14:42.502 Wash your legs. Transcription 00:14:42.502 00:14:44.477 Hm, okay. Transcription 00:14:44.477 00:14:49.789 But if, like, the whole thing, usually we'll just use mamuh, which means to take a bath, or to shower. Transcription 00:14:49.789 00:14:53.214 Take a bath, yeah, okay. Transcription 00:14:53.214 00:15:06.939 Uh, okay. Transcription 00:15:06.939 00:15:14.527 Okay, so, let's actually go ahead and go with that word. How would you say, the dishes aren't washed? Transcription 00:15:14.527 00:15:18.902 Um, I think we'll use bayuh, like it haven't been washed, um... Transcription 00:15:18.902 00:15:19.627 piŋgiə̯n Transcription 00:15:19.627 00:15:20.652 Dishes... Transcription 00:15:20.652 00:15:21.439 piŋgiə̯n Transcription 00:15:21.439 00:15:25.052 Okay, I think you'll add the word bara in front. Transcription 00:15:25.052 00:15:26.602 bara piŋgiə̯n Transcription 00:15:26.602 00:15:36.815 bara piŋgiə̯n bayuh duə̯g ŋuʔ Transcription 00:15:36.815 00:15:41.790 So piŋgiə̯n... How do I spell it? piŋgiə̯n, piŋgiə̯n... Transcription 00:15:41.790 00:15:46.290 I think it's a double here, like, p, i, n, g, piŋ, and then giə̯n. Transcription 00:15:46.290 00:15:48.190 Yeah, piŋgiə̯n. Transcription 00:15:48.190 00:15:51.715 bara piŋgiə̯n bayuh duə̯g ŋuʔ Transcription 00:15:51.715 00:15:57.190 So piŋgiə̯n means plate, but bara piŋgiə̯n... bara... Transcription 00:15:57.190 00:16:02.540 I feel like bara is a unique word, it means, like, them, like, them plates. Transcription 00:16:02.540 00:16:04.865 hhhh okay. Transcription 00:16:04.865 00:16:09.115 So it's making it multiple things, instead of just one plate? Transcription 00:16:09.115 00:16:09.777 Yeah. Transcription 00:16:09.777 00:16:14.240 And when you say bara piŋgiə̯n, it doesn't just mean plates, like... Transcription 00:16:14.240 00:16:18.427 Like it means all things in the sink, bara piŋgiə̯n bayuh duə̯g ŋuʔ Transcription 00:16:18.427 00:16:21.540 Okay. Transcription 00:16:21.540 00:16:25.190 So it could include silverware, glasses, everything? Transcription 00:16:25.190 00:16:29.890 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:16:29.890 00:16:32.465 But piŋgiə̯n on its own, it just means plate. Transcription 00:16:32.465 00:16:33.140 Just plate. Transcription 00:16:33.140 00:16:33.740 Yeah. Transcription 00:16:33.740 00:16:35.427 Okay. Transcription 00:16:35.427 00:16:39.890 And then, how would I say, my mother washes the dishes? Transcription 00:16:39.890 00:16:52.277 səndoʔ kuʔ ŋuʔ bara piŋgiə̯n Transcription 00:16:52.277 00:16:57.727 səndoʔ kuʔ [ŋgoʔ], I really struggle pronouncing that word, bara piŋgiə̯n? Transcription 00:16:57.727 00:16:59.152 Yeah, bara piŋgiə̯n hh Transcription 00:16:59.152 00:17:04.290 hhh that I can do just fine, not the word for wash. Transcription 00:17:04.290 00:17:09.315 Okay, so, would you use the same word if I was talking about my hair? How would I say, I wash my hair? Transcription 00:17:09.315 00:17:11.140 Yeah, you will use the same word, um... Transcription 00:17:11.140 00:17:12.940 kuʔ ŋuʔ buə̯k kuʔ Transcription 00:17:12.940 00:17:21.740 kuʔ ŋuʔ buə̯k, buə̯k, b, u, e, k, I think, kuʔ, buə̯k, yeah. Transcription 00:17:21.740 00:17:28.715 That's how I'll spell it, yeah. Transcription 00:17:28.715 00:17:31.665 Oh, and then... Transcription 00:17:31.665 00:17:38.852 You said earlier, you could either say, um, like, I showered, if I'm talking about the whole thing. Transcription 00:17:38.852 00:17:49.477 Or, like, I wash specific body parts, but, what about just, I wash myself? Would you just say, kuʔ mamuh, I showered, or would there be something different? Transcription 00:17:49.477 00:17:54.827 Mm, wait... um, kuʔ ŋuʔ dop kuʔ Transcription 00:17:54.827 00:18:06.865 Yeah, I think it will, hm... ŋuʔ is like for, usually, a specific part, or, maybe like, you go somewhere and you feel like you need to... Transcription 00:18:06.865 00:18:12.552 Yeah, but that still implies there's a, just a small part that's being washed, like usually, like, if you... Transcription 00:18:12.552 00:18:20.202 Um, someone splash, like, mud on your leg, and you would say, ah, kuʔ ŋuʔ dop kuʔ dioʔ, you can say kuʔ ŋuʔ dop kuʔ dioʔ, which means, I wash myself. Transcription 00:18:20.202 00:18:24.102 But it doesn't mean you are showering, or like... Transcription 00:18:24.102 00:18:32.540 Okay, mhm, sure, okay, yeah, I see what you're saying. Could you say that sentence again? kuʔ [ŋguʔ]...? Transcription 00:18:32.540 00:18:34.540 dop kuʔ, dop kuʔ Transcription 00:18:34.540 00:18:36.790 kuʔ ŋuʔ dop kuʔ Transcription 00:18:36.790 00:18:38.290 [do] kuʔ? Transcription 00:18:38.290 00:18:39.702 Uh, dop kuʔ, yeah. Transcription 00:18:39.702 00:18:49.302 Okay, and that's like, I wash myself, but, it's really gonna be in some context where you are still just washing some part of yourself, but you're just saying it generally. Transcription 00:18:49.302 00:18:50.615 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:18:50.615 00:18:57.090 dop kuʔ means myself, um... Transcription 00:18:57.090 00:19:02.165 I don't know what it means, like, alone, dop, but, dop kuʔ means myself. Transcription 00:19:02.165 00:19:04.952 You can, you, it's been used like, in the word... Transcription 00:19:04.952 00:19:06.302 sadiʔ dop iʔ Transcription 00:19:06.302 00:19:14.077 sadiʔ dop iʔ Transcription 00:19:14.077 00:19:21.502 Which means, I think dop might mean, like, me... Uh, dop, ma-, mm dop... Transcription 00:19:21.502 00:19:29.165 It has, like, a posse- like, it means... dop... dop iʔ... Transcription 00:19:29.165 00:19:31.802 Own, it mean, like, own, like self. Transcription 00:19:31.802 00:19:33.790 Okay, okay, hh Transcription 00:19:33.790 00:19:36.690 Yeah, quite difficult to explain. Transcription 00:19:36.690 00:19:39.640 And what was that you said, what, he is alone? Transcription 00:19:39.640 00:19:41.277 sadiʔ dop iʔ Transcription 00:19:41.277 00:19:43.915 sadiʔ [doʔ piʔ]? Transcription 00:19:43.915 00:19:47.465 sadiʔ dop iʔ Transcription 00:19:47.465 00:19:51.315 Okay, and what does sadiʔ mean? Transcription 00:19:51.315 00:19:52.952 sadiʔ means to be alone. Transcription 00:19:52.952 00:19:53.415 sadiʔ Transcription 00:19:53.415 00:19:54.340 Alone. Transcription 00:19:54.340 00:20:01.990 Okay. Transcription 00:20:01.990 00:20:06.640 It might be one of those words, you know, like, because Bidayuh like to, like... Transcription 00:20:06.640 00:20:12.527 I don't know, add words to add to the musicality of the sentence, usually. Transcription 00:20:12.527 00:20:13.115 Hmm. Transcription 00:20:13.115 00:20:14.702 To make it flow better, yeah. Transcription 00:20:14.702 00:20:22.215 Yeah, so instead of just saying, like, sadiʔ, you say, sadiʔ dop iʔ, even though you maybe don't need it to add any meaning to it. Transcription 00:20:22.215 00:20:30.978 Yeah, yeah, but I think dop has like, it means self, like own? Like own. Transcription 00:20:30.978 00:20:37.440 Ah, okay. Transcription 00:20:37.440 00:20:43.190 Um, okay, what is a word for melt, like if something melts? Transcription 00:20:43.190 00:20:44.790 riris Transcription 00:20:44.790 00:20:46.190 riris Transcription 00:20:46.190 00:20:47.590 [ariris]? Transcription 00:20:47.590 00:20:53.198 Um, riris, r, i, r, i, s. Transcription 00:20:53.198 00:20:56.465 Mm, oh, that's gonna be really hard for me, riris? Transcription 00:20:56.465 00:20:57.765 Yes, riris. Transcription 00:20:57.765 00:21:01.190 hhh okay hhhh okay, okay Transcription 00:21:01.190 00:21:02.365 It's a little bit-... Transcription 00:21:02.365 00:21:12.878 hhh yeah it's gonna be really tricky for me, that is always pretty hard, cause you know Americans, we have that that's totally different, it's really hard for me, sometimes. Transcription 00:21:12.878 00:21:17.628 Um, how would I say, the butter is melted? Transcription 00:21:17.628 00:21:19.503 Butter... Transcription 00:21:19.503 00:21:23.740 I feel like we take the word məntega. Transcription 00:21:23.740 00:21:24.428 mə- Transcription 00:21:24.428 00:21:25.265 məntega Transcription 00:21:25.265 00:21:28.865 məntega, is that the word? Transcription 00:21:28.865 00:21:31.540 I feel like everyone just says butter, butter now. Transcription 00:21:31.540 00:21:34.940 I wondered if you were gonna say that hhhh Transcription 00:21:34.940 00:21:38.128 batə, batə anoʔ riris Transcription 00:21:38.128 00:21:39.728 batə anoʔ riris Transcription 00:21:39.728 00:21:43.640 And it, batə hh [batər] anoʔ riris? Transcription 00:21:43.640 00:21:44.390 Yes. Transcription 00:21:44.390 00:21:52.265 Okay, and what about, I melt butter in a pan? Transcription 00:21:52.265 00:21:55.515 Mm... Transcription 00:21:55.515 00:21:58.715 I think the, uh, ku- Transcription 00:21:58.715 00:22:03.315 ɲəriris Transcription 00:22:03.315 00:22:07.890 I think you can say it two ways, one is like, I, um... Transcription 00:22:07.890 00:22:12.240 kuʔ daʔ batə riris diaŋ kwari Transcription 00:22:12.240 00:22:22.653 kuʔ daʔ batə riris diaŋ kwari Transcription 00:22:22.653 00:22:30.653 And then, the other one, I think you can use, um, you turn the word riris into a verb, so... Transcription 00:22:30.653 00:22:31.803 ɲəriris Transcription 00:22:31.803 00:22:33.153 [nəriris]? Transcription 00:22:33.153 00:22:36.453 Yeah, ɲəriris. Transcription 00:22:36.453 00:22:40.390 So that'd me, kuʔ ɲəriris [batər]? Transcription 00:22:40.390 00:22:41.128 diaŋ kwari Transcription 00:22:41.128 00:22:41.640 Yes. Transcription 00:22:41.640 00:22:43.690 diaŋ kwari? Transcription 00:22:43.690 00:22:46.665 Yeah, kwari. Transcription 00:22:46.665 00:22:48.265 And that's pan, right? Transcription 00:22:48.265 00:22:50.865 Yeah. Transcription 00:22:50.865 00:22:54.065 It's probably from the Malay one, kuali. Transcription 00:22:54.065 00:22:59.315 Mm, okay, uh... Transcription 00:22:59.315 00:23:04.228 Okay, so then, kind of going in the opposite direction, how would I say freeze? Transcription 00:23:04.228 00:23:06.828 Freeze...? Transcription 00:23:06.828 00:23:15.540 Uh, I often feel like ice-related things have less of words in Bidayuh. Transcription 00:23:15.540 00:23:20.953 'Cause it's not really that useful for you to know words for ice? hhh Transcription 00:23:20.953 00:23:28.378 Yeah, we don't even have the word ice, we just use the English one, yeah, 'cause we don't have ice in our country, like, for this... Transcription 00:23:28.378 00:23:30.828 Mhm. Transcription 00:23:30.828 00:23:32.278 Um... Transcription 00:23:32.278 00:23:36.328 You don't say ɛs? Transcription 00:23:36.328 00:23:41.565 Uh, we say [ays], uh, we use the Malay one, . Transcription 00:23:41.565 00:23:43.103 Okay. Transcription 00:23:43.103 00:23:45.640 Which is also, like from English, of course. Transcription 00:23:45.640 00:23:47.615 Yeah. Transcription 00:23:47.615 00:23:53.278 Uh, freeze, I don't, I don't think there's a word for freeze, but like, usually, people would say... Transcription 00:23:53.278 00:23:54.453 naʔ diaŋ frizə Transcription 00:23:54.453 00:23:55.728 Put it in the freezer h Transcription 00:23:55.728 00:23:57.953 Ah, ok- hhh Transcription 00:23:57.953 00:23:59.978 naʔ diaŋ frizə Transcription 00:23:59.978 00:24:00.528 Yeah. Transcription 00:24:00.528 00:24:12.578 naʔ diaŋ frizə Transcription 00:24:12.578 00:24:16.528 Yeah, I wondered if, um, you would have a word for freeze. Transcription 00:24:16.528 00:24:21.228 Makes sense, yeah, it just doesn't seem like something you would need to use on a daily basis. Transcription 00:24:21.228 00:24:27.628 And like, you don't have to deal with snow, so you don't have to deal with, like, weather-related freezing, so it would only be, like, cooking. Transcription 00:24:27.628 00:24:32.728 But how often do you freeze things when you cook them? Not that frequently, so... Transcription 00:24:32.728 00:24:35.228 Yeah. Transcription 00:24:35.228 00:24:40.965 I mean, now, we have, we'll just adapt in, to, with the English language or something. Transcription 00:24:40.965 00:24:45.153 Yeah, you'll just supplement something from another language, yeah. Transcription 00:24:45.153 00:24:45.665 Yeah. Transcription 00:24:45.665 00:24:52.965 Okay, um, how would I say, I put the food on the table? Transcription 00:24:52.965 00:24:53.715 kuʔ naʔ... Transcription 00:24:53.715 00:25:03.428 kuʔ naʔ kiyuh man tunduh meja Transcription 00:25:03.428 00:25:08.828 mija, I think, is how it's, how it would be said, yeah mija. Transcription 00:25:08.828 00:25:13.778 kuʔ naʔ kiyuh man tunduh mija Transcription 00:25:13.778 00:25:17.178 kuʔ naʔ [kuman] tunduh mija? Transcription 00:25:17.178 00:25:22.378 kuʔ naʔ kiyuh man, kiyuh from the word for wood, uh, stick, uh, yeah wood, wood, kiyuh. Transcription 00:25:22.378 00:25:23.590 kiyuh man Transcription 00:25:23.590 00:25:24.865 kiyuh man Transcription 00:25:24.865 00:25:33.203 Yeah, kiyuh then man, tunduh meja. Transcription 00:25:33.203 00:25:36.253 And what about... Transcription 00:25:36.253 00:25:41.753 The food is put on the table? But we don't know who did it, it's just already there. Transcription 00:25:41.753 00:25:47.053 kiyuh man di tunduh meja Transcription 00:25:47.053 00:25:49.053 Say that once more for me? Transcription 00:25:49.053 00:25:58.803 kiyuh man di tunduh meja Transcription 00:25:58.803 00:26:03.078 Um, what if I wanted to say the food is already on the table? Transcription 00:26:03.078 00:26:08.028 kiyuh man mboh di tunduh meja Transcription 00:26:08.028 00:26:11.053 kiyuh man [moh, mboʔ]? Transcription 00:26:11.053 00:26:12.941 Yeah, m, b, o, h, mboh. Transcription 00:26:12.941 00:26:26.341 mboh di tunduh meja. Transcription 00:26:26.341 00:26:32.591 Okay, so, what if I wanted, um, kind of similar, kind of not. Transcription 00:26:32.591 00:26:46.666 Uh, you're, like, helping your sister get ready, and you put a necklace on her. How would you say, I put the necklace on her? Transcription 00:26:46.666 00:26:52.716 Um... put... Transcription 00:26:52.716 00:26:59.016 Mm, what's the word, uh naʔ? I think, hm... Um, uh, yeah. Transcription 00:26:59.016 00:27:03.391 naʔ, the word to put, um, put the necklace. Transcription 00:27:03.391 00:27:07.578 kuʔ naʔ kukuə̯ŋ Transcription 00:27:07.578 00:27:08.191 kukuə̯ŋ Transcription 00:27:08.191 00:27:11.041 k, u, k, u, e, n, g, kukuə̯ŋ Transcription 00:27:11.041 00:27:16.728 kuʔ naʔ kukuə̯ŋ di təŋuə̯ʔ Transcription 00:27:16.728 00:27:20.878 My sister, my, I'll just use younger? Transcription 00:27:20.878 00:27:23.878 You can just say her, you don't even have to put the sister part in there. Transcription 00:27:23.878 00:27:27.628 kuʔ naʔ kukuə̯ŋ di təŋuə̯ʔ iʔ, okay, kuʔ naʔ kukuə̯ŋ... Transcription 00:27:27.628 00:27:32.003 kuʔ naʔ kukuə̯ŋ di təŋuə̯ʔ iʔ Transcription 00:27:32.003 00:27:34.553 təŋuə̯ʔ iʔ Transcription 00:27:34.553 00:27:38.503 t, um, təŋuə̯t, t, e, n, g, u, e, k, təŋuə̯ʔ Transcription 00:27:38.503 00:27:44.266 təŋuə̯ʔ Transcription 00:27:44.266 00:27:47.916 And what is that word you just spelled for me? Transcription 00:27:47.916 00:27:50.578 Um, it means neck. Transcription 00:27:50.578 00:27:52.053 Neck? Mhm. Transcription 00:27:52.053 00:27:54.978 So, it's technically, I put the necklace on her neck? Transcription 00:27:54.978 00:27:55.491 Yeah. Transcription 00:27:55.491 00:28:08.466 Yeah. Transcription 00:28:08.466 00:28:16.953 Um, and how would I say, a necklace is put on her? Transcription 00:28:16.953 00:28:28.328 Uh, giʔ, giʔ kukuə̯ŋ di təŋuə̯ʔ, okay that, a necklace was put on her... Transcription 00:28:28.328 00:28:38.003 Um, I feel like that sentence in Bidayuh is too vague to ever be a full sentence, so, um... Transcription 00:28:38.003 00:28:40.816 It must be, okay, someone has put it on her. Transcription 00:28:40.816 00:28:45.766 Mhm, I mean, somebody definitely helped her, but we don't know who it was. Transcription 00:28:45.766 00:28:47.916 Okay, then you will say, um... Transcription 00:28:47.916 00:28:59.141 giʔ dayaʔ naʔ kukuə̯ŋ di teŋuə̯ʔ iʔ Transcription 00:28:59.141 00:29:03.991 giʔ dayaʔ naʔ, just add giʔ dayaʔ, yeah h Transcription 00:29:03.991 00:29:06.691 giʔ dayaʔ, and dayaʔ is person, right? Transcription 00:29:06.691 00:29:12.691 dayaʔ, yeah, people, uh, people, person, yeah. Transcription 00:29:12.691 00:29:14.953 You can say bəguə̯ʔ dayaʔ, there's many people. Transcription 00:29:14.953 00:29:18.391 Mm, mhm. Transcription 00:29:18.391 00:29:26.028 I wonder if that's where like, because we are called dayaʔ sometimes, I wonder if that's where it came from. Transcription 00:29:26.028 00:29:29.603 Can you say bara dayaʔ? Transcription 00:29:29.603 00:29:30.603 Yeah, you can say bara. Transcription 00:29:30.603 00:29:34.453 You can say that? And it just means, like, more than one person? Transcription 00:29:34.453 00:29:45.678 Yeah. Transcription 00:29:45.678 00:29:53.653 You know how in English you can use, like, one as, like, one does not simply sleep on the highway, for example? Transcription 00:29:53.653 00:29:59.303 You can use dayaʔ in the same way for the word, one. Transcription 00:29:59.303 00:30:06.478 Like, um, dayaʔ doh bisaʔ- yeah, dayaʔ, it means one, or people, people, one does not, so... Transcription 00:30:06.478 00:30:08.928 dayaʔ doh bəʔos di ran rayah Transcription 00:30:08.928 00:30:10.528 For example. Transcription 00:30:10.528 00:30:15.428 Oh, okay, okay, say that whole sentence for me again, dayaʔ...? Transcription 00:30:15.428 00:30:23.891 dayaʔ doh bəʔos di ran rayah Transcription 00:30:23.891 00:30:25.241 And what does that mean? Transcription 00:30:25.241 00:30:31.991 It means, one does not sleep on the, like, ran rayah means, I think highway. Transcription 00:30:31.991 00:30:32.978 Highway? hhh Transcription 00:30:32.978 00:30:34.703 Yeah. Transcription 00:30:34.703 00:30:37.953 One does not sleep on the highway. Transcription 00:30:37.953 00:30:43.003 It sounds like, yeah, I like, I see what you're saying, kind of, one of those... Transcription 00:30:43.003 00:30:51.091 Those weird things you say when you're trying to make a broad generalisation about things that people just don't do. Transcription 00:30:51.091 00:30:57.841 So, like, you're not, no one's gonna sleep on the highway, so, one does not sleep on the highway. Transcription 00:30:57.841 00:30:58.854 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:30:58.854 00:31:16.091 Interesting, and so, you can use dayaʔ there, interesting. Transcription 00:31:16.091 00:31:24.279 Okay, um, let's see. Transcription 00:31:24.279 00:31:29.141 So, you gave me the word for cook, earlier, it was tənok, right? Transcription 00:31:29.141 00:31:30.866 Yeah, tənok, yes. Transcription 00:31:30.866 00:31:31.916 tənok, ah. Transcription 00:31:31.916 00:31:32.641 Yeah. Transcription 00:31:32.641 00:31:38.529 Good job, me! Mispronunciation. Okay hhhhh hhh Transcription 00:31:38.529 00:31:45.166 It's really bec- the way that I wrote it, like I wrote it wrong, 'cause if I wrote it correctly I would have pronounced it right, so... Transcription 00:31:45.166 00:31:50.079 Um, how would I say, my mother cooks rice for me? Transcription 00:31:50.079 00:31:51.491 səndoʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:31:51.491 00:31:59.516 səndoʔ kuʔ tənok təbiʔ yon kuʔ Transcription 00:31:59.516 00:32:02.966 səndoʔ kuʔ tənok təbiʔ yon kuʔ? Transcription 00:32:02.966 00:32:04.866 Yes, yon. Transcription 00:32:04.866 00:32:06.966 Transcription 00:32:06.966 00:32:09.466 Wait, was it yon or yoh? Transcription 00:32:09.466 00:32:10.154 yon Transcription 00:32:10.154 00:32:11.329 y, o, n, yon, yon Transcription 00:32:11.329 00:32:12.079 Okay, I was right, yon. Transcription 00:32:12.079 00:32:13.129 yon is for, yeah. / yon, okay. Transcription 00:32:13.129 00:32:17.391 Yeah, for for, yeah. Transcription 00:32:17.391 00:32:22.941 And, how would I say, rice is cooked for me? Transcription 00:32:22.941 00:32:27.391 təbiʔ duə̯g tənok yon kuʔ Transcription 00:32:27.391 00:32:33.591 təbiʔ duə̯g tənok yon kuʔ? Transcription 00:32:33.591 00:32:36.604 Yes. Transcription 00:32:36.604 00:32:41.116 And rice is cooked for me by my mother? Transcription 00:32:41.116 00:32:45.166 təbiʔ duə̯g tənok yon kuʔ... Transcription 00:32:45.166 00:32:51.566 By, that, sorry what's the word? təbiʔ duə̯g tənok... Transcription 00:32:51.566 00:32:55.866 But, uh, mm... okay, təbiʔ duə̯g tənok yon... Transcription 00:32:55.866 00:32:58.804 təbiʔ duə̯g tənok səndoʔ kuʔ yon kuʔ Transcription 00:32:58.804 00:33:01.879 Mm, okay. Transcription 00:33:01.879 00:33:05.579 təbiʔ duə̯g tənok... yeah. Transcription 00:33:05.579 00:33:08.704 təbiʔ duə̯g tənok səndoʔ kuʔ yon kuʔ? Transcription 00:33:08.704 00:33:10.641 Yes. Transcription 00:33:10.641 00:33:13.091 Rice is cooked by mother for me. Transcription 00:33:13.091 00:33:20.579 And could I say, təbiʔ duə̯g tənok yon kuʔ səndoʔ kuʔ? Transcription 00:33:20.579 00:33:22.629 * təbiʔ duə̯g tənok yon kuʔ səndoʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:33:22.629 00:33:24.266 Mm, no, yeah, no. Transcription 00:33:24.266 00:33:45.891 No, that's bad? Okay. Transcription 00:33:45.891 00:33:49.741 Okay, um, okay, so how would I say... Transcription 00:33:49.741 00:33:52.741 They're sending gifts to their family? Transcription 00:33:52.741 00:33:56.541 Like, in the mail? Transcription 00:33:56.541 00:33:59.804 They're sending, um... Transcription 00:33:59.804 00:34:02.829 ŋaranoʔ Transcription 00:34:02.829 00:34:03.804 tod Transcription 00:34:03.804 00:34:05.354 t, o, d Transcription 00:34:05.354 00:34:08.479 hadiah Transcription 00:34:08.479 00:34:17.504 For their family, yon rawaŋ i? Transcription 00:34:17.504 00:34:25.491 ŋaranoʔ tod hadiah yon rawaŋ iʔ Transcription 00:34:25.491 00:34:32.766 Yeah, ŋaranoʔ tod hadiah yon rawaŋ- yeah. Transcription 00:34:32.766 00:34:39.379 And that's, they're sending gifts to their family, so the gifts are being sent to their family, like, other family members who live somewhere else? Transcription 00:34:39.379 00:34:52.466 Mm, yeah. Transcription 00:34:52.466 00:34:57.066 And can you say the sentence just once more for me? I wanna check it. Transcription 00:34:57.066 00:35:00.904 ŋaranoʔ tod hadiah yon rawaŋ iʔ Transcription 00:35:00.904 00:35:01.966 Yeah, okay. Transcription 00:35:01.966 00:35:12.279 Okay, so can I say, ŋaranoʔ tod yon rawaŋ iʔ hadiah? Transcription 00:35:12.279 00:35:14.679 ŋaranoʔ tod yon rawaŋ hadiah Transcription 00:35:14.679 00:35:18.491 # ŋaranoʔ tod yon rawaŋ iʔ hadiah Transcription 00:35:18.491 00:35:25.154 ŋaranoʔ tod yon rawaŋ iʔ... Transcription 00:35:25.154 00:35:34.104 Yeah, yes, wait, yeah, you can say that, but it sounds less structured. Transcription 00:35:34.104 00:35:38.204 So you can definitely understand what I'm trying to say, but it maybe doesn't sound as natural? Transcription 00:35:38.204 00:35:56.329 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:35:56.329 00:36:06.079 Um, okay, this might be completely bad, but, what if I try to say it in a different way, ŋaranoʔ tod rawaŋ iʔ hadiah? Transcription 00:36:06.079 00:36:08.379 * ŋaranoʔ tod rawaŋ iʔ hadiah Transcription 00:36:08.379 00:36:12.279 tod rawaŋ iʔ hadiah Transcription 00:36:12.279 00:36:13.779 Mm, no. Transcription 00:36:13.779 00:36:18.067 Does that sound more like I'm sending my family to the gifts? Transcription 00:36:18.067 00:36:19.517 hh Transcription 00:36:19.517 00:36:20.767 Just doesn't make any sense? Transcription 00:36:20.767 00:36:24.417 Yeah, ŋaranoʔ tod rawaŋ iʔ hadiah Transcription 00:36:24.417 00:36:26.617 ŋaranoʔ tod rawaŋ iʔ- yeah. Transcription 00:36:26.617 00:36:38.404 ŋaranoʔ tod rawaŋ iʔ means they send their family, and because tod is only used for un- not, um, for things that are not alive anymore... Transcription 00:36:38.404 00:36:41.567 It's like, yeah, so now it's even more morbid, now. Transcription 00:36:41.567 00:36:45.129 hhhh oh hh Transcription 00:36:45.129 00:36:54.317 hh oh no! I accidentally made it really morbid! But you couldn't say that, right? 'Cause it just doesn't make any sense. Transcription 00:36:54.317 00:36:59.717 Yeah, yeah, ŋaranoʔ tod rawaŋ iʔ hadiah, yeah, because hadiah... Transcription 00:36:59.717 00:37:09.404 I think, if you were to say that sentence to a younger Bidayuh, they would understand it, because this is like English grammar structure. Transcription 00:37:09.404 00:37:16.042 Like, they send their family gifts, yeah, but in the Bidayuh sentence, it would sound wrong, yeah. Transcription 00:37:16.042 00:37:18.092 Yeah, okay, that's what I figured. Transcription 00:37:18.092 00:37:29.492 If somebody was trying to be really nice and I said it, and they were like, ah okay, you're obviously not from here, and they'd be like, that's okay, even though it's not right. Transcription 00:37:29.492 00:37:33.104 What about, gifts are sent to their family? Transcription 00:37:33.104 00:37:34.604 Gifts... Transcription 00:37:34.604 00:37:40.104 hadiah duə̯g tod kə rawaŋ, his family? Yeah, iʔ. Transcription 00:37:40.104 00:37:53.129 hadiah duə̯g tod kə rawaŋ iʔ Transcription 00:37:53.129 00:37:58.054 You don't use, uh, yon here? yon rawaŋ iʔ? Transcription 00:37:58.054 00:37:58.929 yon Transcription 00:37:58.929 00:38:01.542 hadiah duə̯g tod yon rawaŋ iʔ Transcription 00:38:01.542 00:38:08.917 yon, yon means for, or like in service of, you know, um... Transcription 00:38:08.917 00:38:10.129 Mm. Transcription 00:38:10.129 00:38:12.604 hadiah Transcription 00:38:12.604 00:38:15.042 hadiah duə̯g tod yon rawaŋ iʔ Transcription 00:38:15.042 00:38:18.104 Yeah you can use yon, yeah. Transcription 00:38:18.104 00:38:28.054 So, it sounds like maybe there's a little bit of a difference between those two. So, hadiah duə̯g tod kə rawaŋ iʔ sounds like I'm sending the gifts and they're going to my family. Transcription 00:38:28.054 00:38:28.742 Yes. Transcription 00:38:28.742 00:38:36.442 hadiah duə̯g tod yon rawaŋ iʔ, is that more like, I'm sending them on behalf of my family? Transcription 00:38:36.442 00:38:41.842 Yeah, like for, uh yeah, for, on behalf of my family, yes. Transcription 00:38:41.842 00:38:45.892 But they're not actually going to my family. Transcription 00:38:45.892 00:38:55.604 Um, by context, it, yeah, it would mean that, like, I will know that it will be sent to the family, like, yon rawaŋ, this is for my family. Transcription 00:38:55.604 00:38:59.854 But kə means that it is directly, it is there, it's going there. Transcription 00:38:59.854 00:39:00.929 Okay. Transcription 00:39:00.929 00:39:05.179 Like, yeah, I hope it makes sense. Transcription 00:39:05.179 00:39:16.354 kə rawaŋ, yeah, yon, yon, yeah. Transcription 00:39:16.354 00:39:20.904 What about, um, their family is sent gifts? Transcription 00:39:20.904 00:39:23.242 Their family is sent gifts? Transcription 00:39:23.242 00:39:26.792 rawaŋ Transcription 00:39:26.792 00:39:29.092 Their family... Transcription 00:39:29.092 00:39:31.654 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ Transcription 00:39:31.654 00:39:38.092 ŋara- rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod Transcription 00:39:38.092 00:39:46.942 Wait, rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g, yeah you can use, rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod hadiah. Transcription 00:39:46.942 00:39:52.667 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod hadiah Transcription 00:39:52.667 00:40:01.842 Um, when I say, rawaŋ iʔ, does it have to be just one person or can it be multiple people? Transcription 00:40:01.842 00:40:11.879 It, uh, iʔ, um, in the first occurrence within the sentence, iʔ just means one. Transcription 00:40:11.879 00:40:17.192 But if, for example, the um, ŋara noʔ tod hadiah yon rawaŋ iʔ Transcription 00:40:17.192 00:40:24.942 Because ŋara noʔ already implies them, so the iʔ at the end also means them. Transcription 00:40:24.942 00:40:31.979 But if, for example, rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod hadiah, you must use ŋara noʔ, cause it's the first instance of them, yeah. Transcription 00:40:31.979 00:40:52.704 Okay, that makes sense, very interesting. Transcription 00:40:52.704 00:41:07.330 And what about their family is sent gifts by me, I'm the one who did it? Transcription 00:41:07.330 00:41:16.555 Mm, okay, so you cannot, there's no like by me, or, there's no by, so you either add another sentence, so... Transcription 00:41:16.555 00:41:20.092 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod hadiah, kuʔ tod hadiah anoʔ Transcription 00:41:20.092 00:41:23.392 I sent that gift, or you can just add... Transcription 00:41:23.392 00:41:28.105 kuʔ tod hadiah rawaŋ ŋara noʔ Transcription 00:41:28.105 00:41:33.905 Yeah, I think, yeah, are you asking for a passive sentence for that? Transcription 00:41:33.905 00:41:39.892 If it's natural, but it doesn't have to be, if it's sounds better to say it a different way, that's fine too. Transcription 00:41:39.892 00:41:45.780 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod hadiah Transcription 00:41:45.780 00:41:47.942 Like, could I say, um... Transcription 00:41:47.942 00:41:50.717 Oh wait, there is a word for by. Transcription 00:41:50.717 00:41:54.367 hhhhhh oh wait, there is a word for by! Transcription 00:41:54.367 00:41:55.842 Yeah, soʔ Transcription 00:41:55.842 00:41:58.542 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod hadiah soʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:41:58.542 00:41:59.742 s, o, k Transcription 00:41:59.742 00:42:03.230 soʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:42:03.230 00:42:03.830 soʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:42:03.830 00:42:04.430 atiʔ soʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:42:04.430 00:42:05.767 This is from me, yeah. Transcription 00:42:05.767 00:42:09.180 Yeah, soʔ means from, actually, it doesn't mean by, but like... Transcription 00:42:09.180 00:42:09.717 From? Transcription 00:42:09.717 00:42:11.542 Yeah, yeah from. Transcription 00:42:11.542 00:42:14.492 Okay, so say the whole sentence for me once more? Transcription 00:42:14.492 00:42:18.317 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod hadiah soʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:42:18.317 00:42:19.767 soʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:42:19.767 00:42:31.967 Yes. Transcription 00:42:31.967 00:42:40.580 Um, and could I say, soʔ kuʔ rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod hadiah? Transcription 00:42:40.580 00:42:46.080 soʔ... Transcription 00:42:46.080 00:42:52.542 I, no I don't think so, it sounds different, yeah. Transcription 00:42:52.542 00:42:59.755 It means from me, the, from me the family is given gifts. Transcription 00:42:59.755 00:43:00.892 Mhm. Transcription 00:43:00.892 00:43:08.467 It doesn't have the same meaning like, they are given the gifts by you. Transcription 00:43:08.467 00:43:10.717 Really? Has a different meaning? Transcription 00:43:10.717 00:43:15.467 Yeah, um, soʔ, it means, because soʔ, soʔ kuʔ means from me. Transcription 00:43:15.467 00:43:15.967 Mhm. Transcription 00:43:15.967 00:43:23.405 But in some sentence it means, um, like, I'm the reason that they got this gift. Transcription 00:43:23.405 00:43:36.505 Oh, okay, so it doesn't have to be like, physically from me, it could be just that there's a reason that they got the gifts and it's because of me, almost like because of me? Transcription 00:43:36.505 00:43:47.367 Mm, so like information, you can use soʔ, soʔ kuʔ, you can use like, kuʔ an atiʔ soʔ u, I knew this from you. Transcription 00:43:47.367 00:43:51.067 Like, I, I got this information from you, so kuʔ an atiʔ s- Transcription 00:43:51.067 00:43:57.067 kuʔ an atiʔ soʔ u Transcription 00:43:57.067 00:44:01.292 I know this from you, like. Transcription 00:44:01.292 00:44:06.155 Or you can, if you ask people, where are you from? You can use the same word, soʔ. Transcription 00:44:06.155 00:44:07.217 u soʔ ki? Transcription 00:44:07.217 00:44:07.930 Yeah. Transcription 00:44:07.930 00:44:13.105 u soʔ ki, I remember, I think we've done that before, u soʔ ki, I remember that now. Transcription 00:44:13.105 00:44:23.967 soʔ kuʔ rawaŋ, soʔ, yeah soʔ, okay so, in the example there, soʔ is in front of the sentence where I said that it means like, almost like, because of me. Transcription 00:44:23.967 00:44:30.117 It still means from me, but because it's in front of the sentence, now it means, like... Transcription 00:44:30.117 00:44:34.617 From me, these people are gi- okay, I cannot translate it because now it just sounds... Transcription 00:44:34.617 00:44:39.567 It just doesn't sound, it doesn't sound just like the same way to say that sentence? Transcription 00:44:39.567 00:44:40.280 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:44:40.280 00:44:48.867 Okay. Transcription 00:44:48.867 00:44:56.730 Um, what if I just said, rawaŋ ŋaranoʔ duə̯g tod hadiah kuʔ? Is that okay? Transcription 00:44:56.730 00:44:59.667 Yeah, yeah, would make sense. Transcription 00:44:59.667 00:45:02.380 Just dropping soʔ altogether, that's okay? Transcription 00:45:02.380 00:45:04.467 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod hadiah kuʔ Transcription 00:45:04.467 00:45:07.680 Yeah, hadiah kuʔ now means my gift. Transcription 00:45:07.680 00:45:15.367 So, yeah, the, their family is being sent my gift. Transcription 00:45:15.367 00:45:18.180 Yeah, that makes sense. Transcription 00:45:18.180 00:45:26.880 But the, it could be my gifts, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's coming from me, like, someone else could have sent my gifts? Transcription 00:45:26.880 00:45:30.755 Mm, yeah, yeah, something like that, yeah. Transcription 00:45:30.755 00:45:32.205 Okay. Transcription 00:45:32.205 00:45:38.855 Uh, what about, rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod kuʔ hadiah, is that possible? Transcription 00:45:38.855 00:45:44.130 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod kuʔ hadiah Transcription 00:45:44.130 00:45:49.730 Yeah, that would make, um, a sen- a real sentence, but... Transcription 00:45:49.730 00:45:56.230 But now, um, rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod kuʔ hadiah, duə̯g tod kuʔ hadiah, is that the sentence you gave me? Transcription 00:45:56.230 00:45:57.280 Yes. Transcription 00:45:57.280 00:46:00.005 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod kuʔ hadiah Transcription 00:46:00.005 00:46:03.305 Yes, that's correct, mhm. Transcription 00:46:03.305 00:46:09.893 Now it means, you are the one sending the gift, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's from you. Transcription 00:46:09.893 00:46:10.375 Okay. Transcription 00:46:10.375 00:46:13.505 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod kuʔ, duə̯g tod kuʔ hadiah Transcription 00:46:13.505 00:46:16.743 Okay. Transcription 00:46:16.743 00:46:20.505 rawaŋ ŋara noʔ duə̯g tod kuʔ... Transcription 00:46:20.505 00:46:25.593 Interesting, okay. Transcription 00:46:25.593 00:46:34.705 Okay, um... let's see. Transcription 00:46:34.705 00:46:42.455 Okay, how would I say, uh, my grandfather loves to tell stories? Transcription 00:46:42.455 00:46:44.818 babay kuʔ Transcription 00:46:44.818 00:46:49.793 babay kuʔ suka bədundan Transcription 00:46:49.793 00:46:51.743 bədundan Transcription 00:46:51.743 00:46:54.743 Mm... Transcription 00:46:54.743 00:46:58.743 babay kuʔ suka bədundan Transcription 00:46:58.743 00:47:01.943 bədundan, so that means, like, to tell stories? Transcription 00:47:01.943 00:47:03.443 Yeah. Transcription 00:47:03.443 00:47:04.343 The word... Transcription 00:47:04.343 00:47:05.793 dundan Transcription 00:47:05.793 00:47:07.518 dundan means story. Transcription 00:47:07.518 00:47:08.118 Story. Transcription 00:47:08.118 00:47:18.655 Or tale, or fable, yeah, so bədundan just makes that into a verb. Transcription 00:47:18.655 00:47:21.430 And the word for grandfather is [bəbay]? Transcription 00:47:21.430 00:47:22.205 babay Transcription 00:47:22.205 00:47:24.818 Yeah, babay, b, a, b, a, i, babay. / babay, babay? Transcription 00:47:24.818 00:47:25.318 Yeah. Transcription 00:47:25.318 00:47:31.993 hhh 'cause I was like, I'm saying goodbye to you, like, when I said [bəbay], but instead, it's babay hhhh Transcription 00:47:31.993 00:47:33.655 Yeah. Transcription 00:47:33.655 00:47:35.543 babay, okay. Transcription 00:47:35.543 00:47:44.718 Uh and how about, my grandfather is always telling stories? Transcription 00:47:44.718 00:47:47.518 Mm... Transcription 00:47:47.518 00:47:53.268 babay kuʔ, babay kuʔ Transcription 00:47:53.268 00:47:55.793 Um, many ways to say that, one is... Transcription 00:47:55.793 00:47:56.880 doh kuə̯ʔ kuə̯ʔ Transcription 00:47:56.880 00:48:02.943 Which means, never end, doh kuə̯ʔ kuə̯ʔ, yeah, doh kuə̯ʔ kuə̯ʔ Transcription 00:48:02.943 00:48:05.118 babay kuʔ doh kuə̯ʔ kuə̯ʔ bədundan Transcription 00:48:05.118 00:48:11.593 Or, you can say, babay kuʔ... Transcription 00:48:11.593 00:48:22.443 Um, wait, so, you can, wait, that's the Malay word, selalu. babay kuʔ səraru, so səlalu is the Malay word, but when it's said in Bidayuh, it's like... Transcription 00:48:22.443 00:48:23.743 səraru Transcription 00:48:23.743 00:48:24.505 səraru Transcription 00:48:24.505 00:48:26.018 babay kuʔ səraru bədundan Transcription 00:48:26.018 00:48:31.543 babay səraru bədundan, yeah, it's always used, yeah, it's not uncommon. Transcription 00:48:31.543 00:48:33.693 babay kuʔ səraru bədundan Transcription 00:48:33.693 00:48:38.568 It means al- yeah, səraru means alway- often, often. Transcription 00:48:38.568 00:48:39.180 Often? Transcription 00:48:39.180 00:48:41.630 Yeah, often. Transcription 00:48:41.630 00:48:47.780 Frequently, yeah, it means frequently, is a more, yeah. Transcription 00:48:47.780 00:48:53.680 And the first one you gave me was like neverending, yeah, what was that, [doʔ kuə̯ kuə̯]? Transcription 00:48:53.680 00:48:55.530 doh kuə̯ʔ kuə̯ʔ Transcription 00:48:55.530 00:48:58.880 kuə̯ʔ kuə̯ʔ Transcription 00:48:58.880 00:49:01.143 kuə̯ʔ means already. Transcription 00:49:01.143 00:49:02.480 Okay. Transcription 00:49:02.480 00:49:09.343 Already, or like, done, you know, kuə̯ʔ. Yeah, so if people ask you, have you eaten, you can say kuə̯ʔ. Transcription 00:49:09.343 00:49:18.055 Yeah, so, kuə̯ʔ means, like, um, already or done, so doh kuə̯ʔ kuə̯ʔ means... Transcription 00:49:18.055 00:49:25.505 Wait, I think, okay, have you heard the Malay saying, tidak habis habis? Transcription 00:49:25.505 00:49:27.005 I don't think so. Transcription 00:49:27.005 00:49:31.093 It's something like, it, not... Transcription 00:49:31.093 00:49:35.180 So the direct translation would be like, yeah, yeah. / Never finished? It sounds like it's, like, it's never finished? Transcription 00:49:35.180 00:49:36.005 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:49:36.005 00:49:38.943 Okay, okay, hhhh Transcription 00:49:38.943 00:49:43.280 Okay, so this is kind of like that, so it would mean like... Transcription 00:49:43.280 00:49:48.580 You know, my grandfather is always telling stories, like, it's neverending, almost, it's never finished. Transcription 00:49:48.580 00:49:59.718 Okay hhhhh Would that be kind of negative to say that about him, like it's not a very nice thing to say or does it not, is it neutral? Transcription 00:49:59.718 00:50:03.955 I would say that it, um, it treads between... Transcription 00:50:03.955 00:50:05.030 Okay, okay. Transcription 00:50:05.030 00:50:07.668 Almost negative, yeah, but I feel like it's, you can... Transcription 00:50:07.668 00:50:11.730 You could say it kinda playfully, like, you're like, oh grandfather... Transcription 00:50:11.730 00:50:12.805 Yeah, yeah, hh Transcription 00:50:12.805 00:50:14.930 Okay. Transcription 00:50:14.930 00:50:18.130 Okay. Transcription 00:50:18.130 00:50:33.068 How fun! I like that. Transcription 00:50:33.068 00:50:37.930 Hmm, okay, and, let's see. Yeah, we got time for a little bit more. Transcription 00:50:37.930 00:50:42.680 How would I say, my friends are getting married? Transcription 00:50:42.680 00:50:45.530 Mm... Transcription 00:50:45.530 00:50:51.930 Getting married, um... my friend, my friend, one friend? Transcription 00:50:51.930 00:50:56.330 dəŋan, dəŋan kuʔ Transcription 00:50:56.330 00:50:58.543 Getting married, I think you will say... Transcription 00:50:58.543 00:51:02.818 dəŋan kuʔ mboh yoʔ suwan Transcription 00:51:02.818 00:51:03.455 suwan Transcription 00:51:03.455 00:51:04.805 s, u, w, a, n Transcription 00:51:04.805 00:51:08.205 dəŋan kuʔ mboh yoʔ suwan Transcription 00:51:08.205 00:51:11.855 dəŋan kuʔ... Transcription 00:51:11.855 00:51:12.406 What was the third word? Transcription 00:51:12.406 00:51:13.418 mboh Transcription 00:51:13.418 00:51:15.406 Oh, mboh, like already? Transcription 00:51:15.406 00:51:15.906 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:51:15.906 00:51:16.493 Okay. Transcription 00:51:16.493 00:51:22.256 mboh yoʔ, mboh, then yoʔ, y, o, k, suwan, s, u, w, a, n Transcription 00:51:22.256 00:51:26.706 Um, and does that mean they're already married, or they're about to get married? Transcription 00:51:26.706 00:51:31.306 About, yeah, because mboh yoʔ, mboh yoʔ means... Transcription 00:51:31.306 00:51:34.268 yoʔ Transcription 00:51:34.268 00:51:39.418 Okay, I don't know what yoʔ mean, but like mboh yoʔ like, getting there, like, mboh yoʔ. Transcription 00:51:39.418 00:51:43.518 Yeah, for example, like, have you done your work? You will say... Transcription 00:51:43.518 00:51:44.168 mboh yoʔ Transcription 00:51:44.168 00:51:45.368 almost Transcription 00:51:45.368 00:51:50.368 Oh, okay, almost, okay. Transcription 00:51:50.368 00:52:01.693 Um, and what if I wanted to say my friends are getting married to each other, like I have two friends, separately, but they're getting married to each other? Transcription 00:52:01.693 00:52:15.031 Oh, there's, so, the word dəŋan, it means friends, right, like, it's always used like for things that are, um... Transcription 00:52:15.031 00:52:21.718 It's, dəŋan, so, dəŋan kuʔ kawin, dəŋan kuʔ s- um... Transcription 00:52:21.718 00:52:25.656 The word for married is mbit, which means to take. Transcription 00:52:25.656 00:52:26.256 Okay. Transcription 00:52:26.256 00:52:28.106 dəŋan kuʔ mbit Transcription 00:52:28.106 00:52:31.806 dəŋan kuʔ mbit... Transcription 00:52:31.806 00:52:35.706 Huh, how do I, how will I say this? Maybe it will be... Transcription 00:52:35.706 00:52:39.781 duoh dəŋan, duoh dəŋan mbit... Transcription 00:52:39.781 00:52:52.656 duoh an, duoh an dəŋan kuʔ mbit... Transcription 00:52:52.656 00:52:54.256 Okay, so, I, here's the sentence. Transcription 00:52:54.256 00:52:58.706 duoh nəʔan dəŋan kuʔ mbit dop iʔ Transcription 00:52:58.706 00:53:04.806 duoh nəʔan dəŋan kuʔ mbit dop iʔ Transcription 00:53:04.806 00:53:09.006 dop, okay, so [dəŋan an] dəŋan kuʔ...? Transcription 00:53:09.006 00:53:14.918 duoh, duoh, the word for number two, duoh nəʔan Transcription 00:53:14.918 00:53:16.793 duoh nəʔan dəŋan kuʔ Transcription 00:53:16.793 00:53:17.406 Okay. Transcription 00:53:17.406 00:53:20.593 mbit dop iʔ, yeah. Transcription 00:53:20.593 00:53:25.656 Ah, oh, you cut out there for a second, could you say the end of the sentence again, mbit...? Transcription 00:53:25.656 00:53:27.206 I'm sorry, uh... Transcription 00:53:27.206 00:53:32.931 duoh nəʔan dəŋan kuʔ mbit, m, b, i, t, mbit, dop iʔ Transcription 00:53:32.931 00:53:35.281 dop iʔ, okay, yeap, I got it. Transcription 00:53:35.281 00:53:47.081 Or you can change, duoh nəʔan dəŋan kuʔ mbit dəŋan iʔ, which is, uh, that's why I said it's interesting, because dəŋan means, like, each other, uh yeah. Transcription 00:53:47.081 00:53:48.981 Oh, okay. Transcription 00:53:48.981 00:53:53.106 So you can actually use the word for friend, again, at the end there. Transcription 00:53:53.106 00:53:58.431 Mm, mm. Transcription 00:53:58.431 00:54:02.631 Um, how would I say, all my friends are already married? Transcription 00:54:02.631 00:54:05.131 buə̯ʔ dəŋan kuʔ mboh suwan Transcription 00:54:05.131 00:54:11.581 buə̯ʔ dəŋan kuʔ mboh suwan Transcription 00:54:11.581 00:54:13.568 Okay, say it once more? Transcription 00:54:13.568 00:54:19.468 buə̯ʔ dəŋan kuʔ mboh suwan Transcription 00:54:19.468 00:54:23.668 So what's the difference between mbit and suwan? Transcription 00:54:23.668 00:54:30.606 mbit is... s- um, suwan, suwan, suwan... mbit is the... Transcription 00:54:30.606 00:54:36.218 Okay, so mbit means to take, it's almost the verb for getting married. Transcription 00:54:36.218 00:54:36.868 Okay. Transcription 00:54:36.868 00:54:42.856 And suwan is, um, is like the condition, like... Transcription 00:54:42.856 00:54:45.056 Like the state of being married? Transcription 00:54:45.056 00:54:47.343 Yeah. Transcription 00:54:47.343 00:54:50.206 Okay. Transcription 00:54:50.206 00:54:55.156 Um, and how would I say, I hope to get married soon? Transcription 00:54:55.156 00:54:58.306 Mm hh Transcription 00:54:58.306 00:54:59.706 What's the word for hope? Transcription 00:54:59.706 00:55:11.256 hhhhhh Transcription 00:55:11.256 00:55:18.206 I'm not sure what the word for hope is, but you will, usually people will say, like, um... Transcription 00:55:18.206 00:55:21.168 harap, maybe, from the Malay, right? Transcription 00:55:21.168 00:55:21.681 Mhm. Transcription 00:55:21.681 00:55:28.031 harap kuʔ suwan, um, soon, is that? Transcription 00:55:28.031 00:55:28.681 Yeah, soon. Transcription 00:55:28.681 00:55:29.531 harap kuʔ Transcription 00:55:29.531 00:55:36.081 harap kuʔ suwan doh dom tuwi dəŋiə̯ʔ Transcription 00:55:36.081 00:55:41.281 harap kuʔ suwan doh dom tuwi dəŋiə̯ʔ Transcription 00:55:41.281 00:55:45.081 [doʔ dən]...? Transcription 00:55:45.081 00:55:46.343 What? Transcription 00:55:46.343 00:55:50.193 Sorry, I missed the end of the sentence, harap kuʔ suwan...? Transcription 00:55:50.193 00:55:51.281 harap kuʔ suwan Transcription 00:55:51.281 00:55:53.468 doh dom tuwi dəŋiə̯ʔ Transcription 00:55:53.468 00:56:07.293 doh dom tuwi dəŋiə̯ʔ Transcription 00:56:07.293 00:56:15.518 Okay. Um, I say, let's go ahead and stop there, instead of starting up something all new. Transcription 00:56:15.518 00:56:19.168 So let me stop the recording.