Quantifier scope 1. selapuq kanak kaken jaje no all kid eat cake the All the kids ate a cake. NOTE: plural is jaje-jaje Reading: both distr. and non-distr. available ALL OVER ONE 2. selapuq kanak kaken sek�q jaje. all kid eat one cake All the kids ate one cake. Distributed reading: natural interpretation Non-distr:Nisa thinks unavailable ONE OVER ALL 3. sek�q kanak kaken selapuq jaje-jaje no one kid eat all cake.PL the One kid ate all the cakes. Reading: only non-distr. 4. sek�q kanak kaken selapuq jaje no one kid eat all cake the One kid holds the whole cake. REFLEXIVE BINDING 5. selapuq inaq sid�k anak-ne all mother kiss chilkd-3POSS All mothers kiss her child./Every mother kisses her child. Readings: NATURAL distr.(variable binding) and AVAILABLE non-distr 6. selapuq inaq no sid�k anak-ne all mother the kiss child-her All the mother's kiss her child Readings: NATURAL non-distr AVAILABLE distr EXTRACTION 7. aku tendang kanak saq nangis no. 1SG kick chilkd REL N-cry DEM.DIST I kicked the boy who cried. aku tangis-an kamu 1SG cry-BEN 2SG I cried for you. aku gitaq-an kamu man�k 1SG watch-BEN 2SG I watched the chicken for you. OUT OF TIME BUT SASAK HAS DATIVE SHIFT!!!