Name: Bozheng Liao
Contact: Bozheng
Preferred language name(s): Hakka Chinese, Mandarin Chinese
Alternative names: Cantonese Chinese, English
Language classification: Sino-Tibetan, Chinese
Geographical areas where spoken: Guangdong, China
Approximate number of speakers: 31,425,260 (including different varieties of Hakka),approximately 5000,000 (Meixian Hakka)
Other languages spoken in the community: Mandarin Chinese
Official language(s) in your country: Mandarin Chinese
Other language(s) in your country: Ayi, Äynu, Babuza, Bai, Baima, Basay, Blang, Bonan, Bunun, Buyang, Buyei, Daur, De’ang, Derung, Dong, Dongxiang, etc.
Does your language have a widely accepted writing system?
Language Background
My vitality assessment
Vulnerable Language
Inter-generational transmission:
All community members speak the language.
Absolute number of speakers:
Speaker number trends:
Most community members are speakers; speaker numbers are diminishing, but at a slow rate. The young generation are learning Mandarin Chinese at schools and losing some of the native expression in Hakka Chinese.
Domains of use of the language:
Used mainly just in the home and community; some speakers may value their language but many are indifferent or support language shift; no literacy or education programs exist for the language, but there are some singing competition in Hakka Chinese occasionally; government encourages shift to Mandarin Chinese.
What have other sources said about your language?
Reported # of speakers | Vitality Assessment | | | N/A | N/A | | 31,425,260 | 5 (Dispersed) | | 30,000,000 | N/A |